Monday 3 November 2014

Chapter 6: El Patrón

1. What is the setting of this chapter? What does Matt have that he has not had in a long time?
2. Describe El Patrón. Use full sentences. 
3. Explain what happens with Rosa. What does the doctor do?
4. What is Aztlán?
5. What exactly is the relationship between El Patrón and Matt?
6. What do we learn about scorpions?
7. Where are Celia and Matt now living?
8. What is Maria's job?
9.  How long was Matt in his prison with Rosa?
10. How does everyone feel about Matt?
11. Who is to keep Matt company from now on? Why?


  1. 1: The setting of this chapter takes place at The Big House. Matt has just gotten out of captivity and is meeting with El Patron for the first time. During this meeting Matt gets to have cookies for the first time in a while.
    2: El Patron is obviously very old (140 years old), but he is very witty. He knows everything that goes on at The Big House, even if he isn't supposed to. An example of this is that he sees right through Tom's good boy act and knows that he is a trouble maker. He is also kind of mean (Not that drug lords are usually nice), and his punishments are very severe.
    3: Rosa is taken away by the guards and locked up. The Dr lies and says that he knew nothing of what was happening to Matt, and pins everything on Rosa.
    4: Aztlan is the city/place that El Patron grew up. The stereotype is that everyone from Aztlan is a scorpion because there are many and they all scurry around.
    5: The relationship between Matt and El Patron is like the relationship between me and myself. Matt is El Patron, so everything about El Patron seems right to Matt; because Matt is El Patron.
    6: We learn that the word for scorpion in Spanish is alacran, and that people from Aztlan are called scorpions.
    7: Celia and Matt are now living in a room in the Big House.
    8: Maria is supposed to help Matt learn how to talk again. She is supposed to help him become normal again and fit in.
    9: Matt was in his prison with Rosa for six months.
    10: Everyone keeps their distance from Matt. They feel that he is like a rabid animal and should be steered clear of at all costs.
    11: Tam Lin is supposed to be around Matt at all times to protect him because he is his full time body guard.

  2. Tyler:
    1. The setting of this chapter is wherever El Patron is. I think he is in some sort of a personal room.
    2. El Patron is very old. Matt says that it almost doesn't look human. Patron seems very gentle and kind. He is also veyr protective because when he seems all of Matt's bruises and scars, he orders the doctor immediately.
    3. Rosa is dragged away by two "burly men". To make this happen, the doctor lies about not knowing about the sawdust and how Matt was treated. He becomes very mad about how nobody told him about the injuries from the glass and the peashooter bruises.
    4. Atzlan is the village that El Patron grew up in. It is a very poor village and El Patron says it was so poor, they "didn't have two pesos to rub together".
    5. The relationship between Matt and El Patron is that Matt is El Patron's clone. That is why Matt said his eyes were such a right color because they were the exact same as his.
    6. We learn that Alcrán means scorpion. It is the Spanish translation of it.
    7. Celia and Matt are now living in an apartment in the big house instead of the house in the poppy fields.
    8. Maria's job is to make Matt begin talking again. This is her job because he has not spoken in a very long time because he was in shock. Also, El Patron is leaving so they want him to talk.
    9. Matt was in prison with Rosa for 6 months.
    10. Everyone doesn't like Matt because he is not a regular human. He is different because he is a clone and nobody likes him.
    11. Tam Lin is to keep him company because El Patron is taking the other guards with him. Tam Lin is also to protect him from anyone who might hurt him.

  3. 1. the setting of the story is a bathroom, they also went through a court yard then in the room with the doctor and el patron. The thing that Matt had that he hadn't had is a bath, he said it was very nice.
    2. El patron is a very slim man with long hair down to his shoulders that is neatly combed. He is very old and very worried about Matt, people say that el patron is very mean but he is very nice to matt.
    3.When Matt goes to el parton Matt is in very bad condition but El Patron is mad because Rosa said he was in good condition. Rosa tried to use the doctor to say that he saw Matt and he did when he got locked up but the doctor said he didn't see him. Then Rosa was taken out of the room and all Matt herd was a door slam then nothing.
    4. Aztlan is a place that El Patron people rom there are called scorpion because there is a lot of them there because there is so many of them.
    5. Matt is the clone of El Patron also they have the same name which Matt was very exited to share something with El Patron. Now they live together so they will get to know each other.
    6. We learn about how El patron is a scorpion and there is a lot of them, they are always running around and the people that live there are not very rich at all.
    7. Celia and Matt are now living in the big house, Matt is okay with it because they brought all there things to the big house but Matt said he would miss the poppy fields.
    8. Marias job is to try to make Matt start to talk but it is not as easy as it sounds Matt said that he can't talk because when he tries fear takes over and then he physically can't talk.
    9. Matt was in prison with rosa for 6 months, knowing this i don't blame Matt for going crazy after that long.
    10. No one likes Matt but they all pretended to like him because they are scared of el patron which Matt liked because they can't beat him up because they are afraid.
    11. he person that is looking after Matt is one of El patrons body guards named Tam-Lin the reason for this is so Matt doesn't get mistreated. The reason Matt picked Tam-Lin because Matt saw a little bit of friendliness.

  4. 1. Most of the setting in this chapter is in a green room, where he is taken to and introduced to El Patrón. But he is first given a bath, something that he has not had in a very long time.
    2. El Patrón is a very old, quiet man, with a very commanding voice. He is very wealthy and powerful, and is feared because of this, by the people that work for him. Matt seems to like everything about El Patrón, probably because they are the same in almost every way.
    3. When Rosa brings Matt into the room with El Patrón, Celia accuses her of mistreating Matt. After she gives proof and shows the bruises on Matt's chest, the doctor is called in and also accuses Rosa of mistreating Matt. El Patrón then calls in his bodyguards to take Rosa away.
    4. Aztlán is the place where El Patrón was born and grew up. The people there are referred to scorpions, because the population is very high and they all scurry around. Sort of like scorpions. That is also the reason Matt's last name is Alacrán, because that is the Spanish word for scorpion.
    5. Matt is El Patrón's clone, and Matt really likes El Patrón, Matt thinks he is a good person. He is also noticing some similarities between them.
    6. We found out the Spanish translation for scorpion, which is Alacrán. That is also Matt's last name.
    7. Celia and Matt are moved to a room in the big house, and bring all of their belongings with them.
    8. María is tasked with the job of trying to make Matt talk again. Celia thinks Matt is in shock, and that is why he won't talk to anybody, so María is supposed to try and comfort him.
    9. Matt was in prison for half a year (6 months).
    10. People do not like Matt because he is a clone. When El Patrón was in the big house everyone faked that they liked Matt, too get on El Patrón's good side. But when he left they just started to ignore him.
    11. Tam Lin is one of El Patrón's body guards that he left behind to make sure Matt was being treated properly.

  5. 1. The setting of this chapter mostly takes place in the fancy room with El Patrón then in his new apartment and at the end they where in the court yard. The thing Matt had not had in a really long time was a bath.

    2. El Patrón is a really kind and really old (140). He is very chatty towards Matt and he wants the best for Matt.

    3. Rosa got taken away by El Patróns guards. The doctor said that he didn’t know that Rosa had done any of what she had done.

    4. Aztlán is with what used to be called Mexico.

    5. El Patrón is Matts clone and now El Patrón is like Matts guardian and his good friend.

    6. We learned that alacrán is this Spanish translation of scorpion.

    7. They are where are in an apartment in the big house. This apartment has a great view but Matt still kicks and shutters closed because he is afraid. He also misses his house in the poppy fields.

    8. It was Maria’s job to make Matt talk again because you haven’t been talking for so long.

    9. Matt was in prison for six months.

    10. Matt feels that no one is treating him badly they are just ignoring him. The only person who was truly kind to him other then Celia was Mária everyone else was just faking being nice to him.

    11. Tam Lin was supposed to keep him company from now on because El Patrón wanted Matt to be safe and did not ant him to be miss treated.

  6. 1. This chapter takes place in a special part of the the big house with only Matt and Matteo Matts owner. in the beginning Matt takes a warm bath in a rusty bath tub. Matt hasn't taken a shower since he was locked away in the prison.
    2. So far i think that El Patron i nothing that the people have been talking to him about so far he is really nice and caring. he also complemented on Celia's word mi vida and now he calls Matt that too.
    3. Rosa gets taken away from guards because when the doctor was looking at Matt he found some things wrong about him like his throat and his skin e said he was allergic to chicken litter and the owner asked why was he in chicken litter and Rosa said he was kept in the litter and Matteo got mad and the doctor said he didn't know anything about it but he actually did know.
    4. Aztlan was the place were the old man was born and it is located inside of Durango.
    5. Relationship between El patron and Matt is amazing i thought that it wouldn't be as strong as it is. the Relationship is really strong and good. he really cares about Matt and Matt really likes everything about him.
    6. we learn that the scorpions are really poor because the place where they are born is really ugly and there are so many of them running around.
    7. Celia and Matt are now living in the small white apartment in the big house.
    8. Marias job is to make Matt talk.
    9. Matt was in the prison for 6 months with that evil devil Rosa
    10. people don't like Matt because he is a clone and they just try to stay away from him because they think he is s beast
    11. he is one of El patrons body guards and he left him behind to protect Matt and make sure he was being treated properly

  7. The servers were treating Matt like he didn't even exist and like he was a goast.
    2) Tom treats Maria bad because he is always treating her bad and bossing her around. Then she is always forgiving him so then he just does it again
    3) Tom and Matt do not get along along. The reason is because he is treating Maria really bad and he tells him to stop but he never did so he got madder and then he attacks then after he attacks it gets worse.
    4) strong because he always lifts weights. Protective because when someone sreams his name he sprints in as fast as he can. Also he is friendly the reason is is because he always ceaps him compony and he brings him to secreat pleases and trusts him so much.
    5) i think that it means he can be really nice so that the part about he grew big and green. The part about his branches can are twisted so that is like when he gets mad he just dosent get mad for a bit, he gets mad and he will be like a deval to you. He will be so mad and angree that you have to hide from him.
    6) He means that he can have very good disitions and be very wealth but in a good way or he can be bad and grow rich and powerful in a bad way.
    7) I think that he means that when you get older they fall apart by being mental chalanged or not knowing what to do. Also I think that he means that they are not like a person they actually become like an animal.
    8) she acts weird and she teaches the same lessons all the time. The reason of this is because she is an eejit and can only do that one lesson.
    9) what makes Matt finally speak is when the teacher kept doing the lessons over and over so then he finally cracked and got so mad that he started to yell and he started to talk.
    10) he says to him self fist he is a bad clone and I think that ruins his self as team really bad. Then he says he usa good clone and I think that he is really happy and it really helped his self asteam.

  8. 1. Matt was sleeping but was woken up and put in the Bath.
    2. He has an old voce and he was very skinny with white hair that was comber over. His face was also really wrinkly.
    3. Rosa gets mad and tries to bite the doctor but the doctor holds hr away and two men walk in and take Rosa away.
    4. It is Mexico.
    5. They do a lot of the same thing and they connect in a really good way basically because they are actually a like one another.
    6. There are a lot of scorpions where El Patron was from so they change the name to scorpion in Mexican.
    7. They are living in the room with the saw dust.
    8. Her job was to talk to Matt so she started to talk.
    9. He was imprisoned for 6 months.
    10. No one really likes him but they act like they do El Patron is a very powerful man so if they are mean to Matt, something bad would happen.
    11. Tam Lin because the people at the house don’t like him so he has to stay with him because he is a body guard
