Wednesday 19 November 2014

Chapter 30: When the Whales Lost Their Legs

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post:

1. Use five words or phrases to describe Fidelito.
2. Use five words or phrases to describe Chacho.
3. What do Matt and Chacho find?
4. What happened to the whales?
5. What is the purpose of targeting Matt with accusations every night?
6. Why do you think the other boys participate in this?
7. What lesson does Matt learn from Ton-Ton's beating?
8. What makes Matt finally confess and get beat up?
9. How do the other boys treat him afterwards?
10. When Matt is in the infirmary, what does he take?


  1. 1. Fidelito is: young and small, weak, kind and thoughtful, hyper, and enthusiastic.
    2. Chacho is: knowledgeable, sometimes sour, careful, sometimes a leader, and he is defiant towards the keepers.
    3. Matt and Chacho find large skeletons they first believe to be cattle. They then talk to Fidelito about it after, and based on their description, Fidelito says they sound like whales.
    4. When the river became so polluted, the whales all died because they no longer could live in clean water.
    5. The keepers want Matt to understand how to behave properly while under their supervision. So they tell Matt whenever he does something wrong, so he will fall into place with the rest of the lost boys.
    6. The keepers want to make Matt feel rejected, or not welcomed. And the only way people will accept Matt is if he starts to follow their ways, and do his jobs the way he is told. But the keepers know that Matt won’t always listen to them, so they also use the boys.
    7. Matt learns that in his opinion “even slavish obedience didn’t protect you from punishment.” That meant even if you did everything the keepers told you to do, like Ton-Ton, they still wouldn’t accept you, and you were always treated/punished like slave.
    8. When the keeper threatens to hurt Fidelito, Matt knows he has to stop it. Fidelito wasn’t strong enough to handle a beating. He might die or be incredibly injured, so Matt takes the beating for the eight year old, and Fidelito was left unharmed.
    9. The other boys treat him with much more respect, and are proud of him for saving Fidelito. Everyone now understands that the keepers are the real enemy, and that they have to stick together.
    10. When Matt is in the infirmary he is given laudanum so he will fall asleep, and the boy will be able to treat his wounds.

  2. 1: Fidelito is young, naive, energetic, ignorant, and nice.
    2: Chacho is compulsive, hot headed, strong, rebellious, and caring.
    3: Matt and Chacho find a big pit filled with very large skeletons that they think to be cattle. When they describe it to Fidelito, he says they are whales.

    1. 4: The river became so dirty and polluted, that the whales could no longer survive in it, so they died off.
      5: They believe that the more they criticize Matt, the more they are going to get him in line. If they torment him every day, eventually he will probably just give in. Also if they torment Matt every night, the other kids are going to be less apt to act like him because they won't want to be criticized.
      6: The keepers have almost brainwashed all of the boys to fall in line. They all just want to please the keepers and not get in trouble so they do whatever the keepers want them to do.
      7: Matt learned that even "slavish obedience doesn't protect you from punishment," and that even though Ton Ton doesn't do anything bad (for the most part) the keepers still punish him, and treat him poorly.
      8: The keeper is going to beat up Fidelito, so Matt finally confesses just to save Fidelito from getting beaten.
      9: The other boys treat him with lots of respect after he protects Fidelito. Matt took the beating for Fidelito, and the other boys recognized the noble act and treated Matt better because of it.
      10: Matt is given laudanum to help him sleep. He is hesitant at first but he finally takes when he realizes he has no other choice. He also finds out that the keepers frequently take laudanum.

    2. 1. Fedelito: young, weak, small, cheerful, and joyful.
      2. Chacho: brave, sometimes has a big temper, nice, disobedient, strong.
      3. Matt and Chacho find a bone pit filled with very large skeletons. At first Matt and Chacho thought they were cows. But, it turns out they are whales.
      4. The water became so polluted from Aztlan, they could not longer live in that water and they died.
      5. They want to target Matt into confessions because they want him to confess to something very big or important. They want this so that they can teach him a lesson and make sure that he isn't up to no good.
      6. The other kids join in because they always confess about even something small but Matt never confesses about anything. So, the boys try to get something out of Matt by continuously targeting him.
      7. Matt learns that even the most obedient and well behaved kids cannot avoid punishment from the Keepers. Ton Ton didn't really do anything that was that bad to deserve such a punishment.
      8. Matt confesses to save Fedelito from being beaten by the Keepers. The boys finally stop targeting Matt and treat him with massive amounts of respect because he saved Fedelito from taking a beating that he might not have survived.
      9. The boys treat him with a lot of respect because he saved Fedelito from taking a beating that he might not have survived.
      10. Matt is given laundanum to help him sleep and take away some of the pain from his beating.

  3. 1. Fedelito: young, small, happy, curious, and nice.
    2.Cho Cho: short temper, brave, he speaks openly ( about keepers), big, and a leader
    3. Matt and Cha Cho find a really big skeleton that they think is cows but in actuality it is a bunch of whales.
    4. The whales died because the water was polluted in the gulf of Mexico. The whales are now extinct.
    5. They all think that Matt has done something very wrong so they want him to confess to one of those things. They are doing this so if he did do something then they can teach him a lesson.
    6. The other boys want in on trying to get Matt to confess because they always confess about what they do and now they want Matt to confess and come out to them.
    7. He now knows that even if you are really nice then you do one little thing wrong then it doesn't matter that you have been good every other time you did something wrong so you are getting in trouble.
    8. The thing that makes Matt finally confess is that the keeper was going to beat up Fidelito and Matt knew he couldn't take that beating. Then when Matt confessed he got beaten by the guards and Fidelito was left alone and totally forgotten.
    9. The boys respect Matt a lot more now that he took the beating for Fidelito knowing that he would have gotten very badly injured.
    10. When Marr goes to the infirmary he gets a drug called laudanum it helps him sleep also to take some pain away from the beating.

  4. 1. Fedelito is a young and very small and weak. He is a happy native.
    2. Chacho is high temper sometimes, he says whatever is on his mind, he is very strong and brave, and he can be a good leader.
    3. Matt and Chacho find skeleton's. they don't know what skeleton it is but they believe it is cattle. They then talk and describe it to Fedelito and he thinks that it might be whales.
    4. The water that they were living in became very polluted which then they could no longer live in the water and eventually they died.
    5. He is very different from the other kids so they tell him everything that he did wrong that day at night so he becomes more like the other kids because the Keepers want everyone to be the same.
    6. The Keepers make Matt feel that everything he does is wrong and they hope this way that he will listen to him but the kids help the Keepers accuse Matt so he feels out of place.
    7. Matt learned that even though he is doing what his told, he wont be treated nice so Matt has to listen to the Keepers and do what he is told but also not break the rules.
    8. Fedelito wasn't a very strong boy and he was also very young so Matt confessed and so Matt got beat instead of Fedelito.
    9.They realize that Matt is very nice and then they realize that the Keepers are the bad guys and the lost kids should stick together against the Keepers.
    10. He is given laudanum which helps take some of the pain away and makes him fall asleep. Laudanum is what Felicia gave Furball which Poisoned Furball.

  5. 1. Fedelito is young, kind, short, annoying and happy
    2. chacho is buff, big, caring, brave and willl never back down from anything. she kinda reminds me of Celia.
    3. Matt and chacho find a bunch of bones and they say the bones are really big and the ribs are the size of cows. then somebody says that bones are whale bones.
    4. One day the whales washed up on shore and they forgot they had legs so they got stayed there util they died.
    5. they think targeting matt every night is a smart thing to do because if they keep on making matt feel bad he will quit being bad and not criticize other people because if doesn't lie how it feels they wont either so he will stop.
    6. They do this because matt never ever says he did anything bad but the boys do so they want him to spill al least once.
    7. He learns that no matter how nice and rule breaking free you are you are still going to get in trouble by the keepers. also Ton TOn id something that wasn't that bad and still got it.
    8. matt finally confesses because Fidelito was about to get beat up but then Matt saved him and got the beating instead of Ton Ton and after he was got lots of respect from the kids.
    9. They give him lots of respect because he confessed and saved Ton Ton from a beating.
    10. Matt was given an laudanum to help him sleep and he wasn't going to take it but he does after.

  6. 1. Weak, skinny, Shy, Kind, understanding
    2. Mean, strong, bold, Kind hearted, a good friend
    3. Matt and Chacho found the bone yard.
    4. All the whales died because they beached themselves.
    5. The accusations were meant to hurt Matt because he is an aristocrat.
    6. I think the boys participated in this because if they didn’t they might consider that as a sin.
    7. Matt learns “Even slavish obedience didn’t protect you from punishment” (302, Farmer)
    8. Matt finaly confesses because if he didn’t then Fidelito would get a beating. Matt said “A beating would kill him” (303, Matt)
    9. The other boys treat Matt with respect and they told him that he is really one of them.
    10. When Matt is in the infirmary he takes laudanum.
