Friday 7 November 2014

Chapter 11: The Giving and Taking of Gifts

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post.

1. What did Matt change at the tables? Why?
2. What does Maria do in response to Matt's change?
3. Give evidence that shows that Tam Lin isn't impressed with what Matt has done.
4. Why do you think Matt is acting like this? Do you think he could have expressed his feelings in a better way?
5. What do El Patron and MacGregor discuss? Do you think this is odd?
6. How is El Viejo related to El Patron? Why is this unbelievable?
7. What does Mr. Alacran say that makes everyone surprised?
8. Describe what happens when Matt opens his gifts. How does he treat Maria?
9. Does Matt understand what he is doing and how it is making Maria feel? What do you think he is showing by acting this way?
10.What present does Maria give to Matt?


  1. 1: Matt changes Tom's place at the adult table, to the kids table. He does this to humiliate Tom and to annoy him. He also puts Maria beside him at the adult table.
    2: Maria puts Tom back at the adult table, however Matt then puts Tom back at the kids table. Maria is upset with Matt for manipulating where people sit.
    3: Tam Lin says to Maria "I'll see he gets the same food as the rest of us," to console her and when Matt orders him not to, he questions the decision by asking "Is that a direct order, Master Matt?"
    4: I think he is acting like this because he is envious of Tom because he gets all of Maria's attention and he is using it as a way to vent out his frustration. I think he shouldn't take out his anger on Maria, but I can see how he would be frustrated by the situation.
    5: They are talking about fetal brain implants. I am assuming they are talking about implanting the brain from a fetus which is disgusting and I have no idea how or why that could possibly benefit them. MacGregor also asks he he could use implants from someone or something, but El Patron says that that someone or something is way to old.
    6: El Viejo is El Patron's grandson. This is unbelievable because El Viejo looks older than El Patron.
    7: He says that his father decided against fetal brain implants agreeing that they were immoral. This implied that El Patron did something immoral, which is insulting and no one insults El Patron.
    8: Matt first opens his gifts from Celia and El Patron. Then when he is about to open his present from Maria, she takes it back saying that he no longer deserves it. He then forces her to give it to him. He treats her very poorly.
    9: I don't think that he understands just how much he is hurting Maria. He clearly likes her and is having trouble expressing his feeling which makes him angry.
    10: Maria gives Matt taffy with home made wrapping paper.

  2. 1. Matt thinks he needs to get Tom back for dumping Furball in the toilet, so he decides to put Tom’s name tag at the baby table.
    2. María gets mad at Matt and places Tom’s name back at the adult table, but Matt puts it back at the baby table. Matt says that this is his party, and that he gets to decide where people sit.
    3. Tam Lin assures María that he will make sure Tom doesn’t eat the baby food, but Matt tells him to stay out of it. Tam Lin then asks Matt to rethink his decision.
    4. Matt is really mad at Tom for hurting Furball, and especially mad that María doesn’t even think Tom did anything. So he is trying to get even with Tom, but I think he needs to understand that retaliating will not help at all.
    5. They are talking about the brain implants that they use to live for so long. Well actually, I think El Patrón has been using them, but MacGregor is just starting to. I think it is kind of disturbing to just be having a conversation about eternal life, and implanting things into your brain.
    6. El Patrón is El Viejo’s grandfather. It is hard to believe because El Patrón looks a lot younger than El Viejo, because of his implants and the care he has been given.
    7. Mr. Alacran said the reason his father did not agree to get the implants is because he did not believe it was right. El Patrón probably found this offensive, and therefore it was a dangerous move on Mr. Alacrans part.
    8. Matt opens his gifts, but before he can open the one from María, she takes it back because of the way he treated Tom. He makes her give it back to him in front of everyone, and she probably feels humiliated.
    9. If he knew how rude he was being to María, he probably wouldn’t be acting the way he is acting. I think because all of this contact with the outside world is still fairly new to him, he is having trouble interacting with other people and understanding how they feel.
    10. María gives Matt homemade taffy.

  3. 1. Matt removed Toms card and put it at the kids table. Then he took Maria's card and put it beside him.
    2.He called him a pig and said the, "just once couldn't you be nice to tom". Then she moved Toms card right back to the other table.
    3.I know that Tam Lin is mad because when he grabbed the place card he frowned. Also Tam Lin said that he will get the same food, but Matt said no.
    4. I think he is acting like this because he is mad because people (Matt) are getting to him and getting mad. I think he could have done something that want hurt anybody instead of hurting some peoples feeling.
    5.they talk about Implants and how Mr. Alacran is think of getting one, El patron said "you better hurry the doctors need a 5 week notice 8 would be better".
    6.El Viejo is El Patrons grandson this is unbelievable because El. Viejo is in very bad condition and El Parton is in very good position for his age.
    7.Mr Alcran said that he did not want to take the implant because he thinks it is wrong and that is very offensive because El Patron got the implants.
    8. HE is very excited, then Maria grabs her present because she is mad at him, then her dad said to give it to him then Matt started to treat him very mad. Then Maria throw it and Matt told him to get it. Then he demanded a birthday kiss.
    9. Yes he knows that he is embarrassing Maria, he is showing that he has a mean side.
    10. Maria gave him a box of taffy that she had made.

  4. 1. Matt changes Tom's spot at the table because he wants revenge on him. He is getting back at him for everything Tom has done to him and for dumping Furball in the toilet. He changes Tom's spot to the childrens' table.
    2. Maria becomes very upset about this because for some reason, no matter what he does, she always forgives Tom and acts like she is his best friend. Matt doesn't like this because it is his party and he thinks he should get to choose where everyone sits.
    3. Tam Lin tells Maria that he will make sure that Tom does not get fed the baby food but the adult food. Matt tells Tam Lin to go away because this is none of his business. Tam Lin asks Matt to think again about his decision.
    4. I think Matt is acting like this because he doesn't like Tom and he wants to get revenge. I think that Tom could have just separated himself from Tom and made Tom sit far away from Matt rather than at the kids table.
    5. They are talking about "fetal brain implants". These implants are what have kept El Patron living for 143 years. I find the fetal implants very weird and gross. I think this because instead of letting natural things such as death happen, he is killing someone or something to keep himself alive.
    6. El Patron is El Viejo's grandfather. This is very hard to believe because El Patron has had many brain implants and has received vigorous medical attention to keep himself looking young and livnig.
    7. Mr Alacran says that El Viejo decided not to have brain implants because he felt it was not right and he should let the natural occurrence of death happen, rather than the implants.
    8. Matt is opening his gifts. However, once he reaches Maria's gift, she takes it back because she hated the way he treated Tom and she is very mad and upset.
    9. Matt foes not realize how rude he is being to Maria. If he knew how he was acting, he wouldn't act this way. He wants to be friends with her but doesn't know how to show his feelings.
    10. Maria's gift is homemade taffy.

  5. 1. Matt changed the name tags at the table. The reason is because he wanted maria to sit beside him and he wanted tom to sit at the babies table. 2. She puts her name tag back and also puts toms name tag back. Then after she dies thus she says that tom doesn't deserve to be at the babies table. 3. Some evidence is that he isn't impressed is because he raised his eyebrows and was mad when el patron told him to make space for maria. 4. I think he is acting like this because he likes maria and he wants her to sit beside him. He also puts tom at the other table because he doesn't like him so he puts him there. I think he could have expressed his emotions better by not putting tom at the kids table and asking maria to sit beside him. 5. El patron and MacGregor say that they are doing good because of all the treatments that they are having. Also they are discussing all the people they defeated and the adventures they had. I think that this is odd because that was long ago and this is now. Also they keep talking about the same thing. 6. He is related to him because he is his grandson. I think that this is odd because el patron is in better condition then his grand kid that is like 60 years younger than him. 7. He said that "father decided that implants were immortal" then everyone gasped. 8. When Matt opens his gifts maria takes hers away and says that he doesn't deserve it. Matt. then forced her to give it back saying that it is his and she can't take them back. Also he demands a birthday kiss. 9. Matt doesn't understand what he is doing. He doesn't understand because he is in the middle of all the drama and do sent realize that maria is really emberised.I think that he is showing that he is despite. 10. Maria gives matt a giant piece of taffy raped in pieces of her prised rapping paper.

  6. 1. Matt put toms name on the baby table because he needs to get him back for dumping Furball into the toilet.
    2. Maria gets mad at Matt for putting toms name on the baby table and maria puts is back but Matt still puts it back and says its my party and he decides where people sit.
    3. tam Lin says that Tom will get the same food as the rest of us and he sys that to make her stay chill but later he ask Matt if its the right decision.
    4. i think he is acting like this because he knows that Tom messed with furball and Maria doesn't even think that he did it and she also always forgives him for every thing he does for her. i would take my anger out on her because she is soooo clue less like hello wake up its always him.
    5. They are talking about brain implants that they used to live for a long time. i think it is werid because just talking about implanting stuff in your brain.
    6. El Patron is the grand father of El Viejo which is kinda strange because El Patron had many brain implants and surgery to make him looking like a young person.
    7. mr Alacran says El Veijo did not get brain implants because it wanst right and he wanted to die the normal way.
    8. Matt is opening his gifts and when be gets to Maria's she takes it back because he wasn't treating Tom nice even tho thats how tom treats everyone else and even worse including her.
    9. Matt doesn't know how he is treating Maria and doesn't want to treat her like it but wants to make friends with her.
    10. she gives Matt a homemade taffy which is pretty weird.

  7. 1. Matt changed the name tags so that he could sit beside Maria and he put Tom at the kids table.
    2. Maria put her name and Tom's name tag back where they were, she said Tom doesn't deserve to sit at the kids table.
    3. Tam Lin wasn't very happy very happy with what he had done but the El Patron made room beside Matt to put Maria because he wanted to sit beside her.
    4. He does this because i think he likes Maria and doesn't like when is around Maria but he could just asked Maria to sit beside him instead.
    5. They talked about the treatment and all of the adventure that they went on but this was odd because they keep on taking about the same thing over and over.
    6. He is his grand his is odd because El Patron is in better condition than he is.
    7. he said "Father decided that implants are immortal and i decided to agree."
    8. Maria takes her gift away from Matt and he demands her to give it to him which she finally does and demands for a birthday kiss.
    9. He doesn't understand what is going on because he is going on because of all the drama but he makes Maria very embarrassed.
    10. Maria gets Matt a big piece of taffy.

  8. 1. Matt changed where tom and Maria where sitting because Matt didn’t want to sit next to Tom but he wanted to sit next to Maria. Then he made Tom sit at the baby table. He also put him at the baby table because it was pay back for putting Furball in the toilet.
    2. Maria stands up for Tom and defends him and said “he couldn’t be that evil” (Maria, 103)
    3. When El Patron asked him to make room for Maria Tam Lin frowned at Matt when he switched Tom and Marias spots
    4. I think Matt is acting like this because he is El Patrons clone and El Patron always gets what he wants so Matt thinks he should get what he wants.
    5. They were discussing how Mr. MacGregor should get the fetal brain implants. I think this is really odd because you a plan in life and I don’t think you should mess with it to much.
    6. El Viejo is one of El Patrons grandchildren. This is hard to believe because el Patron is very sharp, bright and on the ball. But El Viejo is barely able to string a sentence together.
    7. Mr. Alacran said that his father didn’t approve of the implants because he thought they were immortal.
    8. Matt had opened all of his presents but then Maria took hers back because she said he didn’t deserve one. Then Matt started treating Maria the way El Patron would treat other people.
    9. I don’t think Matt quite understands what he is doing because he sees people being treated like that all the time so he must of thought it was how you are supposed to treat people and that this behavior is normal. I think Matt is showing that he is El Patrons clone and El Patrons power has gotten to his head.
    10. Maria gives him a box of taffy that she had made.
