Wednesday 19 November 2014

Chapter 28: The Plankton

1. What is an aristocrat? Why might everyone be calling Matt this?
2. What does Raul do to teach Matt the value of labour?
3. Where are Matt, Chacho, and Fidelito sent?
4. What do you think the beehive symbolizes?
5. What does everyone eat? What do you think about this meal plan?
6. What happened to the whales in the Gulf of Mexico? What does this tell you about the future of humankind?
7. So far at the plankton factory, is there equality between the boys and the Keepers? Give evidence to support your answer.


  1. 1. An aristocrat is someone or something considered to be the best of its kind, or of higher class.
    2. He makes them work while aboard the hover craft on their way to San Luis. He wants them to understand that their work should get done no matter what.
    3. They are being sent to San Luis to work at the plankton factory. But Matt is secretly planning to escape and find María.
    4. It symbolizes that all of the workers under the keepers watch are to work like bees. Everyone has their own specialized task that they do, and they all are to obey their superior.
    5. They only eat plankton, and I think that is disgusting for two reasons. One, I didn’t even know that humans were able to eat plankton. And two, eating only one kind of food for a long period of time is just gross on its own.
    6. The once existing river got so polluted, that all of the whales died. It says that there probably isn’t too clean much water in Aztlán, and maybe the people will eventually run out of water to drink, which wouldn't look too good for the future.
    7. Definitely not, the keepers don’t seem to be doing any work at all. Also, they don’t have to only eat plankton, and they have a nicer lounge/rooms than the boys.

  2. 1) an aristocrat is someone that thinks they are really smart. also they want to be the best at what they do.
    2) He makes them work on the hovercraft going to the factory. The reason he does this is to teach them the value of working hard.
    3) They are going to san Luis to go to a plankton factory so matt can escape to get maria.
    4) I think that it represents that because in a bee hive bees work together to do what they want to accomplish. So when they are called this think that it means that they are asposed to work together.
    5) Everyone there eats plankton because it is called the plankton factory and that is what whales eat. so this is what they eat. I thought that if you ate plankton then you would get sick, i also think that they should be able to eat something else then plankton day after day after day.
    6) The thing that happened to them is they all died, the reason they all died is because the water was to polluted. This tells me that the future of man kind is going to be bad, the reason for this is because everything is going to be polluted so if everything is going to be polluted then it will be hard to live.
    7) There is not equality at all because so far in the book the keepers are doing nothing to help, but the kids are doing everything.

  3. 1: An Aristocrat is someone who thinks that they are better than everyone else and that other people should have to do all of the menial work. Everyone is calling Matt this because he does classy things that other people can't do like play the piano.
    2: He makes them work, even while on the hovercraft. This is to teach them that they can never slack off and be lazy. It shows that everyone has to work all the time.
    3: They are going to work at a plankton factory in San Luis. From there Matt hopes to go and find Maria.
    4: It symbolizes that the kids are all like worker bees and that they all have to work for a higher purpose. It means that their only purpose is to work.
    5: Everyone eats plankton for breakfast lunch and dinner. Whether it is burgers or anything else, it's made out of plankton. Even the best food tastes bad if you eat it over and over, so I would imagine that plankton would eventually get unbearable if it was all that you ate.
    6: The water got so polluted that all of the whales died. It shows that society is doing quite bad since it means that a lot of people probably don't have water because of this.
    7: It isn't very equal. The boys do all the work while the keepers lounge around and eat fancy foods that the boys don't even have access to.

  4. 1. An aristocrat is someone who acts very cocky and acts like everyone is below them and that they are better. They call Matt this because he had luxuries such as learning how to play the piano very well.
    2.Raul makes them work while on the hovercraft on the way to the plankton factory. He does this to show that laziness will not be tolerated and he must work hard all the time.
    3. They are going to the plankton factory near San Luis.
    4. The beehive represents that all of the children are equal and must do the same amount of work. Also, if some worker bees are being lazy, then some other bees will be lazy too because it is contagious.
    5. At the factory, everyone eats plankton and there is plankton in everything that the kids eat there. I think this meal plan would be torture because it sounds like plankton is not very good and having to eat it everyday would be awful.
    6. The water in the Gulf of Mexico was so polluted that the whales could not breath anymore and they died.
    7. There is no equality between the keepers and the kids because the boys work very hard in the factory doing very tedious work while the keepers sit around and do nothing.

  5. 1.Someone who is an aristocrat is someone who brags a lot and acts like he is better than everybody else. Matt is called this because he always talks about going to school and learning how to play the phono, he was given a lot more than everyone else was.
    2. He makes them work because he wants the lost kids to know that there is no time for breaks.
    3. They are going to the Plankton Factory which is close to where Maria is.
    4. Everyone does the same things at a factory, if one person takes a break, they all do so that is why it represents a beehive because in beehives, the bees do the exact same thing. I think that it also means is that they are only there to work and work only.
    5. They all eat plankton at the factory. I wouldn't like this eating because they eat the same thing every single day and I would get tired of doing this all the time.
    6. The whales died because of all the water pollution. This tells me that company are still going to be polluting the water because all they care is about is money.
    7. No, they way they the boys are being treated is way worse. The boys have to work while the keepers make sure they work and they get better rooms and a different variety of food, not just Plankton everyday all the time.

  6. 1. an aristocrat is a person who is a cocky and barging person who thinks he is the best. people call matt this because he is bragging about how he learned and how he knew to play phono.
    2. he is making them wok hard because lost kids dont deserve to play and have hobbies.
    3. All three of them are sent to the plankton factory to work.
    4. I think the beehive symbolizes the similarity between the people who work there because beehives work together and do the same thing at the same time.
    5. the only thing people can eat at the factory is plankton. i think this is disgusting and bad because the kids don't het all the nutrients and plankton taste bad. Plus this is bad because it most get boring over a while eating the same thing every day.
    6. All the whales died because the polluted water and this is not good for the future because this might happen again for the drinking water in Aztlan and the people who live their might die from not getting water into them and man kind their will vanish.
    7. the plankton factory relationship is not very good because the keepers eat different kinds of food and sit around all day but the kids eat the same thing every day and work really hard.

  7. 1. A aristocrat is a man who think he is at the top of the food chain and that they are better then everybody else in the world. They say that Matt is a aristocrat because before he had lots of luxurious that most kids wouldn't have.
    2. Raul makes Matt and the other boys do there work while they are on the hover craft, he wants to show them that no matter your situation that there work should get done.
    3. They are being sent to Saint Luis and they think that they are going to work in the plankton factory but Matt is planning on leaving and finding Maria.
    4. This is to show people that the people are like bees hard workers and they always listen to there keepers and they all have one specific job to do.
    5. They only eat plankton. I think that this meal plan is not only wrong it is so disgusting. I would get sick of plankton after a week.
    6. The whales that lived in the gulf of Mexico died because the water got so polluted. This says that the world will not changed we will keep on polluting. Mankind will never stop pouting and it is just getting worse and worse for the world.
    7. It is not equal all because the keepers don't do any work when the kids do all the work. The keepers also don't have to eat plankton for every meal like the kids do.

  8. 1. An aristocrat is a person who was from the land of Opium. I think Matt is called this because he escaped from the land of Opium.
    2. Raúl made Matts work quota double theirs. Which made him have to work twice as hard.
    3. Matt, Chacho, and Fidelito are sent to San Luis to the Plankton Factory.
    4. I think the beehive means that people have to work together to get something done just like in a beehive all the bees work together to make honey.
    5. Everyone eats plankton for breakfast lunch and dinner. I think this is not a good meal plan because they don’t have any veggies, wheat they just have meat.
    6. All the whales died because the water was so polluted. I think this means that people are going to be drinking polluted water then they are going to get sick and eventually die.
    7. No there is not because when Fidelito was tired the boys asked one of the keepers to take him home but he said no because everyone is equal. But just then he drives away by himself.
