Tuesday 11 November 2014

Chapter 16: Brother Wolf

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post:

1. What room do Maria and Matt find?
2. Why does Maria call matt Brother Wolf?

3. What does Maria say that Matt doesn't have? What are your opinions on this?
4. Maria finds the truth about Furball. What is it?


  1. 1: When Matt and Maria are in the secret passage together, they discover the secret room that contains all of the computers that are linked up to all of the secret hidden computers.
    2: She calls Matt Brother Wolf because she is comparing him to the wolf that Saint Francis tamed. It is saying that since Saint Francis convinced the wolf to give up killing, she has convinced him to give up killing. It is kind of calling him a dumb, innocent animal.
    3: She says that he doesn't have a soul. I feel like Matt is just as human as anyone else, and that since he is still human, he should have a soul. It doesn't say anything in the Bible about clones not having souls so Maria is probably just repeating what she has heard.
    4: She over hears Felicia admitting to Tom that it was really her that killed Furball and framed Matt to get back at him for putting Tom at the baby table along with other reasons.

  2. 1) They find a room that is full of computers and screens. That room is used for video surveillance around the mansion.
    2) She calls him this because st. Francis said to a wolf that kept eating sheep today is a new day. So maria is calling him this because he has don things wrong and she is giving him another chance.
    3) Maria says that matt doesn't have a sole. I don't think that this is true, the reason that i say this is because he is the same as all other people. And if he is the same as all other people he has to have a sole.
    4) The truth is that really felitia killed furball.

  3. 1. María and Matt walk along the secret passage, and wind up in a cold room full of computers and wires.
    2. María calls Matt brother wolf because she is referring to the story of Saint Francis and how he tamed the bad wolf. Francis said the wolf deserved a second chance to be good, just like María thinks Matt deserves a second chance.
    3. María said that Matt doesn’t have a soul, because he was not born like a normal human. I think having a soul kind of means the same thing of having a conscience, which Matt definitely has, so I would say he has a soul.
    4. Through the secret passage, Matt and María overhear Tom and Felicia talking about Furball’s death. They hear Felicia admit that she poisoned the dog.

  4. 1. they find a room with a lot of tv screens and computer screens. These screens are what shows the videos around the house.
    2.She calls him brother wolf because she starts talking about a story call and that's the reason she is forgiving Matt.
    3. Maria says that Matt doesn't have a soul, thats why he can't be baptized. I think that she is right because he is not made like a normal person and I think that something on his body are missing.
    I do think that he might have a should because he is just like a normal person and he might be the same. I don't know what clones have the same as humans and what they have different.
    4.the truth about furl ball is Felicia killed the dog. I know this because she told Matt and Maria are listening.

  5. 1. While Matt and Maria are in their secret passage, they discover a control room. This room controls all of the cameras in the Big House by computers.
    2. Maria calls Matt brother wolf because she is telling him that he is like a wolf that Saint Francis turned from bad to good. She calls him this because she still thinks that Matt killed Furball and she is forgiving him just like Saint Francis did to the bad wolf.
    3. Maria says that he doesn't have soul. I do not agree with this because he is still a real human. Matt just wasn't made the natural way. However, Matt is still alive and human so he has to have a soul.
    4. The real truth is that Felicia killed Furball. Maria and Matt overhear Felecia and Tom in the control room talking about Furball's poisoning. They hear them through a crack in the door.

  6. 1. Matt and Maria find a room with air condition and in that room there are a bunch of machines with a white cloth over it. when they are walking around they see a glowing light under it and the room with the machines have a first class hotel room.
    2. She calls him brother wolf because when she read the book she related the wolf to Matt because he kept on eating chickens and Matt was being bad so he was kinda acting like the wolf.
    3. Maria says that Matt has no soul and i think that is not true because Matt is a very smart human and he must have a soul because it has El Patron DNA.
    4. When Maria finds out what happened to the dog she hears Felicia say that she killed the dog by putting the Poisson in the burger the "idiot" Matt left behind.

  7. 1. The walk into the secret passage and keep going done the hall to a much colder room with many computer and other equipment.
    2. She called him that because he is referring to him as the wolf in the book with Saint Francis. she then said you have made many mistakes like that wolf but i am going to train you to be good so he doesn't make as many mistakes.
    3. Maria said that Matt has no soul. she says this because he wasn't born like a regular human, so he cant be baptists. i think that he does have a soul because he has feeling and he understands what is good and what is bad.
    4. Felicia came back from the birthday party and was very mad, she saw Matt take the dog outside but he was then taken away by the security. She went out and then she poissioned the dog which killed Furball.

  8. 1. María and Matt find a secret air-conditioned room with rows and rows of computers.
    2. María calls Matt Brother Wolf because Brother Wolf had made mistakes and ate peasants. Until Saint Francis talked to Brother Wolf. Then Brother Wolf stopped eating peasants.
    3. María had been baptized but Matt had not. I know when I was little I was baptized. I also now that some people believe that if your not baptized you go to hell. But people say that god will love you no matter what you do in life.
    4. The truth is that Felicia poisoned Furball.
