Thursday 20 November 2014

Chapter 32: Found Out

1. How is Jorge acting? What is his purpose? Why would someone act this way?
2. What do Matt and Chacho do?
3. Matt seems to be observing and understanding everything that is happening and the control the boys have. Do the other boys realize their power?
4. What does everyone find out about Matt?
5. Who sticks up for Matt? Why is this significant?


  1. 1. Jorge is acting evil and I think he is nervous. He doesn’t want the other boys to start believing in Matt, he wants them to be loyal to the keepers. So when he punishes Fidelito, he wants it to look like it’s Matt fault, because he has not been listening.
    2. First Matt leaps at the Jorge, before he has a chance to hit Fidelito, and takes him to the ground. Then Chacho starts to help Matt subdue the keeper, and it’s not long before every lost boy is beating on Jorge, releasing their anger.
    3. They do, but not as much as Matt does. Because when Jorge reveals Matt’s secret, that he is a clone, they start to give up. The boys end their rebellion, even though they had control of the situation.
    4. Jorge claims that there is print on Matt’s foot that reads “Property of the Alacrán Estate.” Jorge says Matt is an escaped eejit, but no one believes him. Jorge asks them to look, and Flaco does find the writing. Then the boys give up, and Matt and Chacho are taken away by the keepers.
    5. Ton-Ton protests, and says “that anyone can get trapped in Dreamland, but that doesn’t make them a bad person.” This is significant because it proves Ton-Ton was a good person, and that Matt succeeded in his attempt to befriend him.

  2. 1: Jorge is acting strict and mean. He is doing this because he wants to show that the other boys shouldn't act like Matt because what he is doing is wrong. He decides to crush the boys' spirits by making an example out of Matt and beating up Fidelito.
    2: Matt jumps at Jorge and tackles him to the ground before he can hit Fidelito. Chacho helps Matt keep Jorge on the ground. Then Chacho starts beating up Jorge.
    3: They don't realize it at first, but then eventually they realize that they out number the Keepers ten to one and that they have control over the situation.
    4: They realize that Matt has a tattoo on his foot that says "Property of the Alacran Estate," and they interpret it as a sign that Matt is an eejit. This crushes the boys spirits and gets rid of their will to fight.
    5: Ton Ton sticks up for Matt by saying that "anyone can get trapped in Dreamland, but it doesn't make them a bad person," it shows that Ton Ton is actually a nice caring person. It also really hits a lot of the boys since they all know deep down that their parents probably got trapped in Dreamland since they haven't come for them yet.

  3. 1. Jorge is acting very evil because before they were targeting Matt with accusations and now they think he is sort of a hero to them because they are standing up for him and not targeting him anymore with accusations.
    2. Right before Fidelito is about to get beaten by Jorge, Matt jumps at Jorge and tackles him to the ground. Once Jorge is on the ground, all of the boys start beating Jorge with Matt an Chacho leading the fight. All of the boys released their hatred on the Keeper during the beating.
    3. I think the other boys do not realize their power during the fight and that they completely out number Jorge. But, once they realize this, they continue with their beating on him.
    4. Everyone finds the tattoo on Matt's foot and they think he is an eejit. However, they don't get how he has the brains to do everything that he does. That is when the keepers release Matt's secret about being a clone.
    5. Ton-Ton sticks up for Matt in the situation when the Keepers told everyone that Matt is a clone. He says that coming from Opium doesn't make Matt a bad person and they should still be friends with him. This is significant because it shows that Ton-Ton might help Matt if he tries to escape because now we know that he has Matt's back.

  4. 1. Jorge starts to act evil because every body is treating Matt like a hero and respecting him so he doesn't want people to start forgetting about the keepers and disrespecting them so when he punishes the kids he makes it look like this happened all because of Matt.
    2. When Jorge was beating up Fidelito matt and Chacho talked Jorge and all the kids started to beat the keeper up.
    3. The boys realize they have out powered Jorge so they don't stop and they keep on giving it to him. But at the beginning of the fight they weren't sure but as it went along they knew they had power.
    4. They see the tattoo on his foot and they believe that he is a eejit which is pretty dumb because if he was an eejit he wouldn't be able to do the things he does. Then when the keepers find out they tell everybody he is a clone.
    5. Ton Ton sticks up for matt and he says " anyone could have got trapped in dream land this doesn't mean that he is a bed person". And this tells people that he is very nice and caring person because he stood up for Matt in front of the kids and keepers and the keepers are his best friends.

  5. 1. Jorge is trying to hurt Matt. He is doing this because Matt is different from the other boys. He was doing this because Matt is an aristocrat and no one likes them.
    2. Matt and Chacho beat up Jorge.
    3. The other boys do realize their power because Flaco says there are 200 of them and only 20 of the Keepers.
    4. Everyone finds out that Matt belongs to El Patrón.
    5. Ton-Ton sticks up for Matt. This is significant because Ton-Ton always obeys the Keepers.

  6. 1. Jorge has been acting very different, he is afraid that the kids will start listening to Matt and start doing what he is doing instead of what the Keepers are telling the lost boys what to do.
    2. Matt and Chacho get mad at Jorge and they start to release their anger out on and soon enough, so do the other lost boys.
    3. They don't realize their power at first but then they realize that they out number them but a lot so they keep beating on him.
    4. Jorge said that he found the tattoo on Matts leg that said property of Alacran estates and then he said that he was an eejit's Flaco looks at it and Matt and Chacho are taken away.
    5. Ton-ton says that it shouldn't matter that Matt is a clone, he says that they should Still be friends with him. This is significant because this shows that it is possible that Ton-ton could decide to help Matt escape.

  7. Chapter 32
    1.Jorge is acting very mean and not nice at all he is trying to get everybody to hate Matt, he wants this because Matt is not loyal to the keepers. He doesn’t want people to like Matt because then they might not become loyal to the keepers.
    2.Matt and chacho start to fight Jorge and then all the lost boys start to join in and start to beat up Jorge.
    3. At first they don't realize their power, then Matt realizes that they have more people then the keepers and they can beat them in the numbers game.
    4. The boys find the tattoo on his foot (same as they did in the big house) but they thought this meant that he was a eejit. Later they find put that he is a clone because he is to smart to be a eejit.
    5. Ton-Ton is the one that sticks up for Matt and says that it is okay that he is a clone and that it doesn't matter. This is significant because it shows that Ton-Ton and Matt could work togethor and escape.

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  9. 1) Jorge is acting really mean; the reason is because he doesn't want the other boys to be influenced by Matt. Jorge's purpose is to use scare tactics to scare Matt so he will do what Matt wants him to do. The reason he would act like this is because he is scared, the reason that I think that he is sacred is because he does not want Matt to start a rebellion.
    2) Matt and Chaco jump in front of the keeper because they do not want them to attack Fidallito so they jump in front of the keeper in order to save Fidallito.
    3) At first the boys do not realize this because there is only 10 keepers but the keepers have different types of weapons, but the boys do not. After awhile of Matt and Chacho beating up the keepers, they clue in that the keepers have less numbers then them. When they start to realize the situation they start to help attach.
    4) What they found is that Matt is a Zoombie (clone). The reason that they found this out is because when Matt was in the infirmary he had to leave his foot unguarded and the doctor found out he has a clone by seeing the tattoo on his foot.
    5) Ton Ton sticks up for Matt. This is significant because Ton Ton is a keepers pet and he will do whatever the keepers want him to do. This is also significant because Ton Ton really didn't like Matt and Matt Didn't like Ton Ton.
