Tuesday 18 November 2014

Chapter 26: The Lost Boys

1. Where does Matt end up?
2. What are the guards of this place called?
3. What name does Matt give for himself?
4. Why do you think they are interested in Matt's skills?
5. Matt doesn't want to tell them the truth. Why? What is his cover story?
6. What do you think a "holo-game" looks like? Why doesn't Matt know what this is?
7. What does Raul keep repeating? Do you believe him? What is his motivation for saying this phrase?
8. What exactly is a keeper?


  1. 1. After Matt escapes across the border he is taking in by the border guards, who are called the keepers. They treat him nicely, giving him food and a shower, and so far Matt has high hopes for Aztlán.
    2. The guards are known as the “keepers” and are like councillors at a camp to the kids in the area.
    3. When Matt says his talent is playing the piano, Raúl laughs and calls him an aristocrat.
    4. They are interested in Matt’s knowledge with water purification because it may come in handy at the plankton factory. That is where Matt wanted to go in the first place, so it seemed to work out.
    5. Matt worries if they find out that he lived with El Patrón, or is a clone, then they will not treat him nicely anymore. Or if they knew he was an Alacrán, they would be disgusted.
    6. I think holo-games probably look like those things from Star Wars, with little animated characters fighting, or doing whatever the game had them do. Matt has never seen these games before because El Patrón wanted Opium to be like his old village. Holo-games didn’t exist back then, so he didn’t all them.
    7. Raúl keeps saying that things “are vital to the general good of the people.” He says this because he is trying to explain that everyone must complete their tasks so the community can be successful. I think some things need to be finished and done properly, but this is basically child labour (or slavery).
    8. A keeper is basically like a supervisor, or a camp councillor to the boys. The encore the rules, and make sure everyone is completing their tasks.

  2. 1. Matt ends up at an orphanage where "lost boys" are taken care of and work a certain job every day.
    2. The guards at the orphanage are called "keepers". The keepers are sort of like guards and councilors for the orphanage. They make sure the kids are working.
    3. Matt gives the name of Matt Ortega. He takes the piano teacher's last name just in case the keepers knew El Patron.
    4. They are interested in if Matt has any skills in water purification systems because that is a good skill to have at the plankton factory.
    5. Matt doesn't want to tell truth because he didn't know if the keepers knew the Alacrans so he changed his last name just in case. He thought they wouldn't treat him nicely if they found out he was a clone.
    6. I think the holo-games would be like board games that they play on free time. I think the games would be like Monopoly. Matt doesn't know what holo-games are because Opium was "stuck 100 years in the past".
    7. Raul keeps saying that certain things are "vital to the general good of the people". I think he means that he wants the kids to constantly work hard and to not question what the keepers tell them to do. I think he means that this will make the kids successful.
    8. The keeper is almost like their boss at work or their supervisor. They overlook what the kids do at their work and make sure everything is going smoothly.

  3. 1) Matt ended up at a orphanage for kids that parents were ether shot or turned into and eejit. There are also people that think there parents made to the states but really is an eejit. 2) the guards are called keepers in this place. The reason I think this is because they are creeping you from going anywhere. No matter what happens they will keep you in the orphanage. 3) the name that Matt gives him self is Matt Ortaga. The reason he says this is because he do sent want them to meet there real name. The reason they don't want them to know is because then they will probably know he is a clone of El Patron and hold him captive. 4) I think they are interested in his skills because they could use this very well. This is a skill that they could use when they are working. The need his skill and also he does to because he is working until he is going to be 18.
    5) Matt doesn’t tell them the truth because if they knew they would probably dispose of him like they were in Aztlan. Also if they don't they will treat him like they did when he was in the prison.
    6) a hollow game looks like a holograph with figures that you move around with your two fingers swiping the way you want it to go in. The reason Matt do sent know what it is, is because he was living in the castle and El Patron did not like modern things. So when he came here he didn't know what it was.
    7) He keeps saying that things are “vital to the general good of people” The reason he is saying this is because then they will work harder to what they are doing. Also they will not stop working, even if they don’t want to they will still work.
    8) A keeper is someone who looks out for them so they don’t get hurt but he also does his own thing at the same time. It is like a supervisor.

  4. 1: After Matt barely makes it across the border, he is taken in by the Keepers, who guard the border. They treat him very well at first, and even give him a means of getting to where he wants to go.
    2: The guards are called "Keepers".
    3: Matt calls himself Matt Ortega.
    4: They are interested in his skills because he has to pay them back for taking care of him by doing free work.
    5: He doesn't tell them the truth because he doesn't want them to know that he is a clone, because clones technically aren't people. Also he doesn't want them to know that he is from Opium because they hate everyone from Opium.
    6: I think it looks like a board game but all of the characters and pieces are holograms, like in Star Wars, where they have the board games with hologram game pieces. Matt doesn't know what they are because they are relatively new technology and Opium in 100 years in the past.
    7: He says that certain things "are vital to the good of the people". This is what is used to convince all of the kids to pull their own weight and do their work. It means that everyone must contribute to society.
    8: They take care of all of the orphans. They make sure that all the kids pull their weight by making meals contingent upon doing your work. They are supposed to take care of the orphans but they don't really treat them that well.

  5. 1. Matt ends up meeting couple men who saw Matt talking to the boarder guards, they said that he thought they had Matt when he grabbed Matts backpack. Then he brought matt to a bathroom with a shower. Matt was covered in mud.
    2. They are called keepers, some of the keepers have different jobs like some are border guards and some just walk around. I think the ones that are helping Matt just walk around. The boarder crossing guards seem a lot meaner it must be one of the higher up jobs on the force.
    3. Matt said that his name was "M-Matt Ortega" he said this when the men asked his name he started to say Matt but then thought that he shouldn't use his real name so he took the last name of the piano teacher.
    4. They are interested in Matt knowing a lot about water purification because they are short staff in the plankton factory and his knowledge could be a very big help.
    5. Matt doesn't wat to tell them that he lived in the big house with El Patron because they might put two and two together and figure out he is a clone. His cover story is that his parents died and he came here.
    6. I think the holo game looks very old and not very good pictures because they said that it was a very old game and that thats all the government would send them. Matt doesn't know that the game is because it is very old and he probably wasn't alive when it was new.
    7. Raul keeps on repeating nine words, " are vital to the general good of the people" he is saying this so the workers don't stop they keep working until they are done with there job. I think that they don't know any different so if I lived there then I would believe him but knowing what i know now i would probably not believe him. He also kept on saying "its hard but its fair" I think he is saying this so the people that work there don't get super mad and try to leave. I do believe its fair but only if everybody is doing it if it is only a select few then no it is not fair.
    8. A keeper is a guard that keeps the city safe and some help illegals from coming into the city.

  6. 1. Matt ends up at a place where they take care of kids and he sees 2 guys and one calls him a fighter and they give him a jump suit and hand him a bar of soap and brush and tell him to take a bath because he was all dirty.
    2. they are called keepers and they help other people out. but these ones are helping Matt find this way and telling the kids to give him space.
    3. matt fakes his name to be matt Ortega because he doesn't want to give out his real name.
    4. they are interested in matt skills because water purification is the same as cleaning plankton.
    5. Matt doesn't want to tell the truth because if they find out he is a clone they might treat him worse than they did at home or they might give him back to them. his cover story is his parents died but he got away.
    6. i think that the holo games looks like battle field but more futuristic.
    7. Raul keeps saying "are vital to the general good of the people" and i think he keeps saying this because he wants the people to work hard and make a good environment. i kinda agree with him because yes they need to work but they should let the kids do some hobbies.
    8. A keeper is someone who keeps the place safe and helps people out.

  7. 1. After finally crossing the boarder, he ,eats two body guards that take him to an orphanage. They treat with a lot of repect, more than he was given at home.
    2. These people that are looking after Matt are called keepers, there are different types of keepers.
    3. He tells that his name is Matt Ortega because he doesn't want them to realize that he is a clone of El Patron.
    4. They like Matt because he knows a lot about water purification and they need some more hands to at the Plankton.
    5. He doesn't want them to find out he is a clone. He doesn't want them to know because if they were to send him back, they would probably kill him so he tells them that his parents died and he came here. They also don't like people from Opium.
    6. I think the holo-game would be kind of like a board game like we have now. Matt has never seen a game like this before because they didn't have games like this when ElPatron was little so he didn't want them where he lived.
    7. When Raul says "are vital to the general good of the people." When he says this, I think that he means is listen to what you are being told so that when you get older, people will like you and it will be easier for you to live your life. Also I think he tells them this because if they do their jobs, they create skills for them selves so when the get older they can do something with their lives.
    8. A keeper is a person who looks after the environment that the person is making sure that everything is okay and everyone is safe and will help you out if you need it.
