Tuesday 11 November 2014

Chapter 14: Celia's Story

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post.

1. Is the Alacran estancia modern? Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.
2. Matt feels like his regrets are piling up on one another "until Matt's thoughts were running around in his head...." (Farmer, 137). Finish the sentence and tell what type of figurative language is being used.
3. Why is Matt so upset about Tam Lin having to leave? How did Tam Lin treat Matt differently than others and what does this treatment mean?
4. On page 139, why is the ceiling blurry?
5. How did Celia come to work for El Patron?
6. What happened to the other people who came from Azlan with Celia?


  1. 1: No it is not modern at all. According to Matt, El Patron like to reminisce about his childhood so he has everything like how it was in Aztlan. Apparently he doesn't even have some common technologies like air conditioning in some places.
    2: "...like a hamster wall." It is a simile because it is comparing two things using the word "like".
    3: Matt is upset that Tam Lin had to leave because Tam Lin is one of the only people that treat Matt as an equal rather than a dumb animal or clone. He actually held Matt responsible for his actions rather then simply thinking he is a dumb animal that doesn't know any better. He was disappointed in Matt.
    4: The ceiling is blurry because Matt is crying.
    5: She met a "coyote" in Aztlan who offered to take her to the US. She among others were caught and just before she was turned into an eejit, El Patron saw her, asked her where she was from, and when he found out that they were from the same village, he decided to give her a job.
    6: All of the other people who came with Celia were turned into eejits.

  2. 1. No, because in the story it says that modern convinces were kept to a minimum, except where they were need, like hospitals. Probably because El Patrón wants to keep it looking as much like his old village as possible.
    2. “Until Matt's thoughts were running around in his head like a hamster on a wheel.” She is explaining that Matt was under a lot of stress with everything going on in his life.
    3. Matt is upset because Tam Lin was one of his only friends, and now he won’t have as much company as before. Tam Lin treated him like a human while others treated him like an animal, Tam says that he knows better than an animal, and that he expects more from him.
    4. The ceiling is blurry because Matt’s eyes are filled with tears, his thoughts are making him become very emotional, because he wants to for-fill his friends trust.
    5. She met a man who tricked her and a group of others into coming with him, he was going to turn them all into eejits, but El Patrón saved Celia and gave her a job. But now Celia won’t ever be able to stop working for El Patrón.
    6. The rest of them were turned into eejits.

  3. 1) No it is not modern. The reason that i can support this is because it says that " Modern conveniences were kept to a minimum"
    2) like a hampster on a wheel. It is a simile
    3) The reason that matt is so upset is because tam lin is the only one that would play with him and one of the ones that would treat him nicely. It means that tam is truly matts friend.
    4) the ceiling was blurry because he was crying so the water in his eyes mad it so he couldn't see good.
    5) She came to work for him because when she tried to pass the border el patron asked were she was from. She then said the same town as el patron was from so he gave her a job.
    6) What happened to the other people were they were turned in to eejits.

  4. 1. The Alacran Estancia is not modern because on page 136 (Framer 136) is says "modern conveniences were kept to a minimum, except in areas like the hospital".
    2. "... like a hamster on a wheel" This is a simile because it uses like or as.
    3. Matt is upset about Tam Lin leaving because he treated Matt with respect and treated him like a real human. Also, when Matt met Tam Lin he said that he had a glint of kindness in his eyes when he looked at Matt. Whereas, the servants looked at him like he was a "bug on the wall".
    4. I think the ceiling was blurry because he was feeling so much sorrow and sadness that he became dizzy and almost nauseous. Matt was remembering all of the picnics to the oasis that Matt went on with Tam Lin. Also, Tam Lin, besides Celia, Maria, and El Patron, was the only one who treated him like a real friend and real human.
    5. Celia came to work for El Patron because she met a coyote meaning that he takes people over the border to get to the United States. However, once you get to Opium, he lets you go and El Patron takes possession of you. Since El Patron is so possessive, he never lets anyone or anything go.
    6. The other 19 people in a group tried climbing down a cliff but all of them fell and died except for Celia.

  5. 1. No it is not very modern, there are some modern places in the house, it was all one story, most houses now are two stories. Some are one story though. They even have a wood burning stove and can only use a microwave sometimes. They do have AC though which is very modern.
    2." until matts thoughts were running around in his head like a hamster on a wheel" in this sentence it is using assembly.
    3.He was upset because Matt liked Tam Lin he let Matt go on dangerous and curious things, he said that he treated Matt as a equal. Tam Lin also talked to him as a adult unlike how everybody else talks to him.
    4. The ceiling is burning because Matt was crying just thinking about Tam Lin and there adventures and how Tam Lin treated Matt.
    5.Celia started working for El Patron because when the girls left the town and they got caught by the farm patrol, they brought them into a room and they were going to step on the virgin. Then El Patron said stop from the door, he asked where Celia was from and El Patron was from the same place then, El Patron took Celia and she would never leave him after that.
    6. They got caught ten the farm Patrol made them into eejits, but Celia did not want to talk about that.

  6. 1. It is not modern because El Patron wants to keep his memory from his childhood and Celia has to cook over a wooden stove because he likes the smell of the mesquite.
    2. very figurative language is being used because he regrets all the things that he does and he says that they are like a hamster on a wheel.
    3. Matt is upset because tam Lin is the only one that treated matt like an human and a adult. tam Lin treated Matt different because he let Matt explore by himself and called him an human. He also told stories about him in Scotland.
    4. The ceiling is blurry because he started crying and when you start crying your vision gets blurry because the water gets in your eye so thats why the ceiling was blurry.
    5. Celia used to work for a factory boarding the United states of america with them and she was born in the same town. one day she was caught by the guards but El Patron knew the voice and asked her if she had any skills and from that day she belonged to el patron.
    6. they were captured by the farm guards and turned into eejits.

  7. 1. Matt says that it isn't very modern, he says that it could be because the owner is rich but he also says that it is a lot more modern at the hospital
    2. "Like a hampster on a wheel." This sentence is a form of a similie.
    3. He treated Matt the way that he wanted to be treated, like everyone else. He held him responsible for actions instead of calling him stupid and wasn't afraid to talk to him.
    4. The ceiling was blurry because Matt was crying. He was crying because Tam Lin left which he really liked him. He liked him because he was alloued to do things around him that he wouldn't usually be alloud to do around someone else, Tam Lin exempted him for more than just a clone, he looked at him like he did everyone else.
    5. She had to cross the boarder but she got caught by the guards, they were about to kill her but then El Patron said stop and then he took her with him. Which now he thinks that she belongs to him.
    6. Celia said that they were all turned into eejit's which she then didn't want to say no more.

  8. 1. The Alacan estancia is not very modern because El Patron wants it to be like where he grew up and the text said that “modern conveniences were kept to a minimum” (narration, bottom 136-top 137)
    2. Matt feels like his regrets are piling up on one another "until Matt's thoughts were running around in his head like a hamster on a wheel.” This is a simile.
    3. Matt was upset that Tam Lin left because Tam Lin was the only person who treated Matt like a real human being. Tam Lin said “any rat in a sewer can lie it’s how rats are… but a human doesn’t run and hide in dark places, because he’s something more” (Tam Lin, pg 138).
    4. The ceiling is blurry because Matt was crying. ☹
    5. Celia came work for El Patrón when a coyote came and asked her if she wanted to escape to America. She went with the coyote up a mountain and the coyote abandoned her and the other girls there. They then had to find there way back down the mountain and they were taken in by the farm patrol who then lead them to their rooms at the Alacran Estate. Before their journey to the Alacran Estate, most of the girls put squares in holes using tweezers but Celia cooked. All of the other girls were turned into eejits but Celia wasn’t because she had a talent.
    6. El Patrón turned the other people into eejits.
