Tuesday 11 November 2014

Chapter 17: The Eejit Pens

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post:

1. What word does Matt use to describe himself (it's in italics)? What does this word mean?
2. Matt tries to talk to Rosa every day. What does this say about his character?
3. What does Matt learn from the book, A History of Opium?
4. What does the author of the book, Esperanza, say about El Patron? How does Matt react?
5. What does Matt say he will do when he is in charge?
6. On his way back from the oasis, where does Matt go?
7. Who lives in the buildings?
8. Who finds Matt and how do they treat him at first? What does Matt do to change their behaviour towards him?
9. What is "dead air"?
10. Why do the eejits sleep in the fields some nights?
11. What does Matt discover about Tam Lin?


  1. 1. Matt repeats a word he heard someone else call him, but I’m not sure he knew exactly what it meant. He called himself an “abomination” when he thought he wasn’t a natural component of life.
    2. I think it says he is a caring person, because even though Rosa was incredibly evil to him, he still didn't think it was right for her to be turned into an eejit.
    3. He learns that Opium is an entire country, and that El Patrón was a drug dealer. He also learns how evil El Patrón really was, and why he is so feared.
    4. Matt got really frustrated when Esperanza insulted El Patrón and called him “an evil, vicious, self-serving man.” He thought El Patrón should be admired for everything that he had accomplished, and what right did Esperanza have to insult him?
    5. Matt says he will free the eejits when he is in charge, but then he corrects himself to when he is helping the person in charge. Probably because he doesn’t think he is qualified, or won’t be allowed to be the boss.
    6. He first goes to the water purification centre, and with directions ends up in the eejit pens. He is then driven back to the big house by two of the guards.
    7. The eejits live in the eejit pens.
    8. Two guards named Hugh and Ralph find him and are angry that he is wandering around the eejit pens. But after Matt tells him that he is the clone of El Patrón, they start to treat him with more respect, because they do not want trouble fro El Patrón.
    9. Dead air is when the air doesn’t move and carbon dioxide starts to build up, it is not safe to breathe.
    10. Because the dead air is sometimes to close to some of the eejit pens, they move the eejits to fields father away to sleep, so they don’t die.
    11. Matt discovers that Tam Lin tried to kill the prime minister of England with a bomb, but a school bus full of twenty kids accidentally hit the bomb instead.

  2. 1: Matt calls himself an abomination. It means that he is a curse or a horror and that he is very bad.
    2: It says that he is a very forgiving and caring person and that even after she treated him terribly, he still cares for her and wishes that she would "wake up", despite the fact that she would still be mean to him.
    3: Matt learns from the book that Maria's mother is actually alive and that she is living in California. He learns that she left because she was completely opposed to Senator Mendoza being so cozy with El Patron and that she is just opposed to Opium in general.
    4: She says that "A more evil, viscous, and self serving man could hardly be imagined," (Farmer, 170). She is basicly saying that El Patron is a self centered despicable person.
    5: Matt says that when he is in charge he will free the eejits.
    6: On his way back, Matt stops at the water purification plant, and from there he goes to where all of the dirt from the water is dumped. He then finds the eejit pens.
    7: The eejits live in the buildings, and when the dead air gets too strong, they go to sleep in the fields.
    8: The farm patrol finds Matt, and they force him into their truck. At first they are abusing him because they think that he is an illegal, but when he tells them that he is El Patron's clone they completely change their behavior towards him and start treating him with respect.
    9: Dead air is when the air stays still for a long period of time and the carbon dioxide starts to build up. Anyone who breathes it for too long will die from lack of oxygen.
    10: The eejits sometimes sleep in the fields when the dead air gets too strong.
    11: Matt discovers that Tam Lin tried to kill the British Prime Minister with a bomb, but instead the bomb accidentally blew up a school bus and he was responsible for the death of twenty kids.

  3. 1) He said brother clone. This means that he would of called him brother clone because he is calling everyone by what they are, so if they are a girl it is sister ____ or a wold its brother or sister wolf. For Matt thought because he is a clone he would be called brother clone.
    2) It says that he still is a nice person even thought he was tossed around and treated bad. He still wants her to not become brain dead. He also thinks she can her him like a coma so keeps talking. This states that he is really nice no matter what happens.
    3) He learns that El patron was one of the richest and most powerful people in the world, Also he learns that he is the owner of opium. When he keeps reading he also learns that drugs are illegal.
    4) the line was "a more evil, vicious and self serving man could hardly be imagined" the way that Matt reacted was he trough the book in the lake because he was so mad.
    5) He says that he will free the eejits. The reason he is saying this is because he thinks that opium can run on it's own with regular people.
    6) Matt then goes to the eejit pens when he is coming back from the oasis.
    7) The things that life there are the eejits. The reason they life there is because they don't need good housing.
    8) The farm patrol finds Matt and treats him horrible, they treat him like he is a terrorist. After he tells them that he is el patrons kid they immediately change. The reason they change is because they don't want to get in trouble. They start treating him like he is a king.
    9) Dead air is when the air doesn't move but the carbon dioxide builds up. So like a mine.
    10) The reason they sleep there is because they will then be sleeping in dead air. so they go to the fields to sleep so they are not in the dead air.
    11) Matt discovers that he planted a bomb beside his parliament buildings meant to blow up the president, but killed children in a school bus by accident.

  4. 1. Matt uses the abomination. Abomination means that you are someone who causes disgust or hatred. I think Matt uses this word to describe himself because everyone treats him like a filthy animal or bug on the wall.
    2. Matt tries to talk to Rosa everyday because he doesn't want to tell himself that he knew so well has the life sucked out of them. I think this tells us that Matt is a very caring person because though Rosa treated him so bad, he doesn't want her to have the life sucked out of her.
    3. Matt learns that Opium is an actual country that lays between Aztlan which was once called Mexico and the United States. He also learns that different families own different parts of Opium. Lastly, Matt learns that El Patron was once a drug lord and that there could not be a "more evil, vicious, and self-serving man could hardly be imagined".
    4. Matt learns that he is a drug lord and a very evil and self-serving man. Matt reacts very negatively because Matt basically is El Patron and he is very insulted.
    5. Matt says that when he is in charge, he will free the eejits and control the opium farms with regualar people though they might not work as fast or hard.
    6. Matt goes north towards the wastelands. He asked the foreman what was out there and that's what he told him.
    7. The eejits live in the buildings. Matt notices that the roofs are very low and wonders whether a human could stand inside the buildings.
    8. Security guards find Matt and treat him very aggressively. At first the men think he is an eejit who has got the brains to try and run. However, Matt tells them that he is El Patron's clone and they treat him with a lot of respect unlike what other people at the Big House do.
    9. Dead air is air with no oxygen. The air is so filled with pollution that there is no oxygen left. Also, there is a horrifying smell.
    10. The eejits sleep in the fields some nights because though they don't have the brains to anything, they still need air. So, they have tosleep in the opium fields where there is air.
    11. Matt discovers that Tam Lin is a terrorist who killed 20 kids on a school bus. He meant to blow up the British Prime Minister but a school bus pulled up right as the bomb went off.

  5. 1. he calls himself a abomination because he was not like anyone else. He starts to think this because ehe doesn't know what Saint Frances would call him he wandered brother clone?
    2.Matt talks to Rosa but Rosa just said "would you like another horse master". This says that Matt is very friendly and he wants to have a friend.
    3.in the book he finds out about opium and how its a city and how its in between the city that El Patron grow up and where they are now. There was a war between the two cities and then they set land in between the two cities. The land started as a no mans land then El Patron made it a real country.
    4. The author said " A more, evil, vicious, and self-served man could hardly be imagined" this made Matt very mad and he through the book in the river and said that she was just jealous.
    5.He said that he would free the eejits because he said that the land could be maintained by regular people.
    6. He goes to the place where the eejits live, it said that it smelt horrible. He thought he should leave but it was to interesting, to leave.
    7. the people that are living in the building is the eejits.
    8.the person that found him was a worker at the farm patrol, he was treating him very badly and said that they should put a chip in his brain. Then he says that he is the clone of El Patron, then they were scared of him and took him home.
    9. Dead air is when the air doesn't move then the carbon monoxide is building up and it is very hard to breath. One of the workers said he lost his brother like that.
    10. they sleep in the fields because it was safe because they can't escape.
    11. that Tam Lin likes to play Soccer and he knows hui. They met in Scotland which is where Tam Lin is from.

  6. 1. Matt calls himself Abomination because he is like nobody else. he dons't act like anybody else either. And the only reason he calls him that because everybody thinks he is an animal.
    2. Every time Matt try to ask Rosa something all she says is would you like an horse. and this says that he is very caring and nice. even tho she treated very bad he still try's to talk to him.
    3. In the book he finds out that opium was a city near where EL Patron grew up from and he find out a war broke out between where El Patron grew up from and Opium.
    4. he says a more evil vicious and self served man could hardly imagine. Matt got very upset from this and tossed the book in the river.
    5. he would free the eejits and the land could be taken care of by real people.
    6. He went to a place where all the eejits live. it smelt really bad but the only reason he doesn't leave because it is interesting.
    7. the people that live in the building are a bunch of eeejits.
    8. the person that was on farm patrol was very rude because he said that matt should put a chip in his brain and become a eejit but then he says that he is El Patrons clone and they get scared and treat him alot nicer.
    9. Dead air is when the air doesn't move. then the carbon monoxide started building up and then you cant breathe and die.
    10. The eejits sleep in the fields because they couldn't escape and and it was safe for them.
    11. Matt discovers that Tam Lin played soccer and met hui in Scotland.

  7. 1. He uses the word "abomination." He has heard this word before but he doesn't know what it means exactly but he knows it is an insult.
    2.Rosa treated Matt really terribly but Matt couldn't handle seeing Rosa like that so he tried to talk to her to get her back to normal. Matt is a very forgiving person.
    3. Matt learns more about the opium fields. He realizes that it is a country. He also finds out more about El Patron, he learns that he is a drug dealer and why he is so fearful.
    4.Matt gets mad because the author is insulting El Patron but Matt thinks he is a roll model. When she insults Matt he gets frustrated and through the book into the water.
    5. Matt says, when I am helping the person the boss, I will release the eejit's.
    6. He goes to the water purification plant but then goes to the eejit's pen to put the horse back. Two body guards are there to take Matt back to the big house.
    7. As he started to go home, he went by a building where the eejit's lived, Matt said it smelt really badly. He said the place was really dirty.
    8. A bodyguard picked him up and put him in the truck thinking that Matt was an eejit's. Then he tells them that he is El Patrons clone and then they changed their thought on him.
    9. In that area, the air doesn't move and carbon dioxide builds up and then you can't breathe in which you die. One of the body guards said that their brother had died from that.
    10. They make the eejit's sleep in the fields on still nights; when the air isn't moving.
    11. He tried to kill the Prime Minister of England but a bus hit it and the kids in it died.

  8. 1. Matt describes himself as an abomination. Abomination means something greatly disliked.
    2. This says that Matt is a kind hearted person. He wants Rosa to wake up.
    3. Matt learns that drugs are illegal and he thinks that this is crazy.
    4. The author says about El Patron that “a more evil, vicious, and self-serving man could hardly be imagined” (pg, 170). Matt throws the book away and it lands in the water.
    5. Matt says he will free the eejits because “anything was better than a mindless army of slaves” (pg, 171).
    6. On his way back Matt goes to the water treatment plant.
    7. The eejits live in the buildings.
    8. The farm patrols find Matt. At first they are mean to him and tell him the doctors will turn him into an eejit. Matt tells them he El Patron’s clone.
    9. Dead air is air that isn’t moving and the carbon dioxide builds up. It makes it really hard to breathe and by the time you realize it is already too late.
    10. The eejits sleep in the fields when the carbon dioxide is too which will then kill them.
    11. Tam Lin was a terrorist. He killed 22 children when a bomb he planted in front of the parliament building in London went off.
