Tuesday 18 November 2014

Chapter 23: Death

1. Use your summarizing skills to write a summary of this chapter. Remember, a summary should:

  • Be in your own words.
  • Include main ideas, such as: important events and the names of major characters.
  • Avoid including minor facts.
  • Avoid including explanations for characters' actions (this would be your opinion and inference, not what is in the text).
  • You can start with, "In Chapter 23 of The House of the Scorpion,"
2. After your summary, analyse El Patron and describe your thoughts about El Patron and his actions.


  1. 1. In chapter 23 Matt first wakes up in the hospital, in the same room where they saw MacGregor’s clone. Everyone around him is asking each other if Matt is ready for transplants, and Matt knows that they are going to use his organs to help save El Patrón. Matt wishes he escaped when he had the chance, Tam Lin and the others were secretly pushing him to escape, but he didn’t realize it. They bring Matt into El Patrón’s room, and Matt is told that there are many other clones like him, raised and given an education. El Patrón only created him for one purpose, to keep himself alive. But then Celia confesses that she has been poisoning Matt this whole time, so Matt would be too unhealthy for transplants. This made El Patrón very angry, he started to yell and become unstable. The doctors rushed him and Celia out of the room to an operating room, and Matt was left alone. Eventually Mr. Alacrán and Tam Lin came back to the room, and told Matt that El Patrón died and Matt would be disposed of.
    2. I think El Patrón was not mentally all there. I wouldn't expect him to be either, because after all he was a very rich one hundred-forty something year old, who had a very bad childhood. He was a little bit psycho, believing that he was owed at least seven or eight more lives, because of his deceased siblings. So he cloned himself, making more lives in a way, and when he needed more organs to keep living, he used his clones (or used a life). This did not make El Patrón a good person, I think his actions were very selfish and cruel.

  2. 1: In chapter 23 Matt wakes up in the hospital. He is in the same room that MacGregor's clone was in, and he is surrounded by body guards. Also in the room are Celia, Tam Lin and El Patron. Celia is held back by body guards because she is very upset with the situation. Matt tries pleading with El Patron, but he doesn't care. He just wants to live longer. Just as they are about to kill Matt and transplant his heart to El Patron, Celia reveals her master plan that she did in order to save Matt. She gradually poisoned him with arsenic over time so that if his heart was put into El Patron, it would kill him. El Patron freaks out because now he can't have a new heart and he will die. El Patron later dies and Tam Lin is told to dispose of Matt since he is no longer needed.
    2: I think that El Patron is incredibly selfish. He is willing to put his well being in front of everyone else's. He is even willing to sacrifice clone after clone just to live longer, and even though in the book clones technically aren't people, I still think that it is morally wrong. He is 140 and he is still okay with killing clones who are kids just for a few extra years and I think that that's just bad.

  3. 1) " in chapter 23 the house of the scorpions" First one thing that is important is that matt was strapped to a bed in the hospital about to get dissected, every time matt got the chance to run he did. he ran as fast as he could. Matt was then pinned down by the bodyguards while he was talking to el patron about how el patrons childhood. After this Celia stuck up for him saying that he had thousands of lives under the poppy fields and how el vijgo was the only good one in the family. Celia kept sticking up for Matt knowing that she could become and eejit. She finally revealed that she was posing Matt so he couldn't get a transplant. Then when she revealed that she used Arsenic then everyone snapped They were saying that she was a witch and that the liquid could of killed Matt. Right after this El patron had another heart attack. When this happened the doctors were rushing them to the emergency room and he was all alone. Mr alcran came into the room and said that we no longer need your services and what he meant by that is he doesn't need him to dissect anymore. The reason he said this is because El patron is dead. After this happened he told tam lin to put him to sleep (not regular sleep). Matt then asked what is going to happen to Celia but they told him they were going to turn her into an eejit.
    2) At the beginning of the book i thought he was a very nice and wonderful person that cared alot about other people. Then the book went on and i thought that he was not as nice as he used to be knowing what he has done. At the end of the book like right now i think that he is a cruel sole sucker that only cares about what is going to happen to him. I also think that he is a selfish little cruel human being that doesn't deserve to live on this earth. He is so selfish he has a dragon hoard that even a dragon would want to give some of that away. No matter what happens to other people or no matter what happens around him he will only care about his safety and how he is going to live on and on.

  4. 1. In chapter 23 of The House of the Scorpion, many important things occur. First, we find out that Matt is strapped to a bed. He is on the bed because his organs are going to be harvested for El Patron's use. El Patron needs his organs because he needs a new heart because of his heart attack. Once Matt is cleared for the transplant, the guards and doctor leave him by himself in the room. While Matt is alone, he has many thoughts running through his head. Matt is regretting not escaping while he had the chance because he would not be in this situation if had escaped at his first opportunity. He is also wondering what Maria is thinking and doing at that time. Then, the guards come into his room and drag him down a hallway to talk to El Patron for a final time. While talking with El Patron, Patron says, " if I were like MacGregor, I would have had your brain destroyed at birth. " Also, El Patron says that Matt owes him for letting him live a childhood that Patron never got to live when he was a kid. Matt finds out that Celia poisoned him foxglove to keep Matt from being used for transplants before that day. Suddenly El Patron sort of collapses and the doctor starts pushing on Patron's chest, I think he was performing CPR. Guards carried off Celia "despite of Matt's attempts to stop them". Then, Matt found himself alone in the hospital. The next day in the afternoon, Mr. Alacran comes in with Tam Lin and tells him to "put Matt down". This sounds like Matt is a pet and the family has to put their pet down because something happened to it. Tam Lin tells Matt that El Patron is dead and Celia will have been turned into an eejit by now. Mr. Alacran tells Tam Lin to be back for the "wake" which we don't know what that is.
    2. I find El Patron is being very selfish because he is already 143 the last time we checked which is about 50 years longer than a regular human would. I don't think Patron should have tried to use Matt for transplants because I felt that it was an appropriate time for El Patron to die. Also, I don't think that they should have Matt put down because his brain wasn't desroyed at birth so he should get to live.

  5. 1. At the beginning of the chapter Matt is in the hospital strapped into a bed with body guards around him. He is trying to escape but the guards tackled him and he is regretting not escaping when he had the chance. Then he gets called into the room where El Patron is on a bed and El patron asked him you like cookies but matt didn't say anything but then El Patron goes on about how he made him and he says if it wasn't for him Matt wouldn't be able to do and see all things that he did. Then Celia starts talking back to El Patron saying you wont be using Matt for transplants and she says how she poisoned Matt but then El Patron get really mad and starts losing it. Then they take him to the emergency room and maybe turns Celia into an eejit. the next morning Alacron comes out and says that El Patron has died. Then he orders tam Lin to kill matt and Tam Lin turns on Matt.
    2. I think that El Patrons actions have never have taken place and he should have let Matt go and not hold him against his will or even think about transplanting his body parts with him.

  6. 1. At the start of this chapter, Matt wakes up in the hospital. He then realizes that he is in the same bed that Macgregor's clone was when MacGregor needed implants. Matt was at the hospital because Emilia and Steven's wedding, El Patron had a heart attack. El Patron needed implants quick and the only place to get them was from Matt. As Matt was getting ready for his last minutes of his life. Then El Patron came into the room and gave Matt the sane speech that he always gives. He gave the speech about all of his siblings died. He said to Matt that he should be thanking because he gave Matt a life that an ordinary clone wouldn't get to live. El Patron said that since his sibling didn't get to live, he would have to live them so Matt would have to die for this to happen. Then El Patron left the room to get ready for surgery. Celia said something to the doctor so that Matt couldn't give his heart away. Celia poisoned Matt but only enough so that he wouldn't die which explains why Matt had a fever. This way Matt couldn't have his heart transfered because it would just kill El Patron. Celia was taken away but Matt was stilled strapped down to the bed. Then at the end El Patron ended up during because he couldn't get transplants from anywhere.
    2. At the start of the book, El Patron seemed like he was a really nice man but know my thoughts have changed big time on his actions. He put his self in front of everyone else and acted very selfish. He was nice to Matt but when his life was on the line, he seemed like he didn't care about Matt at all. It also seemed like he was just being nice to his until that moment. El Patron had lived to long, he thought that Matt was his son that had died long before Matt had been born.

  7. 1. In chapter 23 of the house of scorpions. It started of with Matt being strapped down to a bed and he couldn't move. Then the doctors let him go to go to the washroom in a bottle. He took this opportunity to run, he didn't get that far he got six feet then he got stopped. Then he was out in a room with El Patron and Celia, Matt would to talk because he was mad at El Patron. Then El Patron gets kind of mad because he said that Matt saved his life. He said " I gave you the childhood that El Patron never had. He kept on saying that he didn't have to give him a life he could have killed his brain if he was like Mr McGregor. Then Celia said that Matt did not owe El Patron anything. Then she said that he can't use his organs because Celia has been feeding Matt some poison in anticipation for this. This made it so El Patron can't use his heart. Then they through Matt in a room and they said that they probably turned Celia into a eejit. Then he found out that El Patron died because he didn't have any heart that he could use.Then it turns out that Tam Lin turns on Matt but i don't think that it is true. I think that Tam Lin is just acting because i don't think Tam Lin would do that I think he would do that.
    2. In my opinion I think that El Patron at the beginning of the book he seemed very nice but he has changed. He is now very self centred and he thinks that he is above everybody else in the world. I also did see that when Matt started to look up to El Patron he started acting very mean, he was a lot nicer when Celia was taking care of Matt.

  8. 1. In chapter 23 of The House of the Scorpion, El Patrón needed a new heart. Since Matt was El Patrón’s clone, he was going to use his heart for a transplant. Before the operation, Celia told El Patrón that she had poisoned Matt’s food with monarch butterflies. This meant that if Matt’s heart was in El Patrón’s weak body he would die because of the poison. The poison wasn’t enough to kill Matt because he was healthy and strong. El Patrón was shocked and had more difficulties with his heart. A few hours later Mr. Alacran came in and told Tam Lin that Matt was no longer needed because El Patrón had died. Tam Lin told him that he would get rid of Matt but that he would need the help of Daft Donald. Mr. Alacran agreed to this plan.
    2. El Patrón is a mean person. He gave Matt an education, instruments and presents with the expectation of getting Matt’s heart in return. He felt that Matt owed him this. I think El Patrón is very cruel and greedy. He never gets rid of anything and hangs onto everything in a big storage room in his basement. He doesn’t even look at the stuff. He is man who expects to get whatever he wants whenever he wants and will kill anyone in his way to make that happen. He makes clones for the sole purpose of giving himself transplants so that he may live to an even older age.
