Wednesday 19 November 2014

Chapter 29: Washing a Dusty Mind

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post:

Cleaning a Dusty Mind...

1. What is the message of Jorge's bed time story?
2. Why didn't Matt not contradict the bed time story?
3. Who is Ton-Ton and what does he say?
4. Why do you think this self-criticism is encouraged?
5. What happened to Matt? Why would the Keeper want this?
6. What made Matt feel better after everyone had left?


  1. 1. Jorge says that when they work all day, their minds gather dust and become dirty. But what he really means is that sometimes when they work they break rules. And in order to clean their minds they must confess to anything they have done wrong.
    2. Matt didn’t admit to doing thing wrong, because the things that Jorge accused him of, like wanting safe horses or fouling the bag of plastic strips, didn’t appear to be wrong in his opinion.
    3. Ton-Ton is one of the lost boys who demonstrates their ways of self-criticism. He admits to wanting to seal an unguarded pancake, but says he decided not to for the better of everyone. He says he will recite the Five Principles and Four Attitudes twice before eating next time.
    4. So that the keepers will know what everyone is up to, and will be able to monitor them easier. Also to teach the boys to not break rules.
    5. All of the other boys start accusing Matt of everything that he does wrong. The keepers want Matt to know that people don’t like the way he acts, or the things he does. So after Matt knows the other boys thoughts he will fall into place.
    6. Matt thought of his old life at the big house. He thought of Tam Lin, El Patrón, Celia, and María. He feels more at home, and becomes more motivated to make everyone proud of him, and to not let all their efforts down.

  2. 1: Jorge says that as they work during the day, their minds become dusty and dirty. In order to "clean them" they must confess to anything they did that was bad during the day.
    2: Matt didn't confess to anything because in his opinion he didn't do anything wrong. It is just Jorge who thinks the stuff that Matt has done should be considered wrong. For example, Matt doesn't think it is wrong to make horses into eejits, but Jorge does.
    3: Ton Ton is one of the lost boys who admits to doing something bad. He admits to wanting to steal a pancake but he didn't. His punishment is reciting the Five Principals and Four Attitudes.

    1. 4: It is to encourage the boys to follow the rules. If everyone knows what you do wrong, you will be less apt to do something wrong again. If no one does anything wrong, then everyone wins.
      5: Everyone criticizes Matt of doing things that he didn't actually do. The Keepers don't like the way that Matt acts, so if they encourage the kids to accuse Matt of bad things, they won't act like Matt.
      6: Matt basically gets home sick. He misses Tam Lin and Celia and Maria and he wishes that he could go home. He just wants them to be proud of him so he wants to do his best with what he has been given.

  3. 1. Jorge says that when they work for a very long time there minds get dirty and dusty. By this Jorge is saying sometimes they break rules and they need to confess what they have done wrong.
    2. He didn't confess to anything because he didn't think that he did anything wrong because everything people have said he has done wrong he thought was okay.
    3. Ton Ton is one of the lost boys, Ton Ton is one of them that actually tells what he has done wrong. For example he says that he wanted to take a pancake but he didn't.
    4. It is to make the kids want to follow the rules because if they know what they have done wrong by telling somebody they will know for next time and then they will think twice before they do it again.
    5. The boys start to blame Matt for everything he does wrong. The keeper likes this because now Matt knows that people don't like the way that he is acting so he might change. The keeper wants him to change because he doesn't like Matt.
    6. Matt thought of his old life in the big house and all the things that he likes about the big house like El Patron, Tam Lin, Celia, and Maria, This makes him feel at home.

  4. 1. Jorge says that while they work hard during the day, their minds collect dust and dirt. So, in order to clean those minds, they need to confess about bad things that they did throughout the day.
    2. Matt didn't confess because he thought that he didn't do anything wrong that was worth confessing about. An example is that turning horses into safe horses is not a bad thing.
    3. Ton Ton is a part of the lost boys. He is a bigger boy with lots of acne. He confesses to wanting to steal a pancake but he doesn't.
    4. I think the self-criticism is encouraged because without self-criticism, we wouldn't recognize anything as the wrong thing to do and we wouldn't evaluate our wrong doings without it.
    5. All of the lost boys start criticizing Matt on everything that he did wrong. The Keepers do not like the way Matt acts because he stands up to them and they don't like this.
    6. Matt starts feeling home sick. To make himself feel better, he thinks of his life at the Big House with Tam Lin and Celia. This makes him feel better because he is imagining that he is still there.

  5. 1. Jorge said when they work their brains become dusty and then they clean it by admitting to bad things they did.
    2. matt doesn't "clean his brain" because the things that Jorge said that matt did weren't bad.
    3. Ton Ton is a boy who said he was thinking about stealing a pancake but ended up not taking it.
    4. i think it is encouraged because if you tell somebody they did something bad in a mean voice they will try hard to make the same mistake next time because i know when i make a mistake my coach lets me know so i try hard not to do it again.
    5. the kids there always point out Matt mistakes and since the keeper doesn't like Matts
    attitude so he tells the kids to keep on criticizing him so he will change to make the other guys like him.
    6. he starts to think about all the people that were nice to him and the big house. so it makes him feel like he is still at the big house.

  6. 1. Jorge's story is about working and he is saying if you stop working, you work will get rusty just like how if you stop using a door for a long time, the hinges will get rusty and the door would start to stick.
    2. He didn't confess because everything that he had done and said, he thought it was okay but the people in Aztlan thought that it wasn't okay.He thought that everything was right because if the way he lived when he was in Opium.
    3.Ton Ton is one of the lost boys. He has lots of acne. i think he is a little bit fearful because it he says "uh" a lot and has a stutter. He is also a big boy. He confesses that he wanted to steal a pancake that the cook had left un-watched for a minute or so.
    4. They do this so they know what is wrong and what is it right. They also do this so they follow the rules because if they don't listen to the rules, they get punished. The Keepers tell them the punishments if they do not listen to the rules.
    5. All of the boys criticize everything that Matt has done wrong. The Keepers like this because then Matt will start acting like everyone else which the Keepers want to happen. It will make his start acting like everyone else because he will want to fit in and make some friends.
    6. Matt becomes home sick. He really misses Celia and Tam Lin at home because they treated him with respect so he thinks of them and everything that he liked at the big house and it makes him feel at home and the sickness goes away.

  7. 1. It’s good to be clean.
    2. Matt didn’t contradict because he didn’t want to miss another meal.
    3. Ton- Ton is one of the lost boys and he was the boy who was thinking of stealing a pancake but he didn’t.
    4. Self-critisizum is encouraged because maybe the boys would only think of the things that they have done wrong and not all the things they have done right. This might be because the boys would then think that they needed to be a better person.
    5. Matt said that he had done nothing wrong. Then Jorge said to the other boys they needed to help the aristocrat see his mistakes. I think the keeper would want this because the keepers don’t like aristocrats and that they can’t do anything right.
    6. After everyone left Matt found a part of his brain that he never knew even existed. There he heard Tam Lin and he felt Celia’s arms around him.
