Tuesday 4 November 2014

Chapter 9: The Secret Passage

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post.

1. Is Matt a good student? How does he learn without his teacher?
2. Why does Matt feel a hollowness?
3. What does Matt keep dreaming about?
4. What makes Matt upset when he sees Furball?
5. Who is Felicia? What does she do every day? Does she seem happy?
6. What does Matt find in the piano room that is exciting?

7. What does Matt witness in the secret passage?
8. What hidden talent does Matt discover in himself?
9. What accomplishments does Matt achieve in his learning? Why does Matt want to learn so much?


  1. 1: Matt is a very good student. Even without a teacher Matt is still excelling with his education and is being praised frequently by Celia and Maria.
    2: Matt feels a hollowness because he feels like he isn't a real person; just a photo of a real person, and he feels like he could be forgotten very easily.
    3: Matt keeps dreaming about the dead man in the field and how he wishes he could just pour water in the man's dry mouth and save him before he dies.
    4: Furball makes Matt upset because he reminds Matt that neither he nor Matt are punished for their mistakes because they are both recognized as dumb animals and couldn't be held accountable for their mistakes.
    5: Felicia is the mother of Benito, Steven, and Tom. Everyday she wakes up very late, plays the piano for about an hour or so, drinks some alcohol, takes some opium, and then goes to bed. she always seems very sluggish and depressed.
    6: He finds a secret passage in the closet of the piano room to be very exciting. he uses it as a way to explore the house undetected, and he is even able to eaves drop on other people conversations undetected.
    7: He witnesses Mr. Alacran and the doctor talking to El Viejo, Mr. Alacran's father, having a conversation. The conversation reveals that El Viejo has cancer but does not want to get the chemotherapy to save him.
    8: Matt discovers that he has a hidden talent for playing the piano, and that he actually has a lot of musical talent.
    9: Matt has amazing musical abilities, can read ten years ahead of what he should be able to, can speak English and Spanish, can do math that leaves Tam Lin confused, memorizes all of the countries and their capitols, and he knows all the planets, brightest stars, and all of the constellations. Matt is in a rage to learn because he believes that if he excels academically, everyone will forget that he is a clone and love him.

  2. 1. Matt is a good student because he is getting really good grades and the way he is learning is from the TV and Tim Lin id sending homework to Matt
    2. Matt feels the hollowness because he sees the photograph of the human on his foot and he thinks he isn’t that important.
    3. Matt dreams about the man who died in the poppy fields from lack of water. he dreams about him once a week and the details are he lys there with his eyes open in the sun and his mouth full of dust with the poppies beside him.(farmer chapter 9)
    4. Matt gets upset when the dog comes because people always compare him to the dog and Matt hated the beast he called it an dumb beast and he said so was he.
    5. Felicia is the mother of Tom. every day she wakes up she plays the piano but she wakes up really late and when she is done all she does is drink alcohol and opium. she is always mad and depressed. this is why i think Tom is acting like that.
    6. He finds a secret passage way in the room and he is very excited because now he can listen to people and explore the house without getting noticed
    7. Matt hears the doctor talking to El Viejo who is Alacrans father. when they are talking Matt hears over hears them in the passage way and he says he has cancer and he doesn't want to help him.
    8. Matt hidden talent is playing the piano Matt find it y himself and is happy.
    9. Matt has possessed the musical talent, he has the talent of speaking english and spanish, he can read ten years ahead of he should and he know all the planets, stars and the constellations he can also do math that make Tim Lin confused. he wants to learn because he believes that the people will forget that he is a clone because he is so smart and every body will like him.

  3. Chapter 9
    1. Matt is a very good student he would watch TV to learn things then, Tam Lin would send Matts Homework and would be returned with all good grades.
    2. Matt feels hollowness because he is a clone and he doesn't have any parents.
    3. Matt keeps dreaming about the man that they saw in the poppy field lying there. It got so bad that he even kept a picture of water by his bed, when he woke up he would drink and drink.
    4. He gets upset because Furl Ball did not get in trouble either for what he did. Matt also gets mad because people say that Matt is just like Fur Ball because Fur Ball is an animal and so is Matt.
    5. Felicia played the piano everyday and Matt d=said that she is very good. She does not seem happy because it said that she is smiling but not a happy smile more like a painful smile. Then it said that she trembles that mean it kind of hurts or that’s what I think.
    6. In the room Matt finds the secret passage, that kind of looks like a big hallway.
    7. In The secret passage he finds a switch that opened up a door that had a lot of shoes but then he moved it and got to the door. Then he here'd people talking and then el patron was going to die without chemotherapy. The person who was dining was El patron grandson and El patron was telling him to do things so he want die. El Patrons grandson did not want to though he said " the god wants me to come" and 'leave me alone".
    8. Matt discovers that he is a very good piano player but he could only play at a little bit at a time because if peoples saw him he would be in trouble.
    9. He is doing really well playing the piano and the is also doing well in school he can speak two languages, English and Spanish, he does math that leaves Tam Lin confused, he knows all the capitals of the countries and the countries, the brightest stars and also all the planets.

  4. 1. Matt is so far a very successful student, and is impressing Celia and Tam Lin with his progress made so far.
    2. After Tam Lin explains how Matt was created, Matt thought he was nothing more than a copy of El Patrón, and that he wasn't important to anybody at all.
    3. Matt keeps dreaming about the time when he and Tam Lin rode the horse past the dead man, the eejit, lying in the fields. He started to keep a pitcher of water beside his bed so when he woke up, he could instantly get ride of the dry feeling caused by the dream.
    4. Matt gets upset when he and Furball are treated the same way, like when they both are not punished when they do something wrong, because everyone just thinks they don’t know ay better.
    5. Felicia is Steven’s and Tom’s mother. She is the wife of Mr. Alacrán, and every afternoon she plays a piano, and Matt always comes to listen. Afterwards, she always drinks a brown liquid brought to her by the maids, and is then carried away to her room. She seems like she has some kind of problem, and she always seems like she is in pain.
    6. He is very excited when he discovers a secret passage way inside of a closet, it allows him to sneak through the house without having to constantly hide from people walking the halls.
    7. Matt overhears Tom and the doctor trying to convince Mr. Alacrán to get the medication he needs to survive, from whatever is wrong with him. He is strongly apposed to getting help, because he says his time has come.
    8. Matt discovers his hidden talent to play music, specifically the piano. Tam Lin finds out and they find him a teacher to help him improve.
    9. He is improving in his musical skills, he can speak English and Spanish fluently, and he has everyone impressed. Tam Lin cannot connect these talents back to El Patrón, but supports Matt anyway. María and Celia are as proud as him as ever, and he hopes everyone will get over the fact that he is a clone, if he can impress them with his knowledge.

  5. 1. He watched T.V and learned a lot from that.
    2. He understood that he was only a picture and wasn't very important. He also said picture are left in drawers for years being forgotten.
    3. He keep on picturing the man that had died on the field. He pictured the man of the field with eyes open looking at the sun. He asked for a pitcher of water to put by his bed so it would make him stop thinking about the man that died in the field.
    4. They looked at Matt the same way they looked at Furball even though he got good grades and had very good manners.
    5. Felicia liked to play the Piano every day and Matt said that she was very good at it. The book said that she was never really happy, she always a had a painful smile on.
    6. In the music room, there is a secret passage.
    7. There was a switch which opened a door that had a lot of shoes in it. He decided to walk closer to it and he heard El Patron talking to his grandson. They were talking about how his grandson was going to die. El Patron was trying to tell his grandson what to do so he wouldn't die but his grandson said " if god wants me to go, then i will go."
    8. Matt is very good at paying the piano. He try's to make sure no one can hear him because he thinks he will get into trouble. Tam Lin hears him playing and was very surprised that that was Matt playing.
    9. Matt is a very smart, he learns about a lot of in which you would earn if he was a regular person. He wants to become very smart because he doesn't want to be known as "the clone." He wanted to become smart so that everyone would forget that he is a clone and they thought he was just a regular person like everyone else that he knew and made fun of him.

  6. 1. Matt is a good student. He gets better grades than most kids his age. He continues to learn because of Celia and Maria. Tam Lin is also teaching him about nature because he knows a lot about it.
    2. Matt feels hollowness and lonely because Tam Lin tells him that he is like a photograph and not a real kid. He is basically a photo copy of El Patron and he doesn't have his own identity.
    3. Matt is continuously dreaming about the dead man in the field. He keeps on dreaming about the man in the field because he has never experienced someone dead before.
    4. Matt is mad with Furball because the dog continuously reminds him that they do not get blamed for mistakes because they are both "filthy animals".
    5. Felicia is the mom of Steven, Tom, and Benito. Everyday Felicia plays the piano. She seems like a very glum and depressed person that doesn't seem very happy.
    6. Matt finds a secret passage in the music room. The passage is in the closet. He is also able to eavesdrop on peoples conversations because the passage leads to many other rooms.
    7. Matt comes across Mr, Alcran and the doctor talking to El Viejo. Matt discovers that El Viejo has cancer but will not get chemotherapy.
    8. Matt discovers that he has a lot of musical talent on the piano and can play very well.
    9. Matt can speak fluent English and Spanish. He can also read ten years above other kids his age. He can name all of the planets and the brightest stars in the universe. He can also name all of the constellations. Matt also has a lot of musical talent . He wants to keep learning so that people think he is a regular smart kid and not a clone.

  7. 1. Matt is a good student. He learns by watching TV.
    2. Matt felt hollow because he knows that he is just a photograph and photographs can be thrown in a drawer and be forgotten for years.
    3. Matt keeps dreaming about the man who died in the field he could see how dry and dusty his mouth was but every time he had that dream he could never give him water.
    4. It makes Matt upset when Furball gets excited he forgets all of his training. Also it makes Matt upset when Furball or Matt do anything wrong they don’t get in trouble but if say Tom were to do something wrong he would get in trouble
    5. Felicia is the Mother of Beito and Steven. Everyday Felicia wakes up late then see goes and plays the piano. Next she gets a servant to bring her a drink to make her hands stop trembling. Then the doctor comes and injects opium in her. Finally she goes strait to sleep.
    6. Matt finds a secret passageway in the piano rooms closet.
    7. Matt heard the doctor, Mr. Alacrán, and Mr. Alacráns father talking and we found out that Mr. Alacráns father has cancer but he doesn’t want to get chemotherapy because he thinks that “god wants me to come” (Mr. Alacráns father, 88).
    8. Matt discovered that he could play the piano.
    9. Matt could name planets stars and constellations. He could also name all the countries and their capital. Matt wants to learn more because he wants to learn more then people will not think of him as a real person and not a clone.
