Wednesday 19 November 2014

Chapter 31: Ton-Ton

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post:

1. How would you describe Ton-Ton? What does Matt think about him?
2. What do Ton-Ton and Luna think about the Keepers' lifestyle?
3. What makes a big sign "FREEDOM" flash through Matt's mind?
4. What do you think of Matt's character? How has he changed since the first chapter?
5. How does making friends with Ton-Ton benefit the boys?
6. Why does Matt start sobbing? What does Chacho do? What does this say about his character?


  1. 1. Ton-Ton was loyal to the keepers, until they hurt him even when he did nothing wrong. He seems awkward and shy on the outside, but I don’t think he is a bad person. He seems to be older than most of the other lost boys. Matt thinks Ton-Ton could be helpful with his escape, because he seems to know a lot about the keepers. So he is going to try and befriend Ton-Ton.
    2. They think the keepers live like kings compared to them, but they decide that the keepers have earned it. Deep down I think Ton-Ton doesn’t agree with it, even though he says so. They think if they work hard enough, one day when they become keepers they will live like them.
    3. Matt finds out that every night the keepers take laudanum, and get drunk in a way. He thinks they will be easy to sneak past while they are feeling tired and sluggish.
    4. Matt is becoming more independent, and relying less on other people to take care of him. He is learning ho the world really works, and understanding where the Alacrán’s, Celia’s, and Tam Lin”s state of minds all were. And of course, he is maturing.
    5. They sort of have a man on the inside. Ton-Ton knows where and what the keepers usually are and do. So he can let them know where to go and when. Also, it’s always helpful to have more people on your side too.
    6. Matt gets upset when he starts talking about Celia, Chacho asks who she is, and the memories of everyone he cared about came back. He starts to sob, and Chacho says he shouldn’t have asked, and he knows how Matt feels. This says Chacho is a caring, understanding person, and Matt is lucky to have Chacho on his side.

  2. 1: He is very complacent and gracious. He was saved by the keepers and so he listens to everything they tell him. He is also very ignorant. He doesn't understand the true intentions of the keepers, like Matt and Chacho do. Matt sees Ton Ton as a good way to escape so he befriends him.
    2: They say that they agree that the keepers deserve their lifestyle, but deep down I think Ton Ton doesn't agree that it's fair and that he is envious of the keepers.
    3: He finds out that everynight all of the keepers take laudanum and wouldn't be able to stop Matt if he tried to escape because they are so disorientated.

    1. 4: At first Matt was very young and ignorant. He was kept sheltered almost his whole life, and now that he is no longer living in Opium he is starting to understand how the world works and he is becoming much more independent.
      5: Ton Ton knows all about the keepers and how they all get high off of laudanum every night so he knows the prime time to escape. Ton Ton also knows the area surrounding the plankton factory so he would know how to get around.
      6: Matt starts crying because he misses his old life and he misses Tam Lin and Celia. Matt tells Chacho that Tam Lin and Celia were his mom and dad. Chacho knows that Matt would miss his parents and he is sympathetic. He feels bad for Matt which shows that deep down Chacho is actually a kind caring person.

  3. 1. Ton-Ton is a bigger older kid with lots of acne. He was saved by the keepers so he is very obedient towards them and does everything he tells him to do.
    2. Ton-Ton and Luna think they deserve their lifestyle because he thinks they have worked very hard to get to where they are now. I think Ton-Ton says this because he thinks he will be in their position one day later on.
    3. Freedom flies through Matt's mind because he finds out that they all take laudanum and do not wake up for a long time and would not know if Matt was escaping or trying to escape from the plankton factory.
    4. I think Matt is less awkward around people because in the first chapter he couldn't get his words out to Steven, Emilia, and Maria when they came to the little house. However, now, he talks back to the Keepers and makes friends easily now.
    5. It benefits the boys because he can tell them what the keepers do at night and when they will have the chance to escape when the keepers are knocked out form the laudanum. This benefits the boys because it makes their lives a lot easier during the escape.
    6. Matt starts sobbing because he is thinking about family and how life was so good back at the Big House. He really starts crying when he thinks about Celia because she was all that really mattered to Matt and now he may not ever see her again.

  4. 1. Ton Ton is very loyal, he was even Loyal to the keepers until they beat him up for doing nothing. Matt thought that he was very intelligent because he observed the keepers and what they do. He said that Ton Ton thinks a bit slower but he is very knowledgeable about what he thinks about in the end.
    2. They think that it is very privilege they say that they have all all night parties and that they have swimming pool, and they don't have to eat plankton all day every day and they get real milk, also they get really good chocolate. They said that they earned there life style and that one day they would have it to if they earned it.
    3. He gets freedom in his mind because he finds out that all the keepers take a drug called laudanum, this would make it so Matt could escape and the keepers couldn't keep him there because they are all sleeping.
    4. I think that Matt has become way more courageous, he has also is a little meaner, in the first chapter he was so nice now sometimes he is a little mean. He also is a lot less curious only because he knows a lot more now. He is a lot more approachable now then before and approachable.
    5. It is good to be friends with Ton Ton because they can get incite on what the keepers do. Like Matt wouldn't know that he could escape at night and they wouldn't know.
    6. He starts to cry because he thinks about the big house and Celia, he thinks about how good his life was before. He thinks about Celia and how much he misses her and that’s when he started to cry even harder.

  5. 1. Ton-ton is one of the bigger and older kids out of the lost boys. He respects the keeps very much because they saved him. He also does everything that the Keepers tell him to do.
    2. Ton-ton and Luna think that the Keepers work very hard to keep the kids straight. He says this because he thinks that he will be a Keeper when he is older to take on the same role.
    3. Matt really wants to get his way to freedom and he finds out that the keeps drink laudanum at night so he thought it would be easy to get away when they drink the laudanum.
    4. Matt is changing a lot, he doesn't get scared to talk a lot more but also keeps quiet sometimes. He is becoming very smart and he is making his own plan to get away and when the right time is to do so. He is also learning that people are different around the world because Opium and Aztlan are ran in two different ways.
    5. It is good to be friends with Ton-ton because he knows a lot about the Keepers, like for example, he knows where they are most of the time and also what they do at different times.
    6. Matt starts sobbing because he misses Celia and misses her. This also brings back memories of everyone else. Chacho knows how Matt feels so he tries to Comfort Matt because he feels bad for him. Chacho is good to be friends because is very caring and is very helpful.

  6. 1. He is loyal to the keepers because they saved him so he repays them back by being very nice to them. when the keepers tell him to do something he does without hesitating. And he is the oldest of the group
    2. Ton Ton thinks that the life the keepers live is fair because they deserved it from working hard but i think they should give a taste of the good life to the lost kids here and there.
    3. Matt finds out that the keepers get drunk every night from taking laudanum and he knows that it should be super easy getting past them when they are drunk because they are falling all over the place
    4. matt is maturing by a great margin from when he was a little kid because now he understands other people and their feelings and he doesn't need other people to help him survive.
    5. This benefits the boys because they will know all the things about the orphanage and almost everything about the keepers and what they do.
    6. Matt starts crying because he starts to remember Celia and that brings back memories about everybody else at the big house and then Chacho try to help him out and make him fell better. this shows that Chacho is a good friend and is very caring.

  7. 1. Ton-Ton is a very smart, intelligent and observant boy. Matt thinks the boy is smart but he was just careful about what he says. Also Matt said in chapter 30 that Ton-Ton was the biggest suck up ever.
    2. Ton-Ton and Luna think the keepers earned the lifestyle they have. But I think that they might have earned it but the way they use their power is not showing fairness. The keepers are always saying that is hard but its fair.
    3. The big red sing FREEDOM flashes through his mind because Matt just found out that all the guards took laudanum every night and that means that the fence is unguarded because all the guards are like zombies.
    4. I think Matts character has changed a lot since the first chapter because at the beginning of the book Matt was very scared. But now Matt a lot stronger and bolder. This is because of El Patrón.
    5. Making friends with Ton-Ton helps the boys because then Matt knows more about them and the keepers’ secrets.
    6. Matt starts sobbing because he remembered all the memories of Tam Lin and Celia. This says that Matt is really good about hiding his emotions.
