Sunday 16 November 2014

Chapter 21: Blood Wedding & Chapter 22: Betrayal

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post.

Ultimate Betrayals
1. Who is getting married? What is the truth behind most weddings in the Alacran family?
2. How does Maria react when Matt shows her Esperanza's picture?
3. What happens to El Patron at the wedding?

4. Who ruins Maria and Matt's plan to escape?
5. Why do you think these people chose to hand Matt over to El Patron? Can you think of how this benefits them? What would you have done?
6. Choose two words from the list below and define them. Then, use both in a sentence that shows the context of the word.

- seethe
- queasy
- adjoining
- confined
- stealthy
- murmur
- corrupt
- pustule
- devastate
- animated
- embroidered 
- hysterical 
- dire
- treacherous
- sinister 


  1. 1) Steven and Emilia are getting Maried. The truth between most of them is that el patron is forcing them to get married and sometimes they don't want to. If they don't want to it is not there choice they will be forced to.
    2) she is shocked because everyone is telling her that her mom is lost and or dead. So when she found out she was shocked also because she has a chance of swing her.
    3) at the wedding elm patron has another hard attack and the. Is rushed to the hospital. Then after Gris they surch for Matt so he can go to the hospital.
    4) Steven and Emilia turn Matt in to the hospital because el patron needs him to get extracted. They do this when they try to ex ape in the hovercraft.
    5) I think that they would do this because el patron will reword then with something. Even thought that he might not give them anything they will think that he will give them something and it is worth a shot.
    6) dire: it means that something is urgent and has to happen right away : el patron is dire for Matt to come to the hospital.
    Corrupt: means that you are willing to do something for a return of money. This is like when Steven and Emilia bright Matt to el patron because they thought they would get something in return.

  2. 1. Emilia and Stephen are going to get married.
    2. She was very shocked, she didn't remember what she had looked like but her Dada had pictures of her mother so she knew who it was.
    3. El Patron has another heart attack at the wedding. He was then rushed to the hospital. Then they look for Matt to take him to the hospital.
    4. Emilia and Steven knew that Maria was trying to save Matt but Emilia and Steven knew that it was Matt in the eejit uniform but it was really Matt and they had him taken to the hospital.
    5. I think that they chose to turn him in was because they didn't like clones. Even though El Patron was the reason Matt was alive. El Patron was really rich and he got the people almost everything they wanted and they lived a good life but that is only because of El Patron's richness. So if they turned Matt in, El Patron would survive.
    Stealthy: moving very quietly but farely quick.
    On this mission, be very stealthy so that no one finds you.
    Hysterical: fearful and emotionally shocked.
    I acted very hysterical knowing what hot dogs were made out of knowing how many hot dogs I have aten.

  3. 1: Steven and Emelia are getting married. Most weddings in the Alacran family are arranged.
    2: She was shocked that all this time she didn't know. She recognized her since Senator Mendoza still had some pictures.
    3: El Patron has another heart attack. He is rushed to the hospital and they look for Matt to take him there as well.
    4: Steven and Emilia figure out Maria's rescue plan for Matt and they disrupt it by giving Matt to the guards and he is then taken to the hospital.
    5: They turned Matt in because they see him as a filthy clone and as live stock. He is an annoyance and they don't want to have to deal with him so they turn him in. I personally wouldn't have turned him in but that's just because I am not intolerant of clones like they are.
    6: Queasy: Nauseated or sick. Ex: My stomach is feeling queasy, so can I leave class?
    Sinister: Very evil, and maniacal. Ex: There is a sinister plot going down.

  4. 1. Steven and Emilia are getting married. Marriages in the Alacrán family do not usually involve the opinions of the people who are actually getting married. In this case Steven and Emilia actually liked each other. If they didn’t it wouldn’t have mattered, because they would have been forced to marry anyway.
    2. She is sad, because she misses her mother. And also not very happy with her father because he didn’t tell her that her mother was still alive.
    3. El Patrón had a heart attack, and Matt was told by several people to stay hidden. The whole house was looking for him.
    4. María tries to disguise Matt as an eejit, but Steven and Emilia recognize him. They tell the guards to take Matt back to the big house.
    5. They gave him up just because they don’t like him, or clones in general. People don’t think Matt matters, or is worth saving. I wouldn’t have turned him in, because the only thing I would have to do is, nothing.
    6. Murmur: A low tone of voice spoken by a group of people or just one. Ex: After he said that, a low murmur fell over the crowd.
    Devastate: Either to destroy or ruin, or a severe and unbearable shock. Ex: The hurricane devastated the small town. Or Sean was devastated when his dog died.

  5. 1. Steven and Emilia are in an arranged marriage which is how marriages are in the Alacran family. The parents choose who marries who and when.
    2. When Matt shows Maria the picture of her mother, she becomes very shocked. She is like this because she thought her mother was dead and now knowing that she is alive is very exciting.
    3. During the wedding, El Patron has a heart attack. Matt realizes something might happen to him so he goes to his secret hideaway where only Maria could find him.
    4. Maria tries to make Matt look like an eejit by putting an eejit uniform on him. However, Steven and Emilia recognize him as Matt.
    5. Steven and Emilia give Matt up because he is a "dirty or filthy clone or animal". I wouldn't have turned Matt in because he is still a regular kid and not what everyone says he is.
    6. Confined: to be trapped, or prevented from going anywhere. "I was confined to my bedroom because I was sick. "
    Hysterical: to go crazy, or to not be able to stop laughing. "I went hysterical because my dog died."

  6. 1. steven and Emilia are getting married and it is pretty weird because all marriages are arranged in the family and i thought that they ere brother and sister.
    2. she gets upset because she is missing her mom and she is mad a her dad for not telling her that her mom was still alive.
    3. El Patron has another heart attack at the wedding and was taking to the hospital but the whole place starts to look for him because thy want him to go to the hospital.
    4. Steven and Emilia ruin their plan. what happened was Maria made Matt looked like an eejit but Steven and Emilia recognized him and ratted them out to the guards.
    5. They turn Matt in because most people hate clones and i would have never have done that because he is a human and i like clones and this doesn't really benefit anything.
    6. stealthy: when you are being hidden or are very quiet and good at hiding.
    Dire: is when something is urgent or serious.

  7. 1. the people who are getting married are Steven and Emilia.
    2. Maria reacts shocked and sad because she misses her mom and she acts shocked because she can recognize her from pictures that she has.
    3. He has a heart attack then a lot of people told him to go hide, then the hole house started to look for matt.
    4.Maria and Matt try to hide by Maria talking to Matt like he was audit but Steven and Emilia see Matt and they know what helix like and that take him to the big house.
    5. The people turned in Matt because they don't like Matt because he is a clone. I don't know what i would do because i haven't grown up in the the environment were cloning is bad. I don't know how i would react.
    6. queasy is when you feel sick, like if you have the cold. The smell of the skunk made me very queasy. The second word is stealth it is when you are sneaky and it is hard to see you like a spy has to be stealth. I was very stealth when i scared my friends at school.

  8. 1. Steven and Emilia are getting married. Alacráns marry other Alacráns. El Patrón arranges the marriages.
    2. María seems hurt and confused when she sees the picture of Esperaanza.
    3. El Patrón has a heart attack.
    4. Steven and Emilia ruins their plans to escape.
    5. El Patrón would be mad if they didn’t hand him over. I would not have handed Matt over as I would be leaving too.
    6. I chose the list words
    Animated and Stealthy
    Means something that is lively, full of energy, and perky, or bubbly.
    María was animated as she danced around the room.

    Means something that is sly, secretive, and sneaky.
    Matt and María were stealthy as they were going through El Patróns secret passage to escape from his enemies.
