Tuesday 4 November 2014

Chapter 8: The Eejit in the Dry Field

Opium Poppies

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post:

1. Where are Tam Lin and Matt going? Why?
2. Describe the farm working using descriptive adjectives. What are they doing?
3. What happens to the man lying on the ground (p. 77)? Based on this, how valuable do you think clones are in this world?
4. Why doesn't the horse leave the farm area? What are your opinions on this?
5. Where so Tam Lin and Matt go? Why is it a secret place?

Desert Oasis
6. Matt asks how he was made. How does Tam Lin describe it?
7. What is an "eejit"? Can you give examples?
8. How is Matt's education going to change now?


  1. 1: Matt and Tam Lin are going for a picnic at the secret oasis that Tam Lin discovered.
    2: All of the workers in the poppy fields are using knives to slice the poppies to harvest the opium from them. It is very robotic almost because all of the workers are slicing in unison.
    3: The man lying on the ground died. According to Tam Lin he most likely didn't hear the supervisor tell him to stop working for the night, so he simply continued working. He then died of dehydration since no one told him to get water.
    4:The horse doesn't leave the farm because it is a "Safe Horse". This means that it is an eejit so it has a computer chip in its head that limits it to very menial tasks. It also makes it so that it has to be ordered to do anything. It is almost like taking away its free will because it can no longer make decisions for its self.
    5: Tam Lin and Matt go to the secret oasis that Tam Lin discovered for a picnic. It is a secret place because Tam Lin discovered it and hasn't shown or told anyone about it because he knows that if El Patron discovered it he would have all of the water sucked up and the oasis would be destroyed.
    6: Tam Lin is a little bit insensitive in the way he describes how Matt was cloned. He tells Matt that he came from a piece of skin that El Patron had frozen a hundred years ago and compares Matt to a photograph rather then a real person, and although Tam Lin is right about the process of the cloning, he could have been a little bit nicer.
    7: An eejit is someone or something with a chip in its brain that enables it to only carry out menial tasks. It is programmed to do one thing and one thing only. An example of an eejit is Matt's old teacher because she could only teach the same lesson over and over again. And according to Tam Lin, she was one of the brighter eejits.
    8: Matt's education will now consist of what Matt is taught by Celia and Maria and what Matt learns from watching the TV.

  2. 1. They are going to something Tam Lin calls a oasis, they are going here because they want to have picnic, Tam Lin said there was two reasons he brought Matt here one because it's nice and two because he wants to talk to him about thing without people listening. They are talking about how Matt came to be and why he is on this earth.
    2. The farm workers eejits they are made to be one and only one thing only.
    3. The man laying on the ground has died from dehydration because he didn't here the man leading them tell him to get water so he just kept on working and didn't get water.
    4. The Horse doesn't leave the farm because it is a eejit. It is implanted in the animals brain that he can't go passed the farm.
    5. They go to a place that Tam Lin found when he first started working in the big house. It is a secret because if people found out about this and that there is water they would take all the water away, then it wouldn't be as nice.
    6. He said that he took the skin of El Patron then he was put in a cow. Then He was taken out and he had all the bones brains and all that of a normal person, but he didn't have a mom or dad.
    7. An eject is a person that gets a chip put in the brains so they are only able to do what they are told to do they can't do anything that they want they can only do what people tell them to do. They can't even talk, this was one eejit can't tell another eejit what to do. They can also only do simple things.
    8. Matt will have to learn from the tv. Instead of the teacher coming in and teaching him.

  3. 1. Matt and Tam Lin are going on a picnic out in the desert on horses.
    2. The farm that Matt and Tam Lin pass by is almost evil. It is evil because they have all eejits working with one person controlling all of them. They work until the master says stop, they don't get water until he says drink, it's like controlling a whole bunch of robots.
    3. The man lying on the ground must not have heard his master to tell him to stop working so he kept on working until he died of lack of water because he was never given a break.
    4. The horse doesn't leave the farm area because it is an eejit and it is programmed to stay on the farm land and not go anywhere. It wouldn't have drank any water if Tam Lin hadn't told him to. I think this is cruel to the animals because it was just an innocent horse then it was basically turned into a robot.
    5. Matt and Tam Lin go to an oasis in the mountains. It is a secret place because only Tam Lin knows about it and he has not taken anyone there with him. That is why it is a scary place.
    6. Tam Lin says that if he was a real boy, he would tell him to ask his big brother that "tricky question". However, Matt is not a regular human. Tam Lin says that Matt was made from a piece of skin from El Patron. Then they froze the skin until 8 years ago. Than, with the piece of skin, they built Matt.
    7. An eejit is a person who once was a regular human but got programmed to only do one thing and one thing only. They won't go anywhere or do anything unless there master tells them to.
    8. Matt's education will change because no human teacher wants to teach him, only eejits will teach them because they don't know he is a clone, they are only programmed to teach the same thing over and over.

  4. 1. Tim Lin and Matt are going to for a picnic in a field because Matt finally spoke and they are going out to celebrate that Matt finally talked after 6 months in the prison.
    2. The farm is full of opium flowers and the farmers are slashing the flowers open in perfect rhythm and this gooey dark stuff is coming out of them. what they do is leave it out for the day and let it harden and scrape it off and drink it.
    3. he died from lack of water because he didn't hear the supervisor tell them to go get water and he kept on working and got dehydrated and died.
    4. the horse doesn't leave the farm land because it is programmed to stay in one area and it wont blot or jump.it doesn't drink unless you tell it to. the horse is an eejit. i don't like this ice because you are brain washing the person to do things you should do or your not letting the subject to live its life and you might not give it the right command in time and it could die.
    5. Tam Lin takes Matt to an oasis that is the secret place. hen you first see it there is a big boulder blocking its way but there is a small hole you can climb thorough. when you firsts see it it is amazing there is and perfect narrow line full of trees, a nice pool of water in the middle, with little brown fish in the water and a grape line over a man made trellis.
    6. Tim Lin says they ripped off a piece of El patrons skin and froze it for 8 years. they took a bit of the skin and turned it into a El patron but a baby version. they put the skin in a special place in the cow and the time came you were born.
    7. an eejit a a person or animals who has a chip planted in the brain and they are specialized to do one thing. so they brain wash them and they also listen to the person telling them to do something. so it is like a cell that preforms one thing .
    8. Matts education is going to change because he is going to learn off of the TV because the teacher isn't coming back because no one wants to teach a clone.

  5. 1. Tam Lin says that he is taking Matt on a picnic, and he won't say the location. When they get there, Tam Lin explains that he found this oasis, and is keeping it a secret so it doesn't get destroyed.
    2. Matt and Tam Lin ride by and see farmers slicing roots with solemn expressions, and no emotion or talking. They are trying to harvest opium from the ground, the sap oozes out and is collected the next day.
    3. The man died, probably of thirst, because he is an eejit. I guess no one told him to go have water, so he died. Clones are important because they could be useful if people cloned themselves to help do their jobs. Maybe if there were more people working, this man would have been told to go have water.
    4. The horse is an eejit and is programmed to not leave the farm area. Even if it wanted to, it couldn't, this is because it has an implant in it's head preventing it from doing anything at all, unless it's told otherwise. I actually think it could be useful for animals like this, but it is also really cruel, and if I had to pick a side I would be against it.
    5. They go to an oasis Tam Lin discovered a while ago. Tam Lin tells Matt to keep it a secret because if El Patrón found out about it, he would have all of the oasis's natural resources consumed, and used for his own purposes.
    6. Tam Lin says that a piece of skin was taken from El Patrón and frozen about one hundred years ago. Then it was grown inside of a cow, and that's how Matt was born.
    7. An eejit is an animal or a person with an implant inside of its brain, which only allows it to do what it is told, and nothing else. The horse Matt and Tam rode to the picnic was an eejit, it would only drink the water when Tam Lin told it to, if he didn't it would have stood there till death.
    8. They won't be able to find a human teacher willing to teach a clone, so Matt's learning will have to come from the TV, and a little from Tam and Celia.

  6. 1. They decided to go on a picnic to celebrate Matt being able to speak again.
    2. All of the farmers where cutting the poppies and opium was oozeing out which they will scrap off four or five times the next day.
    3. Tam Lin said that the farmer died because the supervisor called him in for the night but he did not hear him so he died from lack of water. Clones would be important so that they can bring this man back to life, as a baby, and almost the exact same.
    4. The horses don't leave the farm because they are eejits. They only do what they are told. The only way that the horse would drink is because the horse was told, if he wasn't told, he would have died of thirst.
    5. Tam Lin and Matt go through this hole which on the other side is a beautiful scenery of beautiful flowers and a pool of water. This place is secret because Tam Lin did not want anyone to find out about the pool of water and send a pipe from the water to their house.
    6. Tam Lin described Matt as a piece of El Patron that was frozen to keep fresh. So approximately eight years ago, they decided to use the piece of El Patron to make a clone of himself. He was put in a special cow which then Matt came out of the cow as a baby El Patron.
    7. An eejit is a person or animal that can only do one job or very simple jobs. Tam Lin said that the farmers where eejit's because their job was very simple.
    8. Tam Lin educates Matt by taking him on a hike and showing him all the different elements of different animal's habitats. Matt wanted Tam Lin to be his full time teacher but Tam Lin said he could only teach him how to karate chop a desk.

  7. 1. Matt and Tam Lin went on a picnic because he talked and they were celebrating.
    2. The workers were men and women in tan uniforms and big straw hats. They would only do as they were told because they eejits. The workers are slashing the pods to release opium then it hardens over night and in the morning the go and scrape up the opium.
    3. I think this man will be taken from the farm and maybe buried or just thrown in a forest to decompose. In this world I think clones are really important because they do all the dirty and hard jobs. But I think that clones aren’t treated very well so they are not appreciated for what they do.
    4. The horse doesn’t leave the farm area because they are eejits so they only do as they are told and they aren’t able to think for themselves. I think that this is cruel because people and things have the right to think for themselves.
    5. Tam Lin took Matt to an oasis. This place is very secretive because if the “Alacráns don’t know about it. If they did, they’d run a pipe in here and take out all the water.” (Tam Lin, 79)
    6. Tam Lin told him that doctors froze a piece of El Patróns skin then years later they took that skin and injected it into a cow. Then the skin cell grew inside of the cow as a baby clone. Then Tam Lin says that he is not Matt is not just a piece of skin but more like a photograph. Personally I think Tam Lin should of just stopped talking because he was just making things worse for himself.
    7. An eejit is someone or something that has an implant in its head. Eejits can only do simple tasks. The farm workers and the horses and Matts teacher were all eejits.
    8. Matt is not going to have a teacher but he is going to learn by the TV.
