Sunday 9 November 2014

Chapter 13: The Lotus Pond

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post:

1. Matt thinks about the doctor's words again: "Clones go to pieces when they get older." What do you think this means now?
2. What is Felicia's story with MacGregor? Why is she still living at the estate? Who is Felicia's son?
3. How is MacGregor's clone different from Matt?
4. How is McGregor's health?
5. What does Matt steal (two items)? For what purpose?
6. What was the result of Matt's plan?
7. How does Tam Lin react?
8. Who do you think is really responsible?


  1. 1. Maybe he thinks he could eventually turn into something like the clone he saw in the hospital. And maybe it was just a matter of time before he was screaming until he ran out of air.
    2. Felicia ran off with MacGregor a while ago, because the got sick of the big house. But MacGregor got bored of her and let El Patrón have her back. Now she belongs to El Patrón and has to stay and work for him. She is also Tom’s mother.
    3. MacGregor’s clone had its intelligence blunted. Which means they injected something into its brain so it couldn’t really think at all.
    4. Because of the recommendations from El Patrón, MacGregor’s health seems to be doing well.
    5. Matt steals Furball and a bottle of laudanum, because he hopes to hold Furball hostage, and if needed, put him to sleep with the laudanum. He wants to force María to come and talk to him, no matter what.
    6. Matt leaves the dog in decent conditions in a little shed, with the bottle on the shelf above. Someone, like Tom, must have seen him go into the shed and then they went in after Matt left. They gave Furball too much of the laudanum, and it killed him. Because Matt’s fingerprints were found on the bottle, he was accused of the crime.
    7. Tam Lin is very disappointed in Matt, and says that humans know how to act, and he should have thought about what he was going to do before he did it.
    8. Matt thinks Tom is responsible, and I agree. I think so because Tom will do anything to get Matt into trouble, because of the rivalry between him and Matt.

  2. 1: At first I thought that it meant that they fall apart mentally, but now I know that it means that when they get older they are simply killed and their body parts go to their original donor if they need a new organ for example.
    2: Felicia got "bored" of Mr. Alacran and ran off with MacGregor and had Tom, however since El Patron is so possessive, he still saw her as his so he took her and Tom back.
    3: Unlike Matt, MacGregor's clone had its intelligence blunted at birth so it isn't even close to Matt since he is basically the exact same as El Patron.
    4: MacGregors health isn't very good. Apparently he has been drinking to much and needs a new liver and that's why they had his clone in the hospital. They are going to take the clone's liver and give it to MacGregor.
    5: Matt stole laudanum and hamburger beef. His plan was to put the laudanum in the beef and then feed it to Furball in order to make him pass out. He then would black mail Maria into talking to him in order to get furball back.
    6: The result was that someone who wanted to get back at Matt, gave Furball an overdose of laudanum which killed Furball and made it look like it was Matt that killed Furball. The plan completely back fired on Matt.
    7: Tam Lin thinks that Matt did do it, and when Matt says that he didn't do it, Tam Lin says that Matt should just own up to it and take the punishment, but he doesn't realize that Matt actually didn't do it.
    8: I would think that Tom did it since he was still holding a grudge against Matt for putting him at the baby table at El Patrons birthday party and he probably saw it as an opportunity to get back at Matt and to be cruel to Maria. After all he did already try to kill Furball once.

  3. 1) I think that it means ( i know that it means) that when the owner need the heart or lungs then they take it from the clones and they are in pieces ( the body parts).
    2) The story between the two is Felicia is marries to MacGregor. The reason that she hasn't left is because el patron wont let her. he will not let anything leave his site. Felicias son is tom.
    3) The other clone is different because he was blanked out of his knowledge. The reason that is different is because matt is a regular child.
    4) MacGregor's health is in a good condition because he got the transplants, from his clone.
    5) Matt steals a bottle laudanum and a patty of meat. the reason he did this is because he is going to dognap furball ans then give it the patty with the opium so it will fall asleep.
    6) The result is that furball gets killed because he used to much of the liquid. After this happens matt also gets in trouble by senator megazo.
    7) Tam lin reacts in a chill but mad way. The way he does this is by talking like Matt should of known better. Also he goes away from him with el patron.
    8) I think that tom is really responsible because he do sent like matt and he was there when matt did this.

  4. 1. I think it means that it would be in his mind it is either this or he would turn into the clone that they saw in the hospital.
    2. Tom is Felicia’s son. Felicia and Mr. Macgregor got devoirs but then El Patron brought her back but Mr. Macgregor didn't want her back and she didn't want him back. They don't talk now.
    3. Mr. Macgregor’s clone got injected with the needle that makes peoples mind not work anymore, Matt did not do this.
    4.Macgregors health is not very good at all he wants to get the implants in his brain just like El Patron that is how bad he is doing. He also got a new liver and two new kidneys.
    5.Matt steals Fur Ball and he also stole a bottle of liquid that will knock out a dog with thee sips. He did this so the dog will not bark. He stole the dog so he can find it when Maria got very scared and is very happy when Matt gives back the dog.
    6. Matts plan worked horribly Matt gave Fur ball too much of the liquid and then the dog died. Matt had killed the dog and everyone hated him for doing it.
    7. Tam Lin was very upset, but he did not hurt Matt, he just said that Tam Lin that he should have known better.
    8. I think that Tom did it because Tom is very evil, Matt thinks the same thing. I have my doubts though because the book might try to trick us into thinking Tom did it but then surprising us by telling us somebody else did it.

  5. 1. I think that this means that they will go to pieces because all people do is not respect them so they just get tired of it and then they get really stressed.
    2. Felicia was married to Mr. Alacran but decided to stop with Mr. Alacran because she got bored. They she married Macgregor and they had Tom. El Patron still she’s her as his so she stills lives in the house.
    3. Mr. Macgregor’s brain was destroyed.
    4. He got new liver and two new kidneys.
    5. Matt steals Furball and Laudanum. He gives Furball the Laudanum so that Furball will fall asleep and so that Maria would come and get her dog.
    6. His plan did not work; the security guards caught him and took him inside. He was told that he couldn’t ever be around Maria ever again.
    7. Tam Lin is very disappointed in Matt. Matt tried to tell him that he didn’t steal the laudanum but he did and Tam Lin doesn’t like people who lie.
    8. I think it is Tom’s fault. He is always trying to get Matt into trouble and since he really likes Maria, he made her look at Matt differently. Tom has also attempted to kill Furball once.

  6. 1. When the doctor says that clones go to pieces when they get older, Matt now knows what he means. Willum means that they go mentally crazy and can't control themselves like the thing on the bed.
    2. Felecia apparently got "bored" with Mr Alacran. Felecia was than with Mr. MacGregor and gave birth to Tom. However, since El Patron keeps everything he gets, he wouldn't let Felecia leave.
    3. MacGreger's clone is different from Matt because the other clone was wiped of his knowledge from a needle when he was created. Whereas, Matt did not have the needle injected into him.
    4. MacGregor is doing better because he got transplants from his clone or the thing on the bed. Since he got the transplants, he is doing much better.
    5. Matt stole a bottle of laudanum and a hamburger patty. Matt was going to put the laudanum on the burger, thus making Furball pass out. Matt was going to use black mail in order to get Maria to talk to him.
    6. As a result, someone who wanted revenge on Matt gave Furball an overdose of laudanum and it killed the dog. However, it looked like Matt did it and his planned worked in the opposite way he wanted it to.
    7. Tam Lin thinks that Matt committed the crime also. He wants Matt to confess about it but doesn't realize that Matt actually didn't do it.
    8. I think that it was Tom who committed the crime to get back at Matt for putting him sat the kids table at the party. .

  7. 1. Now I think it means that all clones will end up strapped to a bed screaming because they are incapable of doing anything else.
    2. Felicia had run away and stayed with Mr. MacGregor. Then Mr. Alacran ordered her back to the estat. 6 months after she run away Tom came. Tom is Mr. MacGregor and Felicia’s son. Felicia is still living at the estat because Mr. Alacran ordered her to stay with him. Felicia’s son is Tom.
    3. MacGregor’s clone was given a needle when he was born and this needle made it so the clone couldn’t act like a normal kid.
    4. MacGregor is better now that he got the implants and he also got a new liver.
    5. Matt steals Marias dog Furball and he stoll Felicia’s laudanum so that he could give it to Furball and he would go to sleep so that Matt could talk to Maria.
    6. In the end Marias dog died because somebody gave the dog laudanum.
    7. Tam Lin was not at all impressed and Tam Lin refinds him to his quarters until Maria leaves.
    8. I think Tom gave the dog the laudanum and staged it on Matt because Tom was next the lotus pond when Matt was putting Furball in the pump house. Then when Matt came out of the pump house Tom was there and had a frog pined down with nails.
