Thursday 27 November 2014

Chapter 37: Homecoming

Answer the following questions by commenting on this post:

1. Use three adjectives to describe Esperanza.
2. What are lockdowns in Opium? How many have there been and what is different about this one?
3. Describe Esperanza's plan. What is Matt's role and why is he needed?
4. Who does Matt see when he is in Opium?


  1. 1: Esperanza is determined, feisty, and motivated.
    2: A lock down in Opium is when the borders are completely shut down. Nothing can get in or out and any hovercraft that tries to enter is shot down, unless El Patron's hand print is put on the hand print scanner to prove that he is on the hovercraft. There have only been three other lock downs in the last hundred years and they were all only a few hours. This one has lasted for three months.
    3: I think that the plan isn't the most well thought out and doing it is putting people lives at risk but given the circumstances, I don't think that they really have any other options. Since El Patron's hand print is required to over ride the security system Matt is supposed ride on the hovercraft and then use his hand print, but if the security system was changed since El Patron's death, the craft will be blown out of the sky.
    4: When Matt lands in Opium the first person he sees is Mr. Ortega. He scares Mr. Ortega since he is deaf and Matt is also probably the last person that he expected to see at the house. He then goes on to see Celia and Daft Donald.

  2. 1. Esperenza: powerful, committed, and, motivated.
    2. A lock down for Opium is when the border around the whole land is completely shut down. If any hovercraft tries to go through, it will get shot down immediately unless El Patron's hand print is put on the scanner. There have been 3 lock downs in the past century and they only last a few hours. The current one has lasted three months and is still on.
    3. Esperenza's plan is to put Matt on a hovercraft and fly it to Opium. Since Matt is El Patron's clone, he has the safe hand print as him. So, they won't get shot down because it is El Patron's hand print.
    4. Once Matt lands in Opium, he sees Mr. Ortega. The music teacher becomes very scared because he thought Matt was dead. He thinks he is seeing Matt's ghost.

  3. 1.Esperenza: driven, never gives up, and powerful.
    2. A lock down is not like our lockdown at all, there lock down is when they will totally block everything and everybody from coming in because they put a wall up. If a hovercraft tries to go through to the city it will be shot on sight. he only way this won't happen is if El Patrons hand print is on the hover craft. In the last century there has only been three lock downs, but this lockdown is special it lasted three months and the others usually only last about a couple hours.
    3. Esperanza's plan is that they will go to opium by hover craft, they want get shot because they have El Patron hand print. They have his hand print because Matt is his clone and they have the same hand.
    4. The moment Matt gets to opium the first person he sees is his old music teacher, Mr Ortega. When Mr Ortega saw Matt Mr Ortega got very scared because he thought Matt was dead and he thought Matt was a ghost. What Mar Ortega doesn't know is that Matt got away from El Patron.

  4. 1. Esperanza: Powerful, Motivated, and determined.
    2. This is when Opium shuts down all of the boarders so nothing can leave and nothing can get in unless El Patron hand printed a scanner so the ship doesn't shut down. although the past lock downs haven't been very long, the lock down that is going on right not, has lasted for past 3 months.
    3. Their plan is to fly back to Opium. Their [plan is very risky because since El Patron died, they might have changed the security hand print on the hover crafts but if they didn't, they are clear to go through the boarders.
    4. The first person that Matt sees is Mr Ortega. he startled him because he is deaf but then he goes to see Daft Donald and Celia.

  5. 1. Esperanza is…
    • Sneaky
    • Bossy
    • Short
    2. A lockdown in Opium is when no one can go in or out of Opium. In the past 100 years there have been about three lockdowns. But all of them have lasted for a few hours. This lockdown is different because this one has been going on for three months.
    3. Esperanza wants Matt to go in a hovercraft and use his fingerprint to over ride the lockdown. Esperanza also wants Matt to take over the land of Opium because since El Patrón died Matt (El Patrón’s clone) is now El Patrón. So when Matt takes over Opium Esperanza wants him to tear apart the barrier that separates Atzlan and the U.S.
    4. In Opium Matt sees Mr. Ortega and Celia.

  6. 1. Esperanza is: a leader, strict, and important.
    2. A lockdown in Opium is when the country completely isolates itself from the rest of the world. No hovercrafts are allowed in or out, and communication with outside of the country is prohibited. If anyone tries to get in or out they will be stopped, hovercrafts will be shot down unless El Patrón proves that it’s him on the craft with his handprint. There have only been three other previous lockdowns which only lasted for a couple hours, while this one has been in place for three months.
    3. Her plan is to send Matt on a hovercraft into Opium, and because he is the clone of El Patrón, he should be safe from the guards at the border because of his handprint.
    4. Matt first sees Mr. Ortega, his music teacher, when he lands in Opium. Mr. Ortega is frightened when he sees Matt, because he thought Matt was dead and he was just seeing things. Then he rejoins with Celia once more, and Daft Donald.

  7. 1
    2. the lockdown was in opium and and this is when they block them selfs from other countries and if anything enters it is shot and killed unless it belongs to El Patron and this only happened in 3 times in the past 100 years but this lock down is very big because it lasted for 3 months.
    3. She wants to send matt into opium with a hovercraft and she thinks that he should be safe because he is a clone of EL Patron.
    4. When Matt comes into opium he sees his music teacher and daft Donald

  8. 1) esperenza is a hard worker keeps up to her word and is a leader.
    2) a lock down is were opium locks them selves out from the rest of the world. only el patron can get in and out. this is different from the rest of the others because they only lasted hours and this has lasted 3 months.
    4) when matt enters opium he finds celia daft donald and mr ortaga.
