Thursday, 27 November 2014

Chapter 38: The House of Eternity

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post.

1. Describe what happened at El Patron's funeral. What does this make you think about El Patron? What kind of leader is he?
2. How did Daft Donald survive?
3. What happened to Tam Lin? Why do you think he made this choice?
4. What does Matt find at the end of the chapter? What does it look like?
5. What does Matt vow to do?


  1. 1: El Patron had set aside some wine from the year that he was born. It was supposed to be opened to celebrate his 150th birthday and if he died earlier it was to be drunken at his funeral. What everyone didn't know was that the wine had been poisoned. El Patron was an extremely possessive person and wanted to be like the ancient kings that were buried with their servants and horses. He knew that everyone would drink some at his funeral and they would all die and he would get his final wish to be buried with all of his "possessions" which included his family and servants. It shows that he was a very selfish person that he willing to kill people even after his death just so that they could be buried with him.
    2: Daft Donald survived because just before he drank the wine, Tam Lin told him not to. He knew that it was poisoned and wanted to save Daft Donald.
    3: Tam Lin knew the wine was poisoned, however he knew that he couldn't escape his past and he decided to give El Patron his final wish. He decided that was his only option and he pretty much committed suicide, however his final act of valor was saving Daft Donald from drinking the wine and dying.
    4: At the end of the chapter Matt found the entrance to El Patrons burial chamber. In it was all his treasure. Matt compared it to the burial chambers of all the ancient kings who were buried with their "dragon's hoards".

    1. 5: Matt vows to take down the Opium empire. He says that he will dig up all of the poppy fields and plant normal crops. Then he will cure the eejits, and if they still want to work there, he would pay them, and if not they could leave.

  2. 1. At El Patron's wedding, everyone has a glass of wine. However, this wine was poisoned and everyone who drank it, died. Matt is very sad because Tam Lin died. Tam Lin warned Daft Donald about the wine but Tam Lin still drank it. He drank it because he felt so bad about when he blew up 20 kids and he felt like he needed to face the consequences. However, Daft Donald did not drink the wine and is not dead.
    2. Daft Donald survived because he didn't drink the wine because of Tam Lin's warning about it, so he is really the only one alive.
    3. Tam Lin drank the wine because of his past and everything that happened with the bomb situation. He felt he should face the consequence of death because he cause so much death.
    4. At the end of the chapter, he found El Patron's tomb and dragon hoard of gold.
    5. Matt vows to take down Opium.

  3. 1. At El Patrons funeral everyone that attended was given a bottle of wine but there was a catch, the wine was poison and if they drank it they would die. Matt was very sad that Tam Lin had died, Tam Lin knew about the wine, he even told Daft Donald. Tam Lin still drank the wine, even thought he know that it would kill him. Daft Donald did not drink the wine because he knew that it was poison, Daft Donald is now still alive. This says that El Patron is a leader that thought that once he was gone then everyone that was a part of his life should be gone to.
    2.Daft Donald survived because he didn't drink the wine, he didn't drink the wine because Tam Lin told Daft Donald that it was poison.
    3. Tam Lin drank the wine and he is now dead, i think that Tam Lin made this decision because he feels so bed that he had killed 20 people and didn't get in trouble. Tam Lin thought that he should have to suffer the consequences for doing this.
    4. At the end of the chapter Matt finds a door, on the other side there was El Patrons gold. There was so much gold that Matt even said that it looked like the places the ancient emperors were barred with all there gold.
    5. Matt vows that he will take down opium. The way he is going to do this is dig up to poppy and then plant normal plants. In doing this he will save all the eejits, when they are back to normal they could leave if they wanted to but they could stay and work and get payed at the same time.

  4. 1. El Patrón had a very fancy funeral he had everyone their Steven, Emelia, Mr. Alacran, Tam Lin, the doctors, and many more. Before El Patrón died he told Tam Lin about this bottle of wine that he wanted to be served at his 150th birthday or at his funeral. So Tam Lin served it at his funeral after everyone made a toast they drank the wine and they all died except for Daft Donald because Tam Lin told him that he thought it was poisoned. This makes me think El Patrón is a cruel person because he is taking the lives of innocent people so he can have company in the after life. El Patrón is a terrible leader because he destroyed the land of opium from existing.
    2. Daft Donald survived because Tam Lin told him the wine was poisoned.
    3. Tam Lin drank the poison and died like the rest of the people. I think Tam Lin made this decision because El Patrón told Tam Lin that he had to go with him. I also think he made this choice because of what he had done in his past and Tam Lin just couldn’t forgive himself.
    4. Matt finds one of El Patróns many dragon hoards tunnels. This tunnel was full of gold and it looked like an enchant Egyptian farrows tomb.
    5. Matt vows to destroy the land of Opium and free the borders between the U.S and Aztlan.

  5. 1. At his funeral, there was wine that was from the year that he was born that he planned on drinking at his 150th birthday. He said that if he didn't make it that far, they were to drink at his funeral. Almost all of them drank the wine but Noone knew that the wine had poison in it. He wanted to die with all of his possessions and that is what he did. This makes El Patron a very poor leader, he was okay with not only killing clones but taking the lives of all of his friends and family, or in over words, everyone that he thought he owned.
    2. Tam Lin saved Daft Donald, El Patron told Tam everything, he was probably the closes to El Patron behind Matt. Tam Lin told Daft Donald that the wine was poisoned.
    3. Even though that Tam Lin knew about the poisoned wine, he couldn't handel his past and he couldn't live with knowing that he killed so many kids. So he committed suicide and drank the wine.
    4. Matt found one of El Patrons burial chamber, he said it looked like and ancient Egyptians Kings tomb because of all the good that was there.
    5. Matt vows to take down the whole entire Opium empior. He wants to plant new crops instead of Poppies and cure all of the eejit's and help them find their families.

  6. 1. El Patrón had prepared wine for his funeral, because everyone was supposed to toast him after his death. El Patrón had secretly poisoned the wine, so when everyone drank the wine, they would all die and be buried with him. I think El Patrón was a maniac, who was so obsessed with becoming a king that he did everything exactly how the old kings did, like burying all their possessions with them. And El Patrón considered the people that worked for him his possessions. He is a ruthless, evil person who has had a bad life and caused bad lives because of that.
    2. Daft Donald survived because Tam Lin had known about the wine, and warned Daft about it so he would survive. Tam Lin drank the wine because he felt guilty for all the bad things he had done, such as accidentally killing the bus of kids.
    3. Tam Lin decided he couldn't forgive himself for all the bad things he has done, like serving El Patrón and his evil ways, and blowing up the children. So he drank the wine knowing it was poisoned, to make things right in his opinion. He at least warned Daft.
    4. At the end of the chapter, Matt discovers El Patrón’s secret burial chamber, and where he kept his dragon’s hoard.
    5. Matt vows to make Opium a better place. He wants the country’s economy to not only rely on drugs, and he wants to free the eejits. He is very ambitious, but he feels that all of the work his friends and family have put into him, he needs to repay his debt to them and finish what they believed in, a better Opium.

  7. 1. At El Patrons funeral everybody was given a bottle of wine which was poisoned. He put this in his wine because he wanted everybody else to die too with him because as he said everything that El patron kept he kept and he let nothing go when he had Poisson of it. Tam Lin still drank it but before he did he told everybody what was in it. This shows that Ep Patron was not a great leader because he wanted to kill everybody that followed him so he thought when the ship goes down everybody does.
    2. Daft Donald survived because he knew what was int he bottle of wine because Tam Lin told him
    3. Tam Lin dies from drinking the wine and the only reason Tam lin decided to drink it because he wanted to punish himself for what he did to the kids back in Britain.
    4. Matt finds EL Patrons hidden burial chamber and he says it looks like a dragon hoard.
    5. matt vows to Make opium a better place and to fix it up.i think it is crazy because he is only a teen and he thinks he is going to change a whole city by himself.

  8. 1) at el patrons funeral he poisoned the wine so that when he dies everyone that drinks the wine will die with him. This makes me think that el patron only wanted to live his life and did not care about what happens to everyone else. I think that el patron is a very corrupt leader.
    2) daft Donald survived because tam Lin came up to him and told him that the wine was poisoned she that he wouldn't die
    3) tam Lin thought that he couldn't live with his crimes so he drank the wine. I think that he made this choice because he didn't want to have to live with the things he has done.
