Sunday 9 November 2014

Chapter 12: The Thing on the Bed

Answer the following questions by commenting on the post below:

1. What restriction is placed on Matt's activities?
2. Who comes to visit Matt? What does this person say?
3. Who really arranged the meeting between Matt and Maria?
4. What do Maria, Tom and Matt think is in the room? What is in the room?
5. To whom does the thing in the room belong?
6. Why do you think Tom staged this meeting?
7. Do you think this encounter will change Maria's opinion of Matt?


  1. 1: Matt is now only allowed to do risk free activities. Some examples include riding Safe Horses, swimming with lifeguards, and climbing ropes with mattresses underneath him.
    2: Felicia comes to visit Matt. She says that he should go talk to Maria and that she wanted to talk to him.
    3: Felicia was the one who actually arranged the meeting between Maria and Matt.
    4: At first Maria guesses that it is a cat in the room that is being experimented on, but then when they go in they see that it is MacGregors clone.
    5: The clone in the room belongs to MacGregor.
    6: I think Tom staged the meeting in order to show Maria what a "real" clone is in order to drive Matt and Maria even farther apart. He also still wants revenge on Matt for putting him at the baby table.
    7: Yes because she will now probably see Matt as just another dirty clone that isn't even close to being human, even though he is just as human as anyone else.

  2. 1. All of the things he did had to have been risk free. So he could only ride safe horses, and could only swim with lifeguards watching him. Any little cut he had sent everyone into a frenzy.
    2. Felicia comes into Matt’s apartment and tells him that María wants to meet him at the hospital.
    3. Tom set up the meeting for Matt and María so he could show them MacGregor’s clone, in order to gross María out so she would avoid Matt.
    4. They all think the noises they hear down the hall are coming from cats that are being abused. They soon find out that the noise is really coming from a distorted clone in one of the rooms.
    5. The thing on the bed was a clone of MaGregor, and had it’s intelligence blunted.
    6. I think he tried to show María what clones really were in his opinion so she would avoid Matt. He also probably hoped to make Matt feel bad, or maybe even ashamed because he was the same creature as MacGregor’s clone.
    7. I think it might because she might think Matt may eventually turn into that kind of clone, or she will just be so shocked that she will avoid him.

  3. 1) Matt is only aloud to do things that are safe for him to do.
    2) tom comes to visit Matt, he says that maria wants to see him in the hospital and it is very urgent.
    3) The person who really arranged it is Felicia.
    4) They think that there is a monster or an animal in the room. whats in the room is Macgregors clone.
    5) The thing in the room belongs to Macgregor.
    6) I think that tom arranged this meting because. He wanted to see that he was like this. Also he wanted Matt to think that this is what is going to happen to him.
    7) I don't think that it will change anything. The reason i think this is because he isn't like the guy on the bed.

  4. 1.They had to be really safe, "he could only ride safe horses, swim with two lifeguards present and only climb rope when there was a pile of mattresses at the bottom".
    2.Felisia came to visit Matt she said that she just came to visit, she looked very tired and was swaying, she also said " your a good musician' then she said "everyone said so". She started talking about her being a musician. She said she wanted to help him, she said to go to maria.
    3. Tom arranged the meeting between Maria and Matt.
    4. They think it is the craziest scariest and courageous thing that they have ever done, worse then a scorpion rolling up there arm. When they got closer Maria thought they were doing experiments on cats. In the room they found a boy Matt thought it was a "beast". Then he ladder found out that it was a clone.
    5. The clone belongs to MacGregor he was in not good condition they said "his liver is bleeding with alcohol".
    6. He set up this meeting because he wanted to prove to Matt that he is a beast and a animal. He also wanted to prove to Maria the same thing, He wanted to do this so Maria wouldn't like Matt.
    7.Yes I do think it will change what Maria thinks about Matt even how she acts around Matt.

  5. 1. His activities changed because he can only do safe things now like he can only ride safe horses and can only swim if there are two life guards on duty, if he wants to climb rope there has to be a matters underneath.
    2. Felicia is the one to visit him and she says he should go talk to Maria.
    3. Felicia arranged the meeting in the hospital and Matt thought that maria wanted to talk with him and matt really doesn't like where she picked it.
    4. Maris thinks the thing in the room is a cat and Matt thinks that its a cat too but he says that if it is it ins't yowling for milk. when they walk in they see a boy on the bed but it isn't a boy Tom says its a clone.
    5. tom says it belongs to MacGeorger. All his liver is eaten up with alcohol and he looks like something the grim reaper forgot to pick up.
    6.i think Tom did this to make Maria think of Matt differently and show Matt how clones look like to make him feel bad because he wants to show Matt how he looks like.
    7. i think it will because she will probably think that Matt looks like that and with all the things that Tom is saying to her behind Matts back will differently change her mind on how clones are.

  6. 1. Matt has restriction to only safe activities. He can only swim with two lifeguards, ride safe horses, and climb ropes with mattresses underneath.
    2. Felicia comes to visit Matt. Felicia tells him that Maria wants to see him at the hospital.
    3. Tom arranged the meeting between Matt and Tom.
    4. They think it is a cat being tortured in the room. However, once they entered the room, Matt thinks it is a "beats". Later, Matt found out that it was a clone.
    5. The thing on the bed belongs to Mr MacGregor.
    6. I think Tom set up this meeting to spark fright in Matt that that is what is going to happen to Matt when he gets a little bit older.
    7. I think this will change Maria's opinion of Matt because Maria thinks that the same thing will happen to Matt when he is a little a bit older. I think Maria thinks that Matt will lose his mind and turn out like the thing on the bed.

  7. 1. Matt was only allowed to participate to safe activities.
    2. Felicia comes to see Matt because she thinks that he is a good musician, she stutters a bit when talking because he is a clone. She also says she wants to help him.
    3. Felicia did because Matt made Maria very upset so Maria wanted to talk to Matt so Felica got Matt to go see Maria.
    4. They thought that it was a cat but it was actually a boy/clone.
    5. It is Macgregor’s clone.
    6. I think that Tom staged this meeting because he knew about the clone so they would want to go see what it was and he wanted Maria to look at Matt differently.
    7. Yes, to now that Matt and Macgregor’s clone were both clones and they way that cone looked, her thought on Matt changed because it scared her.

  8. 1. All of Mats activities had to be safe and risk free.
    2. Felicia came to visit Matt and she asked if she could come in, if she could visit, sit down. Then I think the most important thing she says is “You’re a guh-guh-good musician” (Felicia,114)
    3. Felicia arranged the meeting between Matt and Maria.
    4. At first the kids thought they were cats but as they got closer to the room they had no idea of what it was. Then when they opened the door they found out it was a boy that was strapped down on a table. But it wasn’t just any boy it was a clone.
    5. The Clone belongs to MacGregor.
    6. I think Tom staged this because he wanted Maria to think that Matt was like the clone on the bed.
    7. Yes it will because now Maria won’t see him for who he is or was but now she will only see him as a clone, the kind of clone that was strapped to the bed.
