Wednesday 12 November 2014

Chapter 20: Esperanza

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post:

1. Where does Matt go during this chapter?
2. What does he consider while looking at the mountains. Would you go?
3. What does Matt discover about Esperanza? What does Matt plan to do with his new knowledge? Do you think that's a good idea?
4. What do you think Celia means when she talks about dosage?
5. Who does El Patron think Matt is?
6. What keeps Matt from escaping?


  1. 1. Matt takes a safe horse to the hidden oasis he and Tam Lin always visit. He finds the metal chest Tam Lin had left him and reads more of “The History of Opium.”
    2. He thinks about how he would escape across the mountains to Aztlán, but then realizes he would miss Tam Lin and Celia.
    3. Matt realizes that Esperanza was María’s mother, and that she was still alive. Matt also found out that all this time María was being lied to, and he decided he would tell her the truth about her mother the next time she visited. I think that María deserves to know the truth, ugly or not, and hopefully will not do anything too crazy after she finds out that her mom lives in Aztlán.
    4. I think she is trying to protect him from something, and when she and Tam talk about plans, I think they are trying to save him from El Patrón. But they both have different plans on what will or will not work.
    5. El Patrón is going through a phase where he thinks that Matt is his son, who died a long time ago, Felipe. He expects Matt to know about the stories he is telling because Felipe was there with him.
    6. Matt didn’t want to leave the big house until he met with María again, and was able to tell her the truth about her mother. He also thought she might be able to come with him.

  2. 1: Matt returns to the oasis once again, and finds the chest that Tam Lin has left for him. He reads the History of Opium and discover that the author is Maria's mom.
    2: Matt considers escaping overt the mountains to Aztlan, but then he realizes that he probably wouldn't make it and that he would have to leave behind Celia and Tam Lin. He then decides against it. If I was in his situation and was as ignorant as him, I probably wouldn't have gone, but knowing what i know now, I would have gone.
    3: He discovers that she is Maria's mom and he decides that the next time that he sees her, he will tell her the truth. I think that he should because Maria would probably want to know if her mother was still alive.
    4: When Celia is talking about dosages, I think that she is considering drugging Matt. I think that this has to do with El Patron needing Matt for parts, and it has to do with her plan to save Matt. She might drug Matt and then run away with him perhaps.
    5: El Patron thinks that Matt is Felipe, who is El Patron's son, but Felipe died long ago. He is reminiscing about things that happened with Felipe even though Matt doesn't understand.
    6: Matt didn't escape because he still wanted to tell Maria the truth about her mother and perhaps escape with her.

  3. 1. Matt decided to go to the stables and order a safe horse.
    2. He wanted to go over the mountain to Atzlan, I wouldn't go only because there were people at the big house that loved him and his family was rich but Atzlan was not.
    3. Matt discovers that Maria's mother is Esperanza. I think that he should tell Maria because it is her mother. If anything Maria should know and Matt shouldn't.
    4. I think that dosage has to do with El Patron, he wanted Matt to live but now he wants Matt to take these pills so his intelligences is blunted. Celia and Tam Lin don't want anything to happen to Matt they ate both trying to come up with a way to save him.
    5. El Patron is going through this phase where he thinks that Matt is his son that had died many years ago. His son was named Felipe and that is what he is calling Matt.
    6. He wants to see Maria again. He wants to see her because he wants her to know the truth about her mother. He also wants her to go away with him.

  4. 1) When Matt first went out for his venture he went to the stables to get a smart horse, He then saw Rosa and asked for his smart horse after he did this he went to the oasis and saw a metal chest that had a note from Tam Lin in the chest. in the chest there were alot of different necessities such as water, food, books, and a sleeping bag. I think this says that Tam Lin really has not left Matt, he is just somewhere else just looking down at him.
    2) when Matt looked at the mountains, he was thinking that he could escape to the mountains of Aztlan, but he did not do this because he couldn't leave Celia, Maria, and Tam Lin.
    3) Matt discovers that she really has not died or been lost. She really is just in California. Matt decides that the next time he sees Maria he is going to tell her that her mother is not really dead or lost but just in California writing books as an author. if i was Matt in this situation, I would tell Maria that her mother is still alive because she would be happier knowing that her mother is still alive and have a chance of seeing her. If I would not tell her, she would still be sad because she thinks her mother is lost or the thought that she could be dead.
    4) I think what Celia means by dosage, is she is putting something into Matt's body that has a chance of harmfully hurting him. The reason i believe this is because her and Tam Lin are talking about how they need a backup plan and how Celia needs to get the dosage right or she may possibly kill him.
    5) El Patron thinks of Matt as his own child. The reason he thinks this is because El Patron is getting older and is loosing his memory and calling Matt Felipe.
    6) The reason that Matt has not left yet is because he cannot leave without Maria. He really wants to see Maria before he leaves and if he hasn't seen Maria, then he would not leave.

  5. 1. At the start of the chapter, Matt orders a Safe Horse and rides out to the oasis in the desert.
    2. Matt considers riding through the mountains to escape to Aztlan. I wouldn't go knowing if I might not ever see my mother and best friend ever again.
    3. Matt discovers that Esperenza is Maria's mother that "died" walking in the desert. Matt plans to tell Maria that her mother is still alive and not dead. I would do this because if I knew that someones mother was alive and they didn't know that, I would tell them the instant I found out.
    4. I think that Celia poisoned him and it is not the water that made Matt sick. I think this because what other dosage would Celia be talking about?
    5. El Patron thinks Matt is Felipe. Felipe is El Patron's dead son.
    6. Matt doesn't escape because he wanted to see Maria before he goes because he can't go without possibly seeing her again.

  6. 1. In this chapter Matt wants to go to estalan.This is the place where Celia and El Patron grow up.
    2. When Matt is looking at the mountains he considers leaving and escaping over the mountains of aztlan, Matt could not leave because he would miss his friends. I would not go because I would think the same thing.
    3. He finds out that Esperanza is Maria's mother. He is very mad because he thought that she was dead but she is actually in California siting around writing books. Matt wanted to tell Maria because she would be happier knowing that her mother was alive.
    4. i think that she means that Celia is going to give him a pill or a shot that would is going to blunt his brain so El Patron can use his internal organs for his use.
    5. El Patron is in the state of mind where he thinks that Matt is his son because El Patron is very old and does not have very good memory.
    6. The thing that keeps Matt from escaping is he does not want to leave without seeing Maria. He will not leave without saying goodbye.

  7. 1. Matt says he wanted to go the the safe house in the oasis desert.
    2. When matt looks at the mountains he thinks about riding away to Aztlan. i wouldn't go because i heard that Aztlan is really bad and looks really ugly so i wouldnt go and plus i would rather stay with all the people that are at the big house.
    3. Matt finds out that Maria's mother is not dead and she is in California. Matt plans to tell maria that her mother is not dead. i would because if you thought that your mom is dead but you find out is wasn't i would be really happy.
    4. I think that dosage is something that will make Matt die or really sick. i think that it is because i remember Tam Lin and Celia talking abut something killing him.
    5. El Patron thinks matt is Felipe and Felipe is his son who is now dead.
    6. matt doesn't escape because he wanted to see maria before going.

  8. 1. Matt went to the oasis.
    2. Matt considers escaping. I probably would go because I would be worried about what would happen if I stayed. I would worry that I would be killed and used as El Patrón’s next transplant.
    3. Matt discovers that Esperanza had not died but was living in California. He plans on telling María. It could be a good idea because then María would finally know the truth about her mother. It might not be a good idea because she just lost Furball and finding out this tragic news and that her father had lied all this time could ruin their relationship and be very upsetting.
    4. Tam Lin and Celia may be giving Matt some type of medication that they haven’t told anyone about. I think the medication is so he doesn’t go to pieces.
    5. El Patrón thinks Matt is Felipe his son.
    6. Celia, María and Tam Lin keep Matt from escaping.
