Wednesday 12 November 2014

Chapter 19: Coming-of-Age

Answer the following questions by commenting on the post below:

1. What happen to Matt's voice?
2. How many eejits have dies in the last 100 years?
3. What does Matt realize in this chapter? How does it make him feel about El Patron?
4. Does Matt think he will have the same fate as the other clones? What do you think?


  1. 1. Because Matt is getting older, he starts going through puberty. So his voice deepens, and he can’t hit those higher notes when he sings anymore.
    2. Thousands to hundreds of thousands of eejits have been buried under the poppy fields. Tam Lin and Celia want to do something about that, they say enough eejits have died.
    3. Matt realizes that El Patrón and Mr. MacGregor only clone themselves, to harvest organs from the clones when they need them. But Matt thinks that he is different, because El Patrón didn’t have his intelligence blunted, and because he was given a life. It does’t make him hate El Patrón, but it does make him realize how evil he really is.
    4. No, he thinks El Patrón loves him and wouldn't waste all of the education he has been given on him, if he was just going to harvest his organs.

  2. 1. Matt's voice cracks because he is getting older and he is starting to go through puberty. Since his voice keeps on cracking, he keeps on missing notes when he is singing.
    2. Over hundreds of thousand of eejit have died and been buried throughout the poppy fields of Opium.
    3. Matt realizes that the only reason El Patron and Mr. MacGregor make clones is so that they can use their organs when the have something like a heart attack or they need a new kidney. However, Matt thinks that he is different from the thing on the bed because he was given a life and his intelligence was not blunted with a needle.
    4. Matt does not think that he will have the same fate as the other clones because he was given a life and his intelligence was not blunted with a needle.

  3. 1.Mats voice was very high and one day he capped on having voice cracks. Matt was hitting puberty because that is what happens.
    2. In the last hundred years hundreds of thousands of eejits have died and put under the poppy fields.
    3.In this chapter Matt releases that El Patron and Mr Macgregor only made clones so they can get transplants if they needed them one day. He knows this because of Mr Macgregors clone was killed then Mr Macgregor got some new organs.
    4.No he thinks that El Patron loved Matt because El Patron didn't ruin his brain. He thinks that it is not possible.

  4. 1) Matts voice cracked when he was singing, because he was getting older he was maturing so his voice cracked.
    2) Thousand or hundreds of thousands eejits have died over the years and are buried under the poppie fields.
    3) Matt finds out that they only makes clones to just take there organs and use it as theirs. thats why in chapter 18 they couldn't use Matts heart because it wasn't strong enough.Matt also thinks that he is different, the reason that he thinks this is because he gets education and el patron pays for his education, not like Macgreaors clone that was just blanked out of his knowledge.
    4) He dosent think this because he thinks that el Patron loves him and is giving him education for some reason, so he is not just going to harvest him for organs.

  5. 1: Matt is going through puberty and because of this his voice is getting deeper and he can no longer sing as high.
    2: Anywhere from thousands to hundreds of thousands of eejits have died and been buried under the poppy fields in the last hundred years.
    3: He realizes that MacGregor and El Patron grow clones to use for spare parts in case they need a transplant and that is why they have managed to live for so long.
    4: Matt thinks that because El Patron didn't have his intelligence blunted and because he is being educated, he is different from the other clones and that he won't be killed.

  6. 1. When Matt was singing one day, his voice cracked. His voice keep on cracking over and over again. This is happening because he is growing up and hitting puberty and he is at the stage when his voice starts to change.
    2. Tam Lin said hundreds of thousands were killed on the farm.
    3. Matt puts all of the information together inside of his head and he realizes that the only reason that McGregor has a clone is for implants but Matt looks at different with El Patron because Matt was given a life.
    4. No, Matt doesn't think that the sane thing will happen to him because he is different from the other clones because El Patron gave Matt an actually life unlike the other clones were given.

  7. 1. when Matt was singing one day his voice couldn't hit the high notes and this happened because he is now older and this means that his voice gets deeper.
    2. Tam Lin said that lots of clones died in the farm over the 100 year period.
    3. Matt realizes the only reason MacGregor made a clone because he could stay alive by using the clones body parts for him if he needed them.
    4. no matt doesn't think that because El Patron didn't have his intelligence blunted so he could live a life.

  8. 1. Matt’s voice is changing because he is growing up.
    2. There were about hundreds of thousands have died and buried under the poppy’s.
    3. El Patrón had made clones to use them for transplants. This makes him feel scared and sad.
    4. Matt does not think he will have the same fate as the other clones because if he had the same fate then the other clones then why would El Patrón look out for him and want the best for him.
