Friday 31 October 2014

Chapter 5: Prison

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post. Look out for the questions that ask for details from the book!

1. Where are Emilia and Maria?
2. What impression do you get of El Patrón from the beginning of this chapter? Use details from the text to support your answer.
3. What makes Rosa begin to treat Matt differently? Be specific in describing how she changes Matt's life.
4. How does Matt pass the time? What do you think is his state of mind? Describe some of his thoughts.
5. Who is Tom and what is the interaction between him and Matt?
6. When Celia arrives, she calls him mi hijo. What does this mean?
7. How does Maria explain Matt's behaviour? Do you think she is right? How do you think you would handle yourself in Matt's situation? Would you do anything differently?


  1. Tyler:
    1. Matt asks Rosa when Maria is coming back and Rosa says never. Rosa tells Matt that they have been sent home.
    2. In the chapter, I get the impression that El Patrón is very serious and angry. I get this feeling because Rosa says that his rage is very frightening and that he can be very scary.
    3. Rosa begins treating Matt very poorly because the doctor wouldn't leave with Rosa. She then blames it on Matt because if Matt had stayed in the little house and not broken the window, then that argument might have not happened.
    4. To pass time Matt makes hills in the saw dust. Also, he makes tunnels. Other than that, there is nothing that Matt can do to pass time.
    5. Matt is another kid that lives at the big house. Celia had told Matt about him and how he is very snobby and not a very nice person.
    6. Mi hijo means my child. She calls him this because she is so used to him being around and she hasn't seen Matt in a very long time because he has been locked up and basically imprisoned.
    7. She explains Matt's behavior like her dog when the dog catcher got it. She says the dog wined and wined and then a day later, Furball was fine. I wouldn't have explained it like that because I think he was in shock because he was so surprised that Celia came to get him and save him. Matt had almost forgot what Celia had looked like because he hadn't seen her in such a long time. That is why I would have explained Matt's behavior differently than Maria did.

  2. 1: Emilia and Maria were sent home to the United States.
    2: He is probably very old, since the doctor refers to him as sometimes "Senile". He also apparently has a very bad temper, since the doctor also say "El Patrons rage is something you don't want see."
    3: Rosa is very clearly in love with the doctor, so when he goes to work for El Patron and leaves her, she becomes all crazy and hysterical. She becomes very angry and decides to take out the anger on Matt. She makes him go to the washroom on newspaper and then she fills the entire floor of the room with saw dust, because she truly believes that he is an animal and should be treated so. She also yells at Matt and threatens to kill him, and after that she never talks to him and isolates him which causes him to become kind of crazy.
    4: Matt passes time by letting food rot to attract bugs, and then studying those bugs. He does this because he almost never gets to interact with living things, so playing with bugs is about the best he can do. Because Matt is so neglected, he is starting to become insane. He doesn't talk, other than singing songs to himself from his childhood. It even says that when Tom came up to the window and talked to Matt, he wanted to reply but his habit of silence had grown too strong.
    5: Tom is the boy in the Big House that Celia described as the worst of all the kids. She even said that "Tom is Benito time ten!" Tom starts off by insulting Matt, and then when Matt throws rotten fruit at Tom, he goes back to his house and gets his pea shooter. He then comes back and shoots Matt multiple times.
    6: Mi hijo means my son. It means she truly misses him because at first she didn't want Matt to think of Celia as his mom, however she is so upset that he was taken from her, that she disregards her previous efforts.
    7: She compares his behavior with the behavior of her dog when it was taken by the dog catcher. She says that at first her dog was mad at her, but he eventually got over it and Matt will too. I think that she doesn't realize that Matt is an actual human. Not just a dog and that it will probably take a lot longer than a day for him to recover from all of the trauma that he was put through. If I was Matt I would be excited at the first site of possible rescue, and rather than being happy when they left, I would be anxious for their next arrival and my release.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. Emilia and Marîa are sent home by their father, Senator Mendoza, and Rosa says Marîa will never come back.
    2. Well, one of the first things the doctor says about El Patrón is that "His rage is something you don't want to see." So I'm going to assume that he has a lot of power, and a bad temper. Rosa also called him a bandit, so I wonder if he is, or was a criminal of some kind.
    3. Rosa and the doctor appeared to like each other, and one day when the doctor was leaving, Rosa said she has had enough of looking after Matt. She wanted the doctor to take her with him, but he said he couldn't. That made her mad and she started to get angry with the doctor, and he then said she was going insane. So he left her, and she was furious, and let out all her anger on Matt. She took away a lot of his things and started to treat him even more poorly than before.
    4. Matt passes time by playing in his new room filled with waist-high sawdust. He throws it around, and makes them into little piles. He also uses leftover food to attract bugs, just for something to do. He is really scared and bored, and doesn't want to think about what is going to happen to him. So he does all these things just to keep his mind distracted from thinking bad thoughts.
    5. Tom is probably the son of someone important, maybe El Patrón, or Steven and Emilia's father. I think this because he acts important, or like he is better than Matt. And tension is high between him and Matt, after Matt throws a rotten orange in his face.
    6. She calls him "mi hijo" because that means "my son" and that is how she regards him.
    7. Marîa says Matt is acting like her dog when it got caught by a dogcatcher. She says her dog wouldn't look at her for a while, but eventually got over it, and she says he will to. I think her opinion is somewhat right, where Matt (and her dog) think they were wronged by their family, and aren't happy with them for what they think they did. But I also think Matt is kind of shutting down (or losing it), and if I were him, I think I would just hate the world, because he didn't know the kind of cruelty he was dealing with even existed. And it's changing his view of everything.

  5. 1. María and Emilia were sent home.

    2. I got the impression that El Patrón is old and he is filthy rich because the book says he is sharp as the old bandido he once was and because in the book the doctor called him senile the definition of senile is “having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties”. He is filthy rich because he book said that he could break any law he wants because of all the money he has.

    3. She begins to treat matt differently when Willum doesn’t take Rosa with him to El Patrón. Then she takes out Matt’s bed after she takes him out of the room and the gardeners build a fence and then they put sawdust in the room so she doesn’t have to clean up any messes.

    4. Matt passes the time by watching the bugs and attracting them. I think Matt’s of state of mind is bad because he thinks if he talks to Rosa she will hurt him and he thinks if he touches Celia that she will leave and or she will turn against him and hurt him or hate him.

    5. Tom is a little boy that Celia told Matt is rude and is trouble. Matt and Toms interaction was when Tom took his peashooter and started shooting peas at Matt. Then Matt through a rotten mushy orange with worms in it at Tom and Tom was appalled and disgusted.

    6. Mi hijo means my son or my child.

    7. Maria compared him to her dog because the dogcatcher had caught her dog and when she got the dog back her dog wouldn’t eat or look at her. I think Maria is right. If I were Matt I would probably be having a mental brake down and I would be having visual hallucinations. But if I where Matt I would have run up to Celia and said I loved her and I would have said that I missed her.

  6. 1. Emilia and Maria are sent home and the maid is very happy because the girls father was a senator and they thought that they could boss every one around.
    2. El patron got a tough and scary reputation because they say that his rage is something you don't want to see.
    3. What makes Rosa change her mind is the doctor how she left without her and she blames it on Matt.After that she started to treat her like an animal first she started to take his bucket and bed away and he made him go to washroom on the newspaper and he had to sleep on the concrete. then she got people to make a animal pen for him with saw dust in it and when he got food make him eat like a dog having to dip his face in the soup and it wasn't even good food. she says to him this is how Beasts eat.
    4. Matt passed the time by singing to him self and throwing the dust in the air and watch it come down. he also did something that got Rosa real mad he hid left over food in the saw dust and that attracted small bugs because the window wasn't glass. he watched the bugs grow and eat the food . one day he also found a dove and the dove left a feather behind and throwing fruits at targets. his state of mind is he is trying to forget Celia because it is just going to get him sad. he try's to think of stuff that blocks her image pout and it worked he forgot how he looked like. the only he say a image was his dream.
    5. Tom is a red haired freckled kid. he is really mean and is inca like a mini Rosa. he is there to tell Maria the little girl what he has been doing and how he looks. Matt was saying your to dumb to talk let me talk in your language and when he put his face to the bars Matt got a rotten orange and nailed his face with it. their first interaction was not really good.
    6. mi hijo mean's my son
    7. Maria compares him to a dog because when she got her dog back the dog wouldn't look at her and Matt is acting like one because i think he is acting like one because he hasn't seen them in a long time and he is like huddled in the corner and i think he thought that they deserted him so i think that he is having a little trouble.

  7. 1. They were at home.
    2. Matt is El Patron’s clone. He was a bandit who was very frightening. He doesn’t care about much because Matt is his clone and he doesn’t ask about him at all. He is very rich; he paid his way out of breaking a law. The law was that all clones intelligent had to be blunted.
    3. Rosa wanted to leave the house with the doctor but he says no. She then starts to take her anger out on him and starts calling him an ‘animal’ and stuff like that again.
    4. Rosa got some of the workers to put the saw dust into his room and she said “now you can live like an animal too.” He then started playing with the sand and had a lot of fun pasting the time.
    5. Tom was one of the kids outside on his door step. They were really good friends but when Tom found out that he was a clone, he turned against him like everybody else did.
    6. This means my son which I think she refers to him as a son.
    7. She refers this to her dog when the dogcatcher took her dog. Whrn her dad brought her home, the dog was really scared and would do anything. Maria said that her dog was okay after a couple of days. Then she said Matt will be okay too.

  8. Chapter 5
    1. Maria and Emilia get sent back home.
    2. it looks like he is very protective of what he does because no one knew that he had a clone but he didn't tell anyone that he did have a clone. Apparently he is old according to Matt at least. He is usually agreed and mistrust people a lot, he is also very rich.
    3. Rosa started to treat Matt different once the Doctor left she said that this is all his fault, She started to get mad at him and even threatened to kill him. Rosa is now treating Matt horribly she is treating him just like everyone else does.
    4. He mad hills in his room and dug holes with the saw dust in his room, i think Matt is going crazy because if Rosa does something that she thinks Matt want like Matt will play with it and amuse himself with it. I don't blame him though I would go crazy too. He also wants the animals on his food that the normal person would think is crazy and disgusting.
    5. Tom is a boy that looked in Matt’s window that is just like all the other kids that are way to mean to him. He is spying on him to tell what Tom calls Matts girlfriend something. Then Matt throws an orange at Tom and hit him then there was worms that ran around on his face.
    6. MI hijo means my son or my child in English.
    7.Maria compares Matt to a dog She said that her dog got taken by a dog stealer and then her dad got the dog back but the dog wouldn't look at Maria for a day but the dog got over it and that’s what they think Matts doing. I do and do not agree with it because Matt did think that she left him and she was never coming back. Then again it did say that Matt didn't talk because he was in shock and he didn't want Celia and Maria to turn into Rosa and Tom. If I were in Matts Poisson I think I would get up and talk to the Celia and Maria just to pass the time and to tell them I am okay but Rosa is treating me horribly.

  9. they were sent home because they were helping Matt. Also they were sent home because people were getting mad that they thought that they could do anything that they wanted.
    2) I get the feeling that he is really rich and really powerful. The reason that i think this is because he has an entire country that he owns. Another reason that i think that he is so rich because when he breaks a law it doesn't even matter because of all the money he has. I think that he is also powerful because if you own a country then you are powerful.
    3) The reason that Matt's living conditions change is because Rosa wants to leave the house with William and he didn't let her. Then after this she was mad and matt and said that is was all his fault. After this happened she took away all the beds and sheets and toy lit and everything in the room so she could make a chicken coop for him to live in.
    4) Matt passes the time by he making hills in the wood chips. Then after this he puts food in these hills and then weights for the bugs to come so his fantasy world would stay as him the king and the bugs the peasants. I think that his state of mind is scared because he doesn't whats happening so he doesn't know what to think. Then he thinks about bad thinks and he is sad.
    5) The interaction between matt and tom is bad. the reason of this is because they were friends until he found out that matt was a clone. Then after that tom made names of him and it got to the point were he put his head against the bars, when this happens matt through s a rotten orange at his face. So then tom came back and shot peas at him.
    6) it means my son and the reason she calls him this is because he is practically his son.
    7) Maria explains his behavior as her dog. The way that she does this is she was explain that her dog got talking away to and same with Matt. I would do the same thing because it is a quick change and i also wouldn't be able to talk in a day after being locked up for 6 months.
