Tuesday 28 October 2014

Chapter 2: The Little House in the Poppy Fields

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post.

1. Create a t-chart to describe Celia on one side and Matt on the other (complete as you read the chapter).
2. Where do Matt and Celia live? What surrounds their house?
3. What do you think mi vida means? Why do you think this?
4. Brainstorm all of the items in Matt's home (his toys, furniture, food, entertainment etc.,)
5. Besides Celia, who is Matt's only connection to the outside world?
6. What did Matt see and hear outside the house one day when Celia went to work? What was his reaction?
7. What does Matt call Celia that makes her upset? Why does this upset her?
8. Why do you think Celia says that Matt has been loaned?


  1. 1: Celia is very kind and loving. She even steals from her boss to give to Matt. She is also very smart and observant. She sees everything that happens, yet knows when to keep her mouth shut. Matt is very young and ignorant. He doesn't know very many words, and even when he is told to hide if people look through the window(s), he lets curiosity get the best of him.
    2: Matt and Celia live in a shack in the Opium Fields. We know this because that is what the kids who saw the house said.
    3: Mi vida means my life. Celia refers to Matt as mi vida to show how precious he is to her.
    4: He has any toys that Celia can sneak from the boss's house. This includes used crayons and colouring books. He probably has dumpy old furniture since that is how the kids described the house. Celia also sneaks any food she can from the boss's house. That is why what ever the boss's family is eating, she and Matt are eating. It said that for entertainment, Matt would watch TV, so obviously he has a TV. We know he also has books.
    5: Matt's only other connection to the outside world, would be his TV, and the kids that saw him through the window.
    6: He saw and heard kids talking. At first he was apprehensive, however at the end of the chapter he was thinking about what he would say to them next.
    7: Matt calls Celia mama which makes her upset because she isn't his actual mom and she doesn't want him to think that she is his actual mom, since he has no actual mom. That would be just setting him up for disappointment
    8: I think she says that he has been loaned probably because she took him from the boss and doesn't want him to know. That is why she doesn't let him leave and doesn't want anyone to see him. The boss (El Patron) probably has many clones and wouldn't notice if only one disappeared.

  2. 1.
    Celia: she is a grown woman with a job that seems to be very important. She is very protective and doesn't want anything to happen to Matt
    Matt: he is a clone of Matteo Alacran but is still a young boy. He doesn't know a lot about the outside world but is slowing meeting new people and thinking of things to talk about.
    2. They live in a small house described as a dump by two kids. The house was surrounded by lots hills that have lots of white poppy's. it hurt Matts eyes to look.
    3. Mi Vida means my life, I think that this is what we say buddy in English but that's what they say in Spanish.
    4. I think that his house is an older his with a lot of out dated furniture. They're aren't a lot of toys because he sees kids on television that are playing with toys and which he was surprised to see. I think the house has a lot of things that Matt needs in order to survive since he is a Clone. They have a lot of food at the house, mostly special foods that a regular person would only eat once in a while.
    5. the only other people that has seen is the doctor and thee horsemen through the window.
    6. He heard kids outside of his window and rushed to see what was there, he saw two kids that were talking about his house. They wanted to see what inside but the door didn't work so then kid looked through the window and saw Matt. Matt was really scared, he wanted to have company but he wanted to get to know them first.
    7. Matt had called Celia Mama which see got mad at him for saying because she wasn't his real mom.
    8. I think that she says this because she is being paid to look after him while his real guardian is doing something with his job or is unable to look after Matt.

  3. 1. Celia: is a kind person who takes care of Matt, but isn't aware of how Matt feels. She limits his life to what she thinks is appropriate, even if Matt doesn't like it, or doesn't understand it.
    Matt: is not well educated, only taught by Celia and what she believes in. He does everything that Celia tells him to do, and doesn't give it too much thought. He is starting to become anxious to see the world however.
    2. They live in a small house that is surrounded by a poppy field.
    3. "Mi vidi" means my life. Celia calls Matt this because she is trying to explain he is very important to her, and dedicates her life to taking care of him.
    4. Lots of their belongings were stolen from the house of whoever Celia works for. Matt has toys Celia brings back to him such as crayons and colouring books. If she has to steal things then they are probably poor, which would mean they would not own any nice things. But they are fortunate to have a TV that Matt watches often. Celia also takes food for them without permission.
    5. The only other connection Matt has had to the outside world would be with his doctor, which he doesn't like. And those kids he saw through the window.
    6. Matt was scared when he heard and saw a couple of kids outside his window observing his house. But afterwards he was then eager to try and talk to them.
    7. When he calls her his mother that upsets her. This is probably because she knows, and Matt knows, that she is not his real mother. And maybe she feels guilty from taking that title away from his real mom.
    8. I think he might be one of the clones talked about in the first chapter. Maybe she got him somehow in a way she wasn't supposed to (like steal, or given to without permission). And she doesn't want anyone else to know she has him.

  4. Tyler:
    Matt: ignorant (not in a bad way)
    scared of the outside world

    hard working

    2. Matt and Celia live in a little house. The little house is surrounded by poppy fields.
    3. I think mi vida my life because I know life means vida and I am guessing mi means my. I think she calls him this because Matt is all that she has to look forward to when she comes home.
    4. Toys: books, coloring
    Furniture: beds, couch, chairs
    food: sushi, tamales, pakoras, blintzes
    entertainment: TV
    5. Matt's only other connection to the outside world is the other kids who came to visit him. This is his only connection because he has never been anywhere outside except for sitting on the porch.
    6. Matt saw and heard kids outside while Celia was at work. Matt had never seen other children except for on TV so he became very scared and nervous.
    7. Matt calls Celia "mama" and she becomes very mad because though she wishes she was his mom, she isn't.
    8. I think Celia says he is loaned because Celia did not give birth to Matt and I think the creators of this land are planning to do something with Matt later on.

  5. 1.Matt: he is a clone and doesn't really know a lot about the world he is not well educated.he also cant wait to see the outside world.
    Celia: she is a very protective guardian that doesn't really know how Matt is feeling but just wants to do what is best for Matt and keep him protected.
    2. I think that they live in a small house in the middle of a poppy field. I think that white poppies surround their house.

    3. the only thing that i know of what mi vida means is that mi means my because i know some simple works in spanish because of treehouse (dora). but mi vida means my life.

    4. i think that matt has some robot toys, cars, super heroes and some lego. he has old mexican furniture and old carpets. since he is poor i think he has a really old TV with no colour but he still watches a lot of it. i think he has plastic cutlery including plates and cups.
    5.his only connection with the outside world is the doctor the stuff he sees on TV and the kids he saw through the window.
    6. when he goes to the window he sees kids outside staring at the house and talking. Matt gets scared because but later he wants to interact with them.
    7. Matt called cilia mama and this upsets her because she is not actually his mom he is loaned.
    8. because Matts a clone and they are planning to do something with Matt.

  6. Olivia
    Matt l Cilia
    Lonely l Cautious
    Curious l Protective
    Imaginative l Worrier/anxious
    Shy l Over the top - (padlock and belt around microwave)
    Kind l Loving
    Grateful l Hard working

    2. Poppy’s surround their house, which is in the middle of no where.

    3. I think mi vida means my life because she loves him and she is like the mother role in his life.

    4. He would have lots of food because his mother would take home the leftovers. For entertainment he would be able to watch TV and read books. For furniture I would guess he wouldn’t have anything very nice because as the kids said she was a servant and servants don’t get paid that much. As for his toys all of them have been stolen or taken out of the garbage where Celia works. The colouring book he has was already half coloured.

    5. Besides Celia there are those two kids (Steven and Emilia) who came to their house and there is the T.V but I think Matt can only watch soap operas.

    6. At first Matt only heard voices but then he looked outside and there were two kids. He was so surprised that he ran to the window but then he remembered what Celia told him if anyone came near the house don’t go near the windows. But Matt ran to the window because he was so excited.

    7. He calls her Mama by accident. She is not his mom but she had told him before that he was loaned to her. We don't know what happened yet - maybe he was kidnapped.

    8. I think maybe Matt’s parents are in hiding and so Celia is hiding Matt for his parents. Or maybe Matt is being kidnapped by Celia and that would be why he is not allowed to leave the house.

  7. 1. Matt: loving, loner, young, imaginative, curious.
    Celia: controlling, loving, works a lot.
    2. in a small house surrounded by poppies.
    3. mi vida means my life in Spanish.
    4.they live in a small house and they are probably poor. They have a tv, and outdated furniture, a microwave, toys that Celia brings home from her job, a fridge, a old bed that is Celia's.
    5. the only other connection to the world is the doctor that comes once a month but Matt doesn't even like him.
    6. Matt heard kids in the widow then ran he was very excited. When they came into his sight he couldn't even say anything he was so flabbergasted. There were two kids and one was nice, the girl, and one was not so nice , the boy. This was the first time matt has seen children.
    7. matt calls Celia mamma and that makes Celia mad because Matt has no parents so she doesn't want him thinking that she is his mom an then one day finding out thats not true.
    8. because he is a clone and Celia did not give birth to him and the scientist that made him were going to do something with him later in his life.
