Sunday 26 October 2014

Introduction to The House of the Scorpion: Cloning

After reading the article as a class, answer the questions below.

1. What have you learned about cloning? List at least three items.

2. What questions do you have about cloning? Write two.

3. Do you support the idea of cloning? Why or why not?


  1. Eric
    1: I learned that ninety eight percent of the time the cloning fails. I also learned that when the clone is born, it starts out as a baby rather than the age of the person or animal that it was cloned from. I also learned that there are two different types of cloning; one for re production and one for growing stem cells to help sick people who are already alive.
    2: Is cloning banned in Canada? Are there still companies still working on human cloning.
    3: I don't support the idea of cloning. It is morally wrong to have so many clones die in the hope that one will be a success. It is bad that some that do succeed will still have birth defects. I also don't support therapeutic cloning because they are now perfecting 3D printing organs so we wouldn't even need to use therapeutic cloning. I think we should just stay away from all of it.

  2. Zach:
    1. - There are different types of cloning i.e. therapeutic cloning, or just cloning to make more people
    - Cloning is not usually successful and the clone usually dies
    - Cloning is banned in some countries completely
    2. - What kind of machines do they use to clone?
    - When was the idea of cloning created, or when did people start trying to clone?
    - Do some cloning companies clone or research in secret?
    3. I do not think all cloning is a good idea, the therapeutic cloning could be helpful to humanity. But cloning just to make more people doesn't make any sense. There is not a good enough reason to just clone for "science".

  3. ryan
    I learned that cloning doesn't work most of the time, when it does the clone does not live for very long. I also learned that most people don't agree or don't want people to clone other people because they think it's not right. Finally I did not know that it took that long to make one clone, like for example one company said they will do it in two years and that was impressive.
    2. since this article is written in 2012 and a lot has changed in the last two years. My second question is when did people start to experiment with cloning.
    3. I do and do not agree with cloning I like some things about cloning like how it can bring back dead relatives. I don't like how it will use so many people that will only live a short life or no life at all.

  4. 1. I have learned that there is only 1 out of 4 chance of the clone living. I also learned that they tried to clone 277 sheep, I thought that they only did it once to dolly. I never knew that they clone animals like that.

    2. when will cloning ever happen?
    when will the technology ever be made?

    3. i dont support cloning because they are basically taking a life away for nothing because most of the time it doesn't work and have life could be living but you just use it for but if it does work about a day later it is gonna die.

  5. Tyler:
    1. I learned that you have to remove the nucleus from the donor egg before cloning. I also learned that you have a 98% chance of failing in cloning. Lastly I learned that 277 sheep died in attempt to create Dolly.

    2. One question I have is: who created the idea of cloning? My second question is: why did they choose sheep out of every other animal?

    3. I do not support cloning because you are creating a living thing but than 1-4 out of 100 times it will actually work and then die shortly after most often. That is why I do not support cloning.

  6. Jamieson
    1. it took them 277 tries to successfully clone the sheep dolly.
    - when you clone something it starts off as a baby.
    - they finally clone a sheep in July 5 1996.
    2. Why did the sheep die when they tried to clone it.
    - when you clone something why does it only live for a short period of time
    3. no I don't agree with cloning because living thing are being killed over science. when you try to clone something and it doesn't work the animal dies. The chances of the animal dyeing is much higher then the chance of it living for every 100 cone attempts 2 live and its only for a short time.

  7. 1.) I have learned that, one you have to get a egg donor then get the sperm from the mother or person who wants it done. There is a small chance that it will work. It is also very unlikely for it to live a normal life.
    2.) One question I have is how would you get the sperm. The other question i have is if you gave the people who are going to make the clone fifty million dollars would they be able to do it.
    3.) I don't support the idea of cloning because what is they turn against you or what if the clones cant life a normal life. Then they would be successful but suffer when they life.

  8. Olivia
    1. I learned that they successfully cloned a sheep but the sheep had a very hard time living and before they successfully cloned the sheep they killed about 270 other sheep. I also learned that it was possible to clone something. One more thing I learned was that in some places of the world it is illegal to clone something.

    2. Does cloning affect the person or thing giving birth to the clone?
    Why does the clone die so quickly?

    3. I kind of support cloning because if cloning can help cure diseases or even cancer then I am all for cloning. But what I don't like is that they are taking innocent lives just for cloning.
