Tuesday 28 October 2014

Chapter 3: Property of the Alacrán Estate

In this chapter, Matt finds out that he is property of the Alacran estate, but he doesn't know exactly what this means.
Answer all nine questions below by commenting on this post.

1. When Steven and Emilia come back to the house, why is Maria there?
2. Why can't Matt go outside?
3. What does Matt do to communicate with the children?
4. What is a chupacabra? (You might need to look this one up!)

5. When Steven and Emilia leave, why does Matt jump out the window? What happens next?
6. Where is Matt taken?
7. What does it say on Matt's foot? How does everyone's attitude toward him change when they see this marking?
8. How does Steven's father react to Matt being in the house? What happens to Matt after all?
9. What questions do you have after reading this chapter?


  1. 1. Maria is there because she is around Matt's age. Also, Matt would not speak when the kids were there last time, so they were seeing if he would talk to someone his own age, like Maria.
    2. Matt can't go outside because Celia nailed the door shut so that he can't get outside.
    3. To communicate with the children, he goes and gets the bullfrog joke from his wall and holds it up to the window to show the kids.
    4. A chupacabra is a mythical creature that supposedly sucks all your blood out and leaves your body laying on the ground.
    5. Matt jumps out the window to get to Maria. He finally agrees to play with Maria. When he throws the pot through the window, he goes to go through the window but steps on the shattered glass. The glass gets stuck in his foot and Matt starts bleeding.
    6. Matt is taken to the big house because he has cut very badly and needs medical attention. The kids had to carry him all the way there where the maids treat him.
    7. On Matt's foot it says "property of Alacrán State". Everyone's attitude towards Matt changes because they realize he is a clone and not a real human like them.
    8. Steven's father becomes very angry because, Matt, the "filthy animal" is getting blood all over his house and sheets and his father just doesn't want him there. Matt is then carried outside and dropped on the lawn because he can't be in the house.
    9. Why does Celia not come to the big house to come get Matt? Does Celia know what happened to Matt? Will Celia get into trouble because of what happened to Matt?

  2. 1. Maria went with them because she is the same age as Matt
    2. Matt cant go outside because Celia locked the door and she nailed the windows shout so he couldn't open them.
    3. Matt communicates with the children by grabbing a poster from his room that has a bull frog on it and it is between two slices of rye bread.
    4. It is a animals that is believed to exist in some places of latin america. this animals feast on other animals but its main target are goats.but sometimes will go after people take all your blood and leave you there to rot so kinda like a vampire but you don't turn into a beast.
    5.Matt jumps out the window because he wants to play with Maria and when he tries to go out side and since he doesn't know better he stepped on the glass and got cut badly
    6. When he gets cut he has to go the big house because he is cut really bad and the three kids take him there.
    7. the writing on Matts foot says property of Acràn Estate.The father reacts to Matt like he is a dirty animals who is not human and wants him out of the house.
    8. The father is very ma with Matt because he is bleeding a lot and blood is getting every where in the house so the kids drop him off out side on the lawn and just fled back to the house.
    9.Will Celia get mad at him? does Matt get in trouble? Does Celia get in trouble? Will Matt ever talk to or play with the kids again? does somebody take him home? will he ever go outside again?

  3. 1: They bring Maria because they think she is about the boy's (Matt) age, and want to see if she can talk to him.
    2: Matt cannot go outside because all of the doors are locked and the windows are boarded up.
    3: Matt shows the children the picture of the "Ribbit on Rye" as an attempt to communicate with them.
    4: The chupacabra is a blood sucking monster that is a common part of Mexican folk lore. Mexican parents usually tell their children that if they are not obedient, the chupacabra will get them.
    5: Matt jumps out of the window because those kids are his only other connection to the outside world aside from Maria and he doesn't want to lose his chance to get to play with some actual children. After he jumps out, he cuts himself badly on the broken glass.
    6: Matt is taken to the children's house. From there the maids take Matt into a room where he is put on a couch.
    7: Matt's foot says "Property of the Alacran estate". This changes everyone's opinion because they realize that he belongs to them.
    8: Steven's father is very mad when he sees Matt on the couch because he sees Matt as a best. Matt is then taken out of the house and put on the ground.
    9: I would like to know where is Celia and will she be in trouble. I would also like to know how the father will react when he sees the mark on Matt's foot.

  4. 1. Mari was their because she was about the same age as Matt so they thought that he would talk to her.
    2. He can't go outside Because Celia nailed the windows and the doors are locked from the inside.
    3. To communicate with the children Matt brought his poster to show them but then he took a frying pan and broke the window.
    4. A Chubacabra is a creature that comes out at night and sucks your blood and then leaves your body behind.
    5. when the kids leave Matt jumps out the window because he wanted to get to Marí. After he jumps out the window glass got stuck in his knees his feet and his hands.
    6. Matt was taken to the Alacrán Estate
    7. Matt's foot said "property of Alacrán Estate" this changed things because he was not a boy but he was called a creature.
    8. Stevens father was really angry and he told Rose something then at the end Matt ended up outside.
    9. Does Celia know what happened to Matt and why didn't she come to see Matt when he was in the Big House.

  5. 1. The reason the older kids bring Marîa with them is because they think she is closer to Matt's age, and hopefully he would be more likely to talk to her rather than them.
    2. Matt is unable to get outside because Celia has locked him inside the house. She nailed the windows shut and locked the door. Probably because she doesn't want anyone to know that she has him.
    3. Matt runs back to his room and take the bullfrog poster off of his wall and brings it back to the window. He knew Celia thought it was funny and hoped the other kids would also find it humorous.
    4. A chupacabra is a mythical creature that is of Mexican origin. It is said to suck all of the blood from your body and then leave you to die.
    5. Matt knew this might be the only other time these kids came to his house, and they were his only connection to the outside world. So in order to keep them from leaving he smashed, then jumped out of the window, but gets severely cut by the glass.
    6. The kids take Matt back to their house, and maids rush to his aid. He is laid on a couch and shortly after, the children's father comes and orders everyone out.
    7. On Matt's foot read "Property of Alacrán Estate" and this did not make sense to the other kids. Why would a human be someones property? But when the kids father calls him a creature, the children start to question who he is.
    8. The father is very angry when he sees Matt lying on the sheet. He yells at everyone to get out, and Matt is brought outside.
    9. I want to know what Celia will think happened to Matt, when she sees the broken window and him missing.

  6. 1. Maria was there because they wanted to prove that matt was there and because matt and maria are the same age.
    2.Matt can't go outside because he doesn't have the key to the door.
    3. the way Matt communicated with the kids are Matt got the news paper. The boy thought that the joke on the news paper was funny but the girl didn't think that same thing, she thought it was stupid and wrong.
    4.the chupacabra is a mythical creature in the Mexican coulter that is suppose to be like a vampire beast that sucks your blood and kills you by doing so.
    5. he jumps out the window to save Emilia from the chupacabra, then he asked if they wanted to play.
    6. matt is taken to the big house because he jumped on the glass on the ground and the cut was really bad.
    7. his foot said property of the Alacran estate, that was the big house.
    8. he was very mad because it was a random creator, he was also mad that he got blood on the sheet. In the end Matt got taken out go the house and left there.
    9. what is going to happen to Matt. Is Stevens dad actually mad at him or is he just mad at Matt. Is Celia gonna be mad at Matt and what will she think happened to him.

  7. 1. Maria is there because she is about the same age as Matt so they thought that maybe he would talk to her.
    2. Matt can not go outside because Celia had nailed the door and the window shut.
    3. Matt runs to get the picture so that he can show the kids and hopefully they laughed which they did. The picture was called " Ribbot on Rye."
    4. A Chupacabra is a animal that sucks blood. The name translates to goat sucking beast.
    5. He jumped out the window because he wanted to play but the jump was to high so on impacted, he fell. He also fell on the shards of glass.
    6. They went to the big house.
    7. They all of sudden don't like Matt because he is clone and they took him right outside.
    8. It was a picture of a Scorpion that said "ROSA" below it. It also said "Alacran estates." Then a man ran into the room and called Matt creature, he got the kids to take him outside. He also wanted to burn the sheets he had touched.
    9. Why don't they like clones? What do they have against them?
    What is Celia's reaction?
