Thursday 30 October 2014

Chapter 4: Maria

Answer all nine questions below by commenting on the post. After Youth 0-6 (pages 2-49), you will receive a reading comprehension mark.

Make sure you are using details from the book, and, when possible, try to create answers that are thoughtful and unique to your own personal opinions.

1. Matt overhears Steven and Emilia talking. What do they think about clones?
2. What words are people using to describe Matt?
3. Where is Matt taken in this chapter? How is Rosa treating him?

4. Use THREE adjectives to describe Rosa.
5. What helps Matt to fall asleep? What do you think Farmer means when she writes, "...something let go inside of Matt" (p.29)?
6. Who comes to visit Matt?
7. Describe Maria using adjectives and descriptive phrases. Why does Matt think she is different from the other children?
8. Why do you think Celia told Matt all of these stories about La Llorona, chupacabras and other monsters?

9. Matt's life has changed significantly in the last few chapters. What do you think he is thinking and feeling?


  1. Tyler:
    1. When Matt overhears the children talking, they are talking about how he is a "filthy beast" and that he is not a real human and doesn't deserve to be treated well.
    2. People are calling Matt a "filthy clone" and a "beast". They are calling him this because he is not a real human, but a clone.
    3. Matt is taken to a room completely separate from everyone else. He is taken there because no one wants to even look at him. So, since he is far away form everyone else, only the doctor and Rosa have to look at him.
    4. One adjective I would use to describe Rosa is mean. She is mean because she never gave Matt a chance to prove that he is just like the other children, she just assumed he was some filthy crazy animal. Another adjective I would use is rude. She is rude because when Matt tries to say something to her, she just ignores him. Finally, Rosa is aggressive. She is aggressive because, when she found Maria in Matt's room, she became very aggressive towards Maria.
    5. Matt is finally able to fall asleep because he notices the night sky coming in through his window. The sky is making a waving type motion like the candle in Matt's bedroom at home. It makes him think of that and he is finally able to fall asleep.
    6. In the morning, Maria comes into his room. She comes into his room because she wanted to give him company and talk to someone her own age.
    7. Maria is different from the other children because she is actually nice to him. Whereas, the other children see him as a crazy animal. Maria is actually giving Matt a chance to prove himself as a regular kid rather than assuming certain things about him.
    8. I think Celia told him stories about the monsters to keep him from wanting to go outside. I think the stories acted as insurance to keep Matt from wanting or ever leaving the house while she is at work at the big house.
    9. I think he is very sad because he loved Celia so much because she was basically his mother. If I was in Matt's position, I would be very depressed because he is going without his guardian, and basically his mother.

  2. 1. Matt overheard them talking about how Matt is a clone they don't like clones they say that they should be dead and not to go near it. They also said that they should be dead at birth it was the law. The creator was so rich that he could brake any law or that’s what the kids say.
    2. They called him all kind of mean names like animal and filthy and a beast.
    3. Matt is taken to a room in the big house Rosa was treating him horribly, they gave him a bucket and a bed and locked him in a dark room like a jail.
    4. If I were to choose three adjectives to describe Rosa I would use mean, neglectful, and bossy.
    5. he looked up at the flame on the ceiling and it reminded him of the virgin with the candle. Then he started to think about what she could do, he thought "she can do anything" "she was jesus's mother". Then he was asleep in no time.
    6.Maria comes to visit Matt Maria bring food for Matt because Rosa didn't give him any dinner. She stayed with him and fed the food to him one by one.
    7. i would describe Maria as nice, caring, and easily frightened, she actually likes Matt but when Matt is telling stories she gets mad at him. She is different from the other kids because she actually likes Matt instead of hating him because he's a clone.
    8. I think Matt told her all those stories because Matt liked them so he thought that Maria would like them to but he didn't know some people don't like stories like that. Then there is also the reason because he didn't want her to leave.
    9. I think he is scared and confused because his life is changing so much and he does not get most of the things the children saying about him. He is scared because he doesn't know how Celia is going to find him when she comes home from work. He is also scared that if she does find him she will be mad at him for braking the window.

  3. 1. Steven and Emilia think clones are disgusting and stupid. They think they are dumb and don't know how to do things regular kids that age can do. They also regard them as "Animals".
    2. - An animal
    - A clone
    - Dumb/stupid
    - Disgusting/gross
    - They also call him "It"
    3. In this chapter Matt is taken to a prison cell like room, which contains only a bucket, some newspapers, and a hard, uncomfortable bed. Rosa is treating him very poorly, like he is an animal from a zoo. She completely changed her attitude when she found out Matt was a clone.
    4. I think Rosa is rude, a pawn (just does whatever she is told), and selfish.
    5. When Marîa comes into his room (cell) and sleeps with him, he feels better. He felt very alone in the cell, and he is used to having the sounds of Celia to comfort him. So he didn't feel as alone when Marîa was with him, which made him able to sleep.
    6. Marîa comes to Matt's room and sleeps with him.
    7. Marîa is nice to Matt, but a little bratty to the other kids and adults. I think she understands how Matt feels (alone, or maybe even rejected), and wants to comfort him. And maybe also comfort herself at the same time.
    8. I think Celia told Matt all of the monster stories so Matt would never try to run away, or go outside. She wants to keep Matt hidden from the outside world, and wants to make Matt feel like he needs to stay inside their house.

  4. 1: Matt and Emilia think that clones are disgusting creatures and that they aren't real people. Emilia even says "Clones aren't people," and that clones are "Bad animals,".
    2: Most people are simply referring to Matt as a "Filthy clone," however some people go as far to call him a bad animal and other rude names.
    3: Matt is taken by Rosa into a dark, cellar like bedroom with one bed and nothing else. Rosa is treating Matt very poorly. She only gives him a bucket to go to the washroom in, she is calling him very rude things, she is yelling at him and being just plain mean. She also put newspaper on the ground because she thinks that Matt isn't "house broken".
    4: Rosa is mean, close minded, and intolerant. She doesn't even consider the possibility of a clone being a real person. She thinks they are all filthy animals and should be treated so.
    5: Matt fell asleep by imagining the Virgin Mary watching over him. He believed that She could be where ever She wanted and that She would help him. (This was caused by seeing the candle and it reminding him of the candle in front of the Virgin) Eventually he was so depressed about missing Celia and wanting to go home that he just didn't care anymore. That is what it means by "Something let go inside of Matt."
    6: Maria comes to visit Matt to give him food because she knew that he hadn't been fed and felt bad for him. (She thought of it as not feeding your pet dog)
    7: She is very young and ignorant, however as opposed to all of the other children, she takes what she hears with a grain of salt and keeps and open mind. She doesn't know to much about clones, but when she is told by Emilia that they are "Filthy animals", she still goes to visit Matt and give him food rather than distancing herself from him. She is also very kind. That is why she feels bad for Matt and wants to feed him, and that is why Matt thinks she is different from the other children.
    8: She tells him about the chupacabra and other monsters because it is a way for her to keep him out of trouble, while keeping him sheltered from what is actually happening in the outside world. If she told him what was truly going on, he wouldn't understand. It is a good way to keep him in line, especially since he is very naive. He wont be curious about the outside world as much if he is worried that monsters will get him.
    9: He is probably feeling very scared and confused. He is very young and must not understand why all of the sudden everyone is treating him like dirt and hating him. He doesn't have much experience of the outside world and other people so he must find it very confusing.

  5. 1. They were talking about Matt and they were calling him an animal and saying he is supposed to live at the zoo. Emilia said clones droll and aren't supposed to be smart. Steven told her that he wasn't made blunt like clones are supposed to, he said El Patron is really rich and could buy his way out of any law.
    2. Animal, clone, it, and also a Filthy clone.
    3. He is taken to the servants quarter of the house where Rosa holds Matt down so that the doctor could get the glass out of his foot.
    4. When she first found out the Matt was a clone, she became very rude to him and treated him very poorly so I would use rude. I would also use unfriendly, she never gave him a chance to prove that he was different from all the other clones and acted a lot different then the other clones did. I would also use mean because when she holding onto Matt's leg to keep him from moving, she sat on his stomach which made it hard for him breathe.
    5. I think the fear of not being with Celia let go because he knows she will be there for him if something went wrong.
    6. It was Maria and she had brought food for Matt.
    7. I think since she is younger then the other kids, it makes her much more interested. For example, people were calling Matt and other rude stuff. Since she is interested, she wants to learn more about him. I don't think she has had a good friend about her age so since they are the same age, they connect a lot easier making it a lot to connect. Maria is a very friendly girl.
    8. I think she told Matt these stories so that he was a little bit frightened inside so the he would listen to the rules that Celia hard decided to set for Matt. For example, don't go outside.
    9. Matt doesn't really understand what has happened lately, everything has been happening to fast for him to keep up. He doesn't really know what clone is or what they were saying about him meant but he knew he was being insulted.

  6. 1.when they are talking Matt over hears they were saying that Matt belongs in a zoo, he is a fifthly animal and they clones mess their pants and make animals noises and they said he should have been dead at birth. and they said he is a bad animal
    2. they called him a animal. Rosa called him a fifthly animal and they called him a disgusting clone.
    3. after the doctor was done taking care of Matt he told Rosa to take him to a room . the room was far away from every one else it was a dark clod room with a bed and a bucket with one window that had a bars over it. it was a plain room with dark cold black walls. it had only one flickering light. Rosa is treating him like a animal that was found living on the street. she gave him a bucket some news pale and just closed the door. she was making him feel really bad and not caring for him at all.
    4. i think i would describe Rosa as a really mean person super bossy and just plain rude.
    5. what helps Matt fall asleep is the virgin candle. He thinks that the candle is always with him and is watching him and makes him feel safe. what makes him remember the candle is the flickering light when he was crying his blurred vision made the light loo light a fire and the fire made it look like the candle was light. i think that when she says let something go i think she means that he just let it go he doesn't care anymore that he is staying there and he thinks that Celia is gong to come back for her the next morning.
    6. in the morning Maria comes and visits Matt and she comes with mango juice and pepperoni. she brought it for him because they told her that he didn't eat dinner so she brought hi food.
    7. i think that Maria is a brat but she is really nice a caring but i also think she can be a bit annoying because she is throwing orange peels at Steve and emily. but she is also caring because what she did for Matt was just great no matter what they told her she still cared and helped him out. she thought that he was an animal because she was young and they convinced her but she just do you promise not to bite me.
    8. i think that she told Matt all these monster stories because she didn't want matt to go to the outside world and stay hidden but if he did escape he would come back before it was dark and not get lost int he outside world.
    9. i think that Matt is lost because he is only six he is a clone and not well educated. he probably thinks that he just staying there for the night but is probably confused of whats all going on.

  7. 1. They think clones are animals or beast that should be kept in zoos and they think that they go to the bathroom in their pants, they barf all over their shoes and they can’t do anything for themselves.

    2. People are describing him as a filthy beast, an animal, a clone, an it, and a bad animal.

    3. Matt was taken to a dark narrow room in the basement where the servants are. Rosa is very mean to Matt and is very rough with him.

    4. Rosa is bossy, mean and rude

    5. When it says something let go inside of Matt it means that he feels safe because the light represents the flame of the virgin and the virgin is watching over him.

    6. María comes to visit Matt.

    7. María is kind to Matt but very antagonistic to the other children. She is very energetic, and doesn’t listen to the other children when she believes in something.

    8. I think Celia told Matt all these stories about the monsters because she didn’t want him to go outside at night or really ever.

    9. I think Matt is thinking everyone hates him and that no one is going to come and save him.
