Friday 31 October 2014

Chapter 5: Prison

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post. Look out for the questions that ask for details from the book!

1. Where are Emilia and Maria?
2. What impression do you get of El Patrón from the beginning of this chapter? Use details from the text to support your answer.
3. What makes Rosa begin to treat Matt differently? Be specific in describing how she changes Matt's life.
4. How does Matt pass the time? What do you think is his state of mind? Describe some of his thoughts.
5. Who is Tom and what is the interaction between him and Matt?
6. When Celia arrives, she calls him mi hijo. What does this mean?
7. How does Maria explain Matt's behaviour? Do you think she is right? How do you think you would handle yourself in Matt's situation? Would you do anything differently?

Thursday 30 October 2014

Chapter 4: Maria

Answer all nine questions below by commenting on the post. After Youth 0-6 (pages 2-49), you will receive a reading comprehension mark.

Make sure you are using details from the book, and, when possible, try to create answers that are thoughtful and unique to your own personal opinions.

1. Matt overhears Steven and Emilia talking. What do they think about clones?
2. What words are people using to describe Matt?
3. Where is Matt taken in this chapter? How is Rosa treating him?

4. Use THREE adjectives to describe Rosa.
5. What helps Matt to fall asleep? What do you think Farmer means when she writes, "...something let go inside of Matt" (p.29)?
6. Who comes to visit Matt?
7. Describe Maria using adjectives and descriptive phrases. Why does Matt think she is different from the other children?
8. Why do you think Celia told Matt all of these stories about La Llorona, chupacabras and other monsters?

9. Matt's life has changed significantly in the last few chapters. What do you think he is thinking and feeling?

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Chapter 3: Property of the Alacrán Estate

In this chapter, Matt finds out that he is property of the Alacran estate, but he doesn't know exactly what this means.
Answer all nine questions below by commenting on this post.

1. When Steven and Emilia come back to the house, why is Maria there?
2. Why can't Matt go outside?
3. What does Matt do to communicate with the children?
4. What is a chupacabra? (You might need to look this one up!)

5. When Steven and Emilia leave, why does Matt jump out the window? What happens next?
6. Where is Matt taken?
7. What does it say on Matt's foot? How does everyone's attitude toward him change when they see this marking?
8. How does Steven's father react to Matt being in the house? What happens to Matt after all?
9. What questions do you have after reading this chapter?

Chapter 2: The Little House in the Poppy Fields

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post.

1. Create a t-chart to describe Celia on one side and Matt on the other (complete as you read the chapter).
2. Where do Matt and Celia live? What surrounds their house?
3. What do you think mi vida means? Why do you think this?
4. Brainstorm all of the items in Matt's home (his toys, furniture, food, entertainment etc.,)
5. Besides Celia, who is Matt's only connection to the outside world?
6. What did Matt see and hear outside the house one day when Celia went to work? What was his reaction?
7. What does Matt call Celia that makes her upset? Why does this upset her?
8. Why do you think Celia says that Matt has been loaned?

Monday 27 October 2014

Chapter 1: In the Beginning

Chapter 1: In the Beginning

Answer the questions below by commenting on this post.
  1. What is the setting of the story so far?
  2.  Is Eduardo the only person in the room?
  3. What is Eduardo trying to do?
  4. How old are the frozen cells?
  5. Where are the cells implanted?
  6. Eduardo is worried about his cells surviving. Do any survive?
  7. What is about to happen to Eduardo’s clone? Why doesn’t it happen to this clone?

Sunday 26 October 2014

Introduction to The House of the Scorpion: Cloning

After reading the article as a class, answer the questions below.

1. What have you learned about cloning? List at least three items.

2. What questions do you have about cloning? Write two.

3. Do you support the idea of cloning? Why or why not?