Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Chapter 15: A Starved Bird

1. Where is Maria now?
2. Who does Matt see in the stables when he orders a Safe Horse? How has this person changed?
3. What does Matt find at the oasis? What does Matt realize about Tam Lin when he reads the letter?
4. What does Matt find out when he gets back to the house?
5. How does the priest treat Matt at the funeral?
6. Who stands up for Matt?


  1. 1: Maria is at a convent with her sister to be "tamed". She is supposed to become a "proper young lady".
    2: When Matt orders a Safe Horse, the eejit that delivers it to him is Maria. She has changed completely. She is nothing like her old self. She has no emotions or feelings, and is no longer so mean or angry.
    3: Matt finds a chest at the oasis that was left by Tam Lin. It is full of gifts from him like food, survival guides, and anything that Tam Lin thought would be useful for him. He realizes that despite everything that has happened, Tam Lin still cares for Matt. He also realizes that Tam Lin isn't a very good writer.
    4: When Matt gets back to the house he finds out that El Viejo has died.
    5: The priest treats Matt very poorly. He claims that Matt is a "limb of Satan" and that he has no sole and should not be allowed in the church. He compares it to letting a dirty animal into the church.
    6: Maria sticks up for Matt. She preaches about how Saint Francis loved all animals and even tried preaching to a wolf and convinced it to never kill again. And this is even after she thought that Matt killed Furball and she still stuck up for him.

  2. 1) maria is know at a boring school in aztlan.,
    2) He sees rosa in the stables. She has changed allot because she is no longer mean but she is nice. She is nice because she has been turned into an eejit.
    3) Matt finds a chest in the oasis. He realizes that tam lin didn't really leave him he gave him all the things that he needed.
    4) When he gets back to the house he finds out that el viejo died.
    5) The priest treats matt like he is a monster a unbaptized beast. He sais "he is a unbaptized limb of saintin."
    6) maria stands up for Matt. The reason she did this is because she has been matured at her school.

  3. 1. She had been sent to a convent to teach her mature behaviour, and was not allowed to visit Matt anymore.
    2. When he went to the stables to get a safe horse, he met Rosa again who was handling the horses, however she had been turned into an eejit.
    3. Matt finds a metal chest under a tree at the oasis, he opens it and inside there is a letter explaining that the contents of the chest were from Tam Lin. He realizes that Tam Lin still believed in him, and he hadn’t deserted him after all.
    4. He finds out the El Viejo had died of old age.
    5. The priest treats Matt even hasher than anyone else has, and says he should not be allowed to attend the funeral.
    6. María comes out of nowhere and sticks up for Matt, she tells the story of how Saint Francis believed that all living things were equal. Then she leads him outside of the church, and they then go explore the house.

  4. 1. Maria and Emilia had been sent to a convent to become proper ladies.
    2.He saw Rosa, she had been turned into an eejit. She had no longer had anything to say to Matt. She wasn't even mean to him with her actions. She acted like she didn't even remember who he was, she called him "Master" when he said her name.
    3. He realized that Tam Lin wasn't very smart. Matt though "he isn't a very good writer even though he is very good at speeches. He also realized that he cared about Matt because he gave him stuff that he thought would help him survive. Tam Lin also looked at him as a friend when the note read," you friend Tam Lin."
    4. Every one was running around very quickly, Matt didn't know what had happened but then Celia told him that El Viejo is died.
    5. The prienst treats him like everyone else treated Matt too, he says," what is this doing here, who said you could bring dogs."
    6. Maria stands up for Matt, she says," saint Francois brought a wolf to church."

  5. 1. She was sent to a convent to become a nun.
    2. He sees Rosa who has now been turned into an eejit and she changed because she is not angry or mean because she cant be because she was turned into an eejit and they have no emotion.
    3. He saw that Tam Lin wasn't a very good writer or very intelligent and he knows this because he found a letter. he also saw that Tam Lin never left him and he saw him as a good friend.
    4. When he gets back he sees everyone running really quickly and in a hurry but he is confused but when he asked Celia what is happing she said El Viejo died.
    5. The priest treats him badly and says who said dogs could come here and he treats him like that because he thinks Matts an animal.
    6. Maria stands up for Matt and says that it was saint Francois fault.

  6. 1. Maria is at a convent. A convent is where girls become nuns.
    2. When Matt reaches the stables, he orders a safe horse. However, an eejit brings him out a Safe Horse, but this is no eejit. The eejit that brings Matt the Safe Horse is Rosa. Matt is very surprised by this because the last time he saw Rosa, she was being dragged away by burly men for what she did to Matt.
    3. At the oasis, Matt finds a chest. On the chest there is note from Tam Lin. Matt knows it is from Tam Lin right as he reads it because of the spelling and Tam Lin and Matt are the only people who know about the oasis.
    4. When Matt gets back to the house, Matt finds out the El Viejo is dead. El Viejo had cancer but refused to get treatment or transplants because he felt it meant that god thought it was his time to die.
    5. The priest treats Matt very badly, like an animal because he is a clone and not a regualr person.
    6. Maria stands us for Matt because she is his friend and has forgiven him for so called killing Furball.

  7. 1. Maria is now in a convent to learn how to be a proper Lady.
    2. IN the stables he sees Rosa but she is different she is not mean and she is nice to Matt. Rosa treats mat like a real human now because she is a eejit.
    3. Matt finds a chest find with things like beef jerky, books, and the letter. When he reads the letter he notices that he was never educated and his writing was very bad.
    4.When he gets back he is talking to Celia and Matt was very confused because everybody was running around. Then he found out that El Vejo has died. This was not a surprise to Matt.
    5. The priest treats Matt very horribly, the priest even pulls him out of the line. He even call him a a dog and said that "would you take a dog to church.
    6. Maria stands up for Matt and said "saint Francois brought a wolf to church" for a comeback to the priest would you bring a dog to church.

  8. 1. Maria was sent to a convent.
    2. Matt sees Rosa in the stables. She is the one who imprissoned him. Rosa is now a eejit.
    3. Matt finds a metal chest and when he opened it was from Tam Lin. Matt realizes that Tam Lin was not educated when he read the letter. The letter was written terribly and looked like it was done by a child.
    4. Matt finds out that El Viejo died.
    5. The priest says “this doesn’t belong here” (Priest, pg 153). He tells Matt that he doesn’t deserve to be there because you don’t bring animals to church and that he is an “unbaptized limb of Satin” (Priest, pg 154).
    6. Maria stands up for Matt.
